Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite, Trolleite facilitates meditation. Its energetic field of tranquil serenity envelops us during meditation to encourage us to let go of the distractions of the world, and of old habits. It allows us the calmness to explore the clarity and expansiveness of life, the earth, and the universe, so we can connect to our higher consciousness and spirituality. Trolleite alleviates stress and imbues us with a sense of purpose. It can help us to sleep, and to better remember our dreams.
As with most blue stones, we might expect trolleite to be particularly useful for communication. If you’re looking for support to speak truthfully and from the heart and to listen effectively, then trolleite could be a good fit. Others may notice that trolleite helps them connect with their higher self and spirituality. Trolleite could even have a reputation as a stone of ascension because it contains lepidolite, and those pieces can aid with personal awakenings. Ultimately, though, it’s all about trusting your intuition.
Trolleite and it’s sister minerals (Scorzalite and Lazulite) are all stones that engage your upper chakra system, promoting a divine connection between you and your higher self. As one’s consciousness and awareness begins to expand and ascend, significant symbolic events will begin to stand out to your newly awakened third eye. Such events can be extremely minute and last seconds, but have a stinging effect on the brain and body. Something small and normally unacknowledged by the brain can hold such strong meanings, ultimately changing your entire way of thinking. This “new” head on your shoulders will work towards maintaining clarity of the mind, allowing your soul to forge a connection to the universe. Through dimensional travel, one will have the opportunity to understand the secrets of life and the purposeful reason for your place on Earth.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite
Trolleite is a powerful stone to open and energize your chakras and energy centers and helps to release blocked energies. It resonates strongly with the Crown and Throat chakras. It is a perfect crystal for all healers and lightworkers to use, with its ability to activate and balance all energy centers. It facilitates openness to divine connection to increase your metaphysical abilities.
As Trolleite is an ascension crystal, it facilitates a higher awareness of ourselves and the universe. It is very beneficial when used in meditation and energy healing and helps create calmness and serenity, and clarity of focus. Ascension stones can connect the body and mind with the spiritual realm and aid you in spiritual growth. These stones are said to vibrate at a high frequency, which helps to align the chakras and promote balance in the body.
Trolleite amplifies sensitivity and intuition, and encourages self-discipline, ethics, and personal responsibility. It supports mental and emotional focus, so it is easier to embrace independence and accountability, and set and attain goals. It helps us to live in harmony with others and to solve problems with a clear mind, while protecting us from outside influence to ensure that we can see our path with clarity.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite
It teaches you compassion and love for all beings. We learn and are supported to live in harmony with others. It encourages us to listen and communicate clearly and it lends support and courage to live from the heart. It aids non-verbal communication and amplifies your sensitivity, increasing your intuition and telepathy. Connecting with the deep cellular memories of your life’s journey, Trolleite helps to bring them into conscious understanding and then propels you forward along your timeline to explore all your future possibilities. It brings forth all knowledge for your conscious mind to access, guiding you to live more in line with your soul’s purpose.
It helps to deepen meditation and connects you to your deep cellular memories from previous existences. This supports your access to Inner Wisdom and to determine why you feel and react the way you do to situations in the current life. Trolleite actively helps you dissolve the barriers you’ve placed on ourselves that are blocking your spiritual progress. This stone is also very soothing and healing as unearthed issues arise and you are processing them. It will enable you to release with the least amount of pain.
Encouraging us to listen and to communicate clearly, Trolleite lends support and courage, so it is easier to tell the truth and to speak from the heart. It encourages tolerance, and allows us the wisdom to see others with compassion, and to accept their strengths and weaknesses, and learn from them with an open heart.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Trolleite
If you are in need of a stone for manifesting, Trolleite is a great choice. It will be a light for your soul path and highest good. Helping to bring your intentions into your reality, releasing you from negativity, or fearful energy that is holding you back. It helps you realize and remove your block; whatever they may be. Trolleite is an activator for all your energy centers, helping to open them up. Releasing blockages. It is an excellent stone for energy work leading you to knowing your own divine connection to your spiritual powers.
This stone is a powerful manifestation stone, so the Trolleite spiritual properties are most useful during moon rituals, vision rituals, and bringing your dreams to reality! When you are planning out your future goals, wear or hold Trolleite to help inspire ideas and develop plans to implement your visions. This gemstone will actively motivate, inspire, and attract opportunities for you to life your very Highest Life.
On a physical level, Trolleite helps with headaches, migraines, reduced vision, speech or pronunciation problems, sense of smell, motion sickness, strengthening hair and nails, nerve pain, sciatica, and neuralgia.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Archangel Raphael
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Blue
Chakra: Throat
Element: Air
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Chamomile
Goddess: Maia
Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Planet: Mercury
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
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Top Stones List For The Holidays
Geological Properties Of Crystals
Written by rob
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