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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite. Orgone products are powerful Spiritual tools that can be used to enhance all areas of your life; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They can best be described as transmitters of Universal energy, also known as Source Energy, Ether and Zero Point Energy. This is the force behind all creation and has the capacity to transform lower vibrational (negative) energy into higher vibrational (positive) energy.

By simply holding an Orgone device or being near one, negative energy will dissipate from your magnetic field, creating a higher, more balanced healthy state. Meditating and focusing your energies with an orgonite such as an orgone pyramid can direct this energy towards personal healing, protection and spiritual awakening. Orgonite enhances your energy and balances all the chakras that need healing or reactivating. Enhances clarity and awareness 

The powerful healing effects of the crystals are magnified in an Orgone Pyramid or Pendant. Orgone pyramids and pendants  are made of healing crystal energy with a mix of organic (resin) and non-organic materials (copper and gold shavings) that have the property of moving the orgone energy back and forth and act as a cleansing of the stagnant, negative energies. Ascending copper spirals help in getting the energy flow from the bottom of the Orgonite to the top. On the opposite side, descending copper spirals are used for getting the energy flow from the top to the bottom.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

An orgone pyramid or pendant should always be cleansed the first time it is acquired and introduced into a new space. There are many different methods you can use to cleanse an orgone pyramid before you program it. I like to use the purifying ritual and properties of white sage sticks to smudge and clear them. Burning sage, also known as smudging, is an ancient spiritual ritual. Smudging has been well established as a Native American cultural or tribal practice, although it isn’t practiced by all groups. We have the traditions of many Native American peoples to thank for its use. This includes the Lakota, Chumash, Cahuilla, among others. Many other cultures around the world share similar rituals. White sage smudging sticks have antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

How Orgonite was discovered?

In the 1930s a form of energy was noticed by an Austrian psychoanalyst, Dr Wilhelm Reich (who was originally a student of Sigmund Freud). Dr Reich named this energy orgone (aka chi, ki, life force). Dr Reich’s research revealed that organic materials will draw and capture orgone energy and non-organic materials will simultaneously draw and repel the energy. Dr Reich believed that the end result is negative energy transformed back into healthy energy.

How Orgonite is made?

Orgonite is made with natural resin, Quartz and metal such as Copper wire and/or metal shavings. Orgonite may also contain other crystals such as Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Amethyst and Citrine, just to name a few. To create Orgonite you need to layer the non-organic materials, such as Copper and metal, with the organic materials such as natural resin or wood.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

What Does Orgonite Do?

The main purpose of orgonite is to improve the quality of life physically, mentally, and spiritually. Throughout the years, the said tool has been used for many purposes.

Here are some of the known benefits of orgonite:

  • Protects against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs)
  • Balances the energy field
  • Purifies the environment
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Encourages relaxation
  • Eases stress and anxiety
  • Relieves pain
  • Attract luck, love, and abundance
  • Improves spiritual awareness

Organite Healing Properties

Just anything to do with energy healing, the effects of orgonite differ from person to person. Some feel the energy right away (usually as a tingling or clarity-giving sensation), while for others the effects are cumulative. The most commonly reported effects of orgonite are:

  • Physical- Orgonite brings better sleep, more energy, stronger immune system, and decreased sensitivity to EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies).
  • Emotional- A great way to balance moods.
  • Spiritual- Encourages spiritual growth by deepening meditations and removing negative energy in a specific place.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Organite

Orgonite Crystals for Healing

Most orgonite pyramids and necklaces in the market today aren’t only made of resin and metal shavings. They are infused with healing crystals too.

Each stone inspires various healing effects which we discussed below:

  • 7 Chakra Stones. Balances the flow of chakra in your body for good health.
  • Amethyst. Purifies negative energies.
  • Black Obsidian. Absorbs negative vibrations.
  • Black Tourmaline. Protection against unwanted frequencies.
  • Citrine. A stone for wealth that absorbs and amplifies the energy of your intention.
  • Clear Quartz. The “master healer” is used to amplify healing energy.
  • Green Jade. A nurturing stone that encourages financial growth.
  • Green Aventurine. A stone of luck and opportunity.
  • Labradorite. Promotes balance and protection.
  • Lapis Lazuli. Offers spiritual protection.
  • Malachite. Encourages positive transformation.
  • Rose Quartz. The stone of love used to open the heart.
  • Selenite. Purifies negativity.
  • Tiger’s Eye. Inspires courage, confidence, and clarity.

How to Use Orgonite

Orgonite is best used around areas with a lot of electronics, like offices or desks. However, it’s also pretty versatile so you could feasibly use it while meditating or to clear a room of negative energy. As always, try to wear this stone whenever you can! All gemstones are more powerful when worn in close contact with the skin.

How to Care for Your Orgonite

Orgonite devices can be used for a long time. However, you need to take proper care of the tool to maintain its effectiveness.

The first thing you need to do is to cleanse the tool when you receive it.

There are various ways to cleanse orgonite, including smudging, salt rituals, and sound healing.

Then, program it with the energy of your intention to activate the device.

You can do this by meditating with the tool to charge it with your energy.

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