Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Petalite
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Petalite, Petalite is a lithium aluminium silicate that belongs to the silicate class of minerals. ​Its crystal system is monoclinic. It crystallises relatively rarely and most often occurs as large, cleavable masses. Its colour can be white, colourless, grey, pinkish or yellow. Colourless pieces can be faceted into exceptionally sparkling gems. Petalite forms in granite pegmatites and is often associated with other lithium-bearing minerals, such as Amblygonite, Kunzite, Spodumene and Lepidolite. Petalite is found in Australia, Brazil, Sweden, Namibia and Afghanistan.
Petalite gives courage to convictions. It combats clumsiness. It is considered a stone of the New Age and is sometimes called the Angel Stone because it enhances angelic connection. It is thought to dissolve feelings of abandonment and alienation. It is good for the aura, yin/yang balance, and all psychic abilities.
Carried on the body, petalite constantly energises and activates all the energy centres of the body. Petalite, placed in a room will give out energy and dissipate electro-magnetic energy. Petalite can be used for ADD, ADHD, excessive worry or stress, and other instances of overactive ego-mind. It is helpful in regulating blood pressure and countering anxiety attacks. Petalite aids healing of the endocrine system. It is useful for the treatment of AIDS and cancer. Petalite benefits cells, eyes, lungs, muscular spasms. and the intestines. Petalite supports you when the chemicals in your brain are out of whack and you are going through a manic period. With this stone in hand, set the intention to balance your brain physiology. It is particularly useful for ancestral and family healing, because it reaches out to the time before everything went wrong.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Petalite
Petalite has a high, pure vibration that opens to cosmic consciousness. It is a protective stone that enhances meditation and attunement and aids in spiritual purification. It is a shamanic stone, useful for vision quests, and provides a safe environment for spiritual contact. It accelerates spiritual evolution, to access downloads of cosmic consciousness. Petalite brings peace of mind. Pink Petalite strengthens the emotional body, and releases fear and worry. Clear Petalite removes negative energies.
Petalite is soothing and healing for the emotional body. It is excellent for healing all types of emotional trauma but is particularly valuable for overcoming abuse/victim patterns. It is an ideal protective stone for children overcoming abuse, or who are having difficulty in maintaining their centres in the face of bullying. Petalite brings a frequency of calm self-acceptance and self-love. Its calming qualities can be attributed to its Lithium content. Lithium allows for the calming and balancing of traumatised emotions and energies. With its mood supporting lithium content, petalite helps balance the emotions by keeping mood swings at bay, especially in romantic relationships. Let this stone remind you to invite and invoke angelic assistance to feel safe and secure.
It is thought that Petalite is good for the eyelids, eyebrows, cells, lungs, intestines, muscle, and joint flexibility. It is said to aid detox. It is also thought to help cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Petalite
Petalite helps you to maintain a balanced state of mental consciousness. Use this stone to think clearly and keep your perspective on reality. This stone facilitates creating calm peace and serenity. It calms people with hyperactivity when held with focused intention. This stone is a powerful protector against bad energy, negative vibrations, even voodoo and black magic. When used in meditation or scrying, it brings peace and stillness It can enhance your ability to see psychic vibrations and the energies of other people.
It is a powerfully protective stone, as it will not allow negative energy to remain in is vicinity. It also has a number of excellent healing attributes including helping to relieve stress and tension. In the past been it has been used as a talisman that was believed to destroy all black magic or other unwelcome forces.
Petalite is a wonderful meditation tool, assisting in the easy transition from ego mind to centred consciousness. It can be used to enhance one’s sense of connection to All-That-Is and help one embody that consciousness even after meditative practice has ended. It assists in opening the third-eye and crown chakras and can stimulate higher perceptions. Petalite is an activator of the higher mind. It has a soft, balanced energy that can lift one easily and quickly into higher realms of awareness during meditation or can aid one in maintaining a higher state of awareness throughout daily activities.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Petalite
Your meditation journey will be aided by its high sweet vibration, as it elevates you up into, and beyond the soul star chakra. It is one of a group of high frequency stones, and it is said to be a stone of manifestation, as it will assist you to bring into your life the visions that the journey has shown you.
Petalite helps you align your head with your heart while you are learning to balance your emotions. When communication does not feel as strong, use this stone to reactivate your connection wiht the angelic realm. It stimulates the link to higher consciousness and facilitates communication from Ascended Masters and other spiritual guides. With this stone in hand, listen to the messages from angels with your heart. Petalite is sometimes known as the “Angel Stone” because it enhances angelic connection. It opens cosmic consciousness, helps in spiritual purification. Petalite is a protective stone that enhances meditation and attunement, it takes you to a very calm and clear spiritual dimension where causes can be understood and then changed.
Petalite is popularly known as the Stone of Intent because it can make your intentions manifest in your life. It can make your dreams a reality with your hard work and perseverance. This stone has the ability to protect its wearer from negative energies, bad intentions, and harmful spells. It will remove anything that’s affecting your flow of positive energies, and it will keep at bay anything that’s preventing your light to shine. It’s a protection stone that will remove the negative energies in your surroundings. It’s a stone that you should have with you to ward off negative psychic attacks, thoughts, and karma.
Animals: Dragon, Water Snakes, Dolphin, Fish, Frog, Turtle, Swan, Crab
Archangels: Archangel Gabriel
Astrological: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Candle Color: Violet
Chakra: Crown
Element: Water, Spirit
Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender
Goddess: Juno, Gaea
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseido
Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender
Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh
Planet: Jupiter and Uranus
Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids, Fairies of ponds, lakes or streams
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