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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite, Sugilite is a potassium sodium lithium iron manganese aluminium silicate that belongs to the â€‹Milarite – Osumilite group of minerals. Milarite – Osumilite is a group of similarly structured cyclosilicates. The primary structural unit of this group is a most unusual double ring. This stone is only rarely found as crystals, it is usually massive in form. They are transparent. translucent to opaque with a vitreous to dull or waxy lustre. â€‹Sugilite is prized for its striking colours of pink, magenta (red-purple), indigo (blue-purple), lavender, violet and purple. Some pieces exhibit banding, mottling and/or patterns, because of the presence of more than one of these colours;  some pieces appear bluish purple in daylight and reddish purple under incandescent light.

Sugilite is a stone that connects the body to the spirit. It helps you to rifle through the idea that dis-ease can also be caused by emotional turmoil and depriving ourselves of the love we so truly deserve. To help overcome this, Sugilite can balance the nervous system, calm the senses, and help you to physically let go of fear and tensions that could be contributing to any kind of chronic illness. For those battling with mental health issues like paranoia and PTSD – Sugilite can help smooth the cracks so you feel less shattered into pieces. It’s also a divine stone for sleep and dreamwork, helping people to overcome insomnia.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

Sugilite helps to increase physical stamina and endurance. Use this stone to support treatment for iron deficiency and well as breathing difficulties or other lung related health challenges. It is also beneficial for those with anaemia, asthma and allergies. This stone has a harmonising effect on the nerves and brain function. It assists with epilepsy, dyslexia, autism and Asperger’s syndrome.

Sugilite is also a savvy pain reliever thanks to its high levels of chill. This gem can ease headaches, muscle tension, and can even help with everything from iron deficiencies to boosting physical stamina, and cleansing lymph systems too. The reason its so good at being an effective pain reliever is down to the high levels of manganese stashed in the stone.

Sugilite will reduce and encourage the recovery from infection and viruses. This stone enhances the function of the pineal and pituitary glands. Sugilite encourages balance to food related addictions and compulsions, such as excessive alcohol. It assists in controlling gambling and out of control spending. The lighter coloured sugilite purifies the lymph glands and blood. Sugilite is useful in countering nightmares, insomnia and other sleep imbalances. It offers you peace of mind and can help in releasing worries.

Soaked to the core with love, Sugilite shines when it comes to healing the emotional body. As mentioned, it’s called a love stone for the modern age as it encourages amazingly deep bonds with the people in your life. As Sugilite works on gentle nurturing energy, it can cut out intrusive thoughts, fear based behaviors, and co-dependency. It builds relationships on forgiveness and love and the ability to give without greed or need getting in the way. For those who are also carrying the weight of heartbreak, this gem can make the burden lighter by providing support and reminding you that you are held. Sugilite brings strength to the wearer in a way that infuses their spirit with hope and power. It reminds you that you are loved, you are supported, and you are part of a bigger meaning.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

Sugilite improves the ability to face up to unpleasant things. It dissolves tension in the soul, alleviates sorrow and grief and helps with fear, paranoia and schizophrenia. This is a stone for the heart and resolves inner hurt. It is helpful for adopted children who feel rejected by their birth parents. Sugilite is excellent for children who find socialising hard. This is a stone for those who are involved in the care of vulnerable people as it offers compassion to the carer. 

Sugilite soars when it comes to spirituality. This stone loves spiritual growth and will do everything in its power to facilitate it for you. From clearing out aches and pains that are blocking the heart to chakra to encouraging connections with your inner wisdom via the third eye chakra, and sending light and love soaring through your crown chakra too. Sugilite is a violet flame stone which brings purification and burns away negative attachments, trauma from past lives, and bad karma spots. It keeps us clean and open spiritually so we can live full and rich channeling our love and power and using our psychic abilities for good.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

This is a powerful love stone that avoids sentimentality in relationships while encouraging commitment in good times and bad. Wear, sugilite to attract kindred spirits and encourage a love of life and a belief in the inherent goodness of people. Sugilite helps you cultivate tools to love and be loved without neediness on the part of either person. Use this stone to develop a true understanding of detachment, which can help you develop healthy relationships once you realise reality’s impermanent nature. This stone will assist you in transforming disturbing emotions or ignorant beliefs, especially as they relate to your relationship with others. 

A major love stone, sugilite brings wisdom and opens all the chakras to the acceptance of love and a path of happiness. It helps find answers to questions about life such as why am I here?  What is my destiny?Having a close relationship with love makes sugilite perfect for protecting the soul against shock and trauma.  It can often bring light into the darkest situations. Sugilite promotes understanding on a mental level whilst emotionally it helps with the ability to face difficult situations.  It eases sorrow, grief and fear and encourages positive thoughts and behaviour. A stone for those who need love and support, sugilite is an essential companion for those who find certain aspects of everyday life a struggle.

Sugilite helps you to overcome hopelessness, overwhelming feelings of having no options in your life. It reminds you that you can achieve anything you can dream and lends you the strength and courage to manifest those dreams. It is ideal for those people who tend to fall into negative thinking or who lack confidence in their abilities. Sugilite is useful in counteracting nightmares, insomnia and other sleep imbalance. it offers you peace of mind and can help in calming your nerves and releasing worries. It helps forgiveness and eliminates hostility. Sugilite encourages loving communication in a one on one situation but particularly in a group situation. Sugilite encourages positive thoughts, it is ideal to do affirmations.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Sugilite

This gemstone will teach you how to acknowledge your suffering, which you could use to speed up your recovery. It will assist you in overcoming negative emotions such as hatred, jealously, hatred, and contempt. It will pull your sufferings off of you and exchange them with emotions of tolerance, joy, and calm. Sugilite will stay with you after you seem like oneself anew, bolstering you with all of the insights you’ve gained from your adventures. Sugilite will teach you how to make each other happy. It will provide you with a new and more extensive understanding of romance. It will also help you learn to become more kind, tolerant, sympathetic, and merciful. This gemstone will teach you how to become more transparent and nicer. It will keep you feeling liberated since love must therefore help you feel fair, bright, and unfettered. You are best off than the affection you possess just here if it causes you to feel humiliated, filthy, or much unlike the nasty mindset.

Sugilite allows you to deal with and overcome conflicts without entering compromise. It helps find solutions that are based on agreement and don’t put the other party at a disadvantage. Sugilite helps you let go of the past and move forward in a positive way. This stone deflects negative thoughts projected from others and from yourself. The transmutational power of this stone, transforms negative belief systems, gently guiding you toward a more beneficial belief systems. Sugilite’s energy calms relentless inner chatter and invites peace and a calm mind.

This stone is an exceptional stone to have because it’s associated with spiritual growth. When you have the energies of sugilite in your life, you will have wisdom and genuine spiritual love. The stone’s powerful metaphysical properties will encourage you to live more boldly and courageously, to follow your passions, and to live your truths! Sugilite’s energies will inspire you to discover your purpose in this world and make you appreciate everything about your life. Life can be picture perfect with the help of this healing stone. And even if life is less than perfect, it will show you that everything will still work out in the end. This is a good stone to have with you to make you strong and courageous in the face of rejections, disappointments, and heartbreaks. The pain will not hurt as much, and it will reassure you that there’s always a rainbow after the rain.

Sugilite is a powerful stone for opening the third eye and etheric chakras. It activates inner vision and opens you to your innermost motivations thoughts and belief. The bright, vibrant colours of sugilite opens the upper chakras to allow you to connect with your dreams. The darker coloured stones help you in grounding those dreams  into reality and maintaining your fortitude in pursuing them.


Animals: Dragon, Water Snakes, Dolphin, Fish, Frog, Turtle, Swan, Crab

Archangels: Archangel Gabriel

Astrological: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Water, Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseido

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids, Fairies of ponds, lakes or streams

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