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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite, Green Fluorite adds growth and nature energies to the properties of Fluorite. It clears negative energy from any environment and brings cleansing, renewal, and a spring-like freshness to the chakras. It inspires new ideas, originality and quick thinking. Particularly healing to the Heart Chakra, this mineral permits information to rise from the subconscious, and helps the emotional body understand issues of the heart, both current and of the past. It enables release of emotional trauma and outworn conditioning, frees one from the slavery of addictions and things that are harmful, and allows one to serve purposes of a higher good. Harmonizing the mind with the heart, Green Fluorite helps make certain one’s thoughts, words and actions are aligned with their true purpose.

Green Fluorite is a stone prized by both geologists and metaphysical healers alike. Physically, the stone is one of the most balanced available, which translates into its ability to balance the mind and soul. Because Green Fluorite is such a physically balanced and stable crystal, it is used for balancing and stabilizing the spirit, soul, and body. Green Fluorite is the great harmonizer, making sense out of confusion and helping organize and reframe thoughts. Green Fluorite restores order and also promotes peace in the mind, body, and environment.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Draw on Green Fluorite to clear negative energy from a room or work space, and to absorb pollution from the environment. Place in an area where children play to minimize conflict, and place in the pocket of children who travel fume-filled streets to school or play in urban areas. Keep a Green Fluorite crystal in the garden to attract butterflies. Use Green Fluorite to clear mental fog, confusion or conflicting ideas, or to quiet worried thoughts and anxiety. It is ideal for overcoming any form of disorganization, and is perfect for increasing thought and concentration. An excellent study and learning tool, Fluorite helps absorb new information, and improves memorization and retention. Used regularly, it nurtures the intelligence and is even believed to raise the I.Q.

Often referred to as the “genius stone,” Green Fluorite has a strong connection to intelligence and mental aptitude. This stone helps you hear new concepts, ideas, and information and process it with better understanding and retention. Green Fluorite’s strong vibration of 6 stimulates brain cells and helps support better concentration, laser focus, and discernment. Users of Green Fluorite keep the crystal near them when they need additional mental clarity, are experiencing a difficult problem, or need guidance. If it’s deeper intuition and connection with psychic powers you want, Green Fluorite can also help. Green Fluorite provides a clear channel to the spiritual realm and clears negative energy from the spiritual environment.

Green Fluorite clusters are particularly conducive to working with modern technologies. Their frequency harmonizes with computers and electronics, and draws off environmental stress and negative energies from electromagnetic fields. Their presence in work areas, labs or places of study helps the mind stay focused, organized and clear. They are remarkable talismans for analysts, accountants, scientists, engineers, researchers, processors, programmers or designers. They benefit anyone who works under pressure or lives life at a fast pace to keep the mind calm and productive. Green Fluorite gives form and structure to energies, ideas and concepts, stirs creativity and opens the mind to new possibilities. As “dream crystals,” Fluorite protects the mind and is marvelous for freeing the spirit at night to explore, travel and expand without fear or disturbance. Place one under the pillow to heal to heal night terrors and sleep paralysis, and to prevent unwanted out of body trips. Green Fluorite angels, spheres and eggs provide soft energy and breaks down barriers between our world and angelic realms. Green Fluorite is an excellent “focus stone” for maintaining discipline in a health or fitness plan by incorporating structure into daily life and garnering strength and endurance for physical activities, such as Pilates, yoga, running, or muscle training. It also assists in balance and coordination.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

The meaning of a stone simply refers to its symbolism, or what the stone is most closely connected to in terms of metaphysical abilities, spiritual connections, and physical manifestations. Green Fluorite’s meaning is attunement to the spirit, which is thought to be the highest level of awareness one can achieve. Green Fluorite represents pure mental focus, mental ability, and growth. With the ability to clear and absorb negativity from the environment and spiritual channels, Green Fluorite is known for its ability to spark renewal. New thoughts, creative ideas and solutions to problems, and new frames of belief are all achievable with a Green Fluorite crystal.

Green Fluorite is useful in treating disorders of the stomach, circulating a soothing energy throughout the intestinal tract. It eases discomforts of colitis, heartburn, and cramps, and is conducive for overcoming eating disorders. Green Fluorite is highly beneficial to the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract, and may be utilized to dissipate symptoms of colds and flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, dry cough, emphysema and pneumonia, as well as staph and strep infections, canker sores and herpes, ulcers, shingles and nerve-related pain. Fluorite may also be used in treatments of violent or highly infectious disease, as well as a protective preventative for those who work with infected patients.

Green Fluorite helps unclog our Heart Chakra, absorb negative injury and trauma, and give us mental clarity and focus to overcome anything that blocks the Heart Chakra from complete openness. Green Fluorite helps promote a state of acceptance for all things the heart experiences and can help change your mind frame from experiencing them as either good or bad but simply as events that ebb and flow in and out. While Green Fluorite is close to the Heart Chakra, it’s also powerfully connected to the Third Eye Chakra, which controls consciousness. The Third Eye Chakra can be balanced by Green Fluorite, improving perception and helping you see situations clearly instead of through the veil of emotions.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite is particularly strengthening for the teeth and bones, and assists in ameliorating osteoporosis, posture damage and deformities. It helps reduce pain, swelling and inflammation associated with arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and bone-related injury, and can be used to restore mobility and relieve spasms. Green Fluorite is an exceptional crystal for relieving mental illness and disturbances of brain wave frequencies by increasing the electrical charge of brain cells and balancing the brain’s chemistry. It assists in issues of dizziness and vertigo, as well as balance and coordination. If worn day and night for several months, Fluorite can also assist in healing distortions in personality, intelligence and character that are often linked and prohibit one from leading a full life.

Fluorite stones are frequently used for physical healing, but Green Fluorite, in particular, is often used for immune disorders, bone issues, and even dental pain. Because Green Fluorite is a strong stone with a heavy, detectable gravity, it’s the perfect solution for helping ease joint and bone pain. It has the ability to align with the skeletal system and provide support for your bones. If you suffer from diseases like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bone spurs, or other bone-related issues, keeping Green Fluorite nearby can help bring soothing comfort. Green Fluorite also connects with the body’s immune system, making it a stone that is very popularly used for support with colds, flu, and other ailments. Some healers even promote the use of Green Fluorite for serious infections and immune disorders. If you suffer from stomach issues, digestive discomfort, or an unbalanced gut, Green Fluorite can be used to find relief.

Green Fluorite has a wonderful, stabilizing effect on the emotional body, helping one to “think through” one’s feelings when overwhelmed and to allow a coherent pattern to emerge that dissolves confusion, vacillation, fear of the future, or of making a wrong decision. It gently brings suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution, and is beneficial in countering mental disorders. Fluorite helps dispel illusion and rigid thinking to reveal the truth and help one move beyond narrow-mindedness to the bigger picture. It increases self-confidence and structures one’s energy to unearth one’s true potential. Green Fluorite is also an excellent crystal for helping one understand the balances intrinsic to relationships. It aids one in being impartial and unbiased, and to utilize fair reasoning in situations where it would be wise to see and act on information with objectivity. Fluorite brings stability to groups, linking them to a common purpose, and allows relationships, groups and the individual to flourish within that which is beneficial to all.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

No matter what you are experiencing, Green Fluorite can help you find stability. Whether you feel like you are in a mental state of chaos or are surrounded by chaos in your environment, Green Fluorite can help smooth anxious, bound-up nerves, clear channels of mental confusion, and remove environmental stressors. Green Fluorite helps create order and design, making situations and thoughts more rational and easier to interpret. It’s also powerful in helping you release mental fixations. Those that struggle with unhealthy habits and behaviors, like addiction, find release from those burdens.

Green Fluorite activates and restores the Heart Chakra located near the center of the breastbone. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment. When the Heart Chakra is out of balance we may feel either controlling or controlled in a relationship, and become critical of the little foibles of others. We may find ourselves having inappropriately strong emotional responses to everyday external stimuli. Green crystal energy is used to resolve blockages and to re-balance the Heart Chakra, helping us understand our own needs and emotions clearly. We can deal with the ebbs and flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, and accept the changes.

All of us experience areas of spiritual brokenness, as well as the need for spiritual healing. Green Fluorite brings spiritual healing in the form of helping unlock repressed memories and feelings, so you can properly heal from them. Green Fluorite also restores spiritual balance. When you feel you aren’t as spiritually connected as you once were, or when you feel as though your spiritual channels are clogged, Green Fluorite can help you clear the channels and make better contact with your spiritual guides.

Green Fluorite is a multi-dimensional crystal manifesting the highest aspect of the mind: attunement to Spirit. It heightens intuitive powers, and awakens one to the purity and perfection of the universe and how each individual fits into that perfect plan. Within Fluorite’s essence, it is possible to develop an understanding of the non-physical realities of the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions, and to explore the inner sanctums of the self, where all knowledge and wisdom is contained. Fluorite allows one to align with the source of our being and to stay consciously attuned to Divine Will while still functioning on the physical plane. It enables one to be at peace while still claiming one’s uniqueness and individual expression.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite is one of the best crystals for meditation because of its ability to help you maintain focus. Many users find simply placing Green Fluorite crystal next to them during meditation helps them find a deeper connection with their spiritual practice. It’s also a great stone for use in yoga and pilates, as it helps promote endurance and focus and keeps the mind in check and free from negative, defeating thoughts or distractions. Green Fluorite also helps improve balance and stability, making it perfect for attempting to master side crow position or finally achieving a forearm balance. Green Fluorite also opens spiritual channels to allow the flow of psychic exchange. If you are exploring your psychic tendencies and abilities, Green Fluorite is essential in your ceremonies.

Meditating with Green Fluorite clusters in the workplace or during a hectic day will initiate conscious mental clarity, helping one to grasp concepts and realities that might otherwise be inaccessible. These clusters are marvelous boosts for when the mind is tired, confused or imbalanced. Fluorite pyramids are special structures intended for meditation, and are there for those who are ready to move into the inner realms of being. When held to the light, many display inner sanctums resembling chambers that descend deep within and are excellent for drawing the mind to seek deeper within itself. The pyramid is symbolic of the ultimate balance each soul must achieve to complete its evolutionary process.

Healers love using Green Fluorite to help absorb negative energy from their clients instead of allowing it to pass into their auras. Green Fluorite is also powerful for helping balance the Chakras. Placing a Green Fluorite crystal into each palm and one above each brow can help balance the Third Eye Chakra. Placing a crystal on the Heart Chakra (in between the breastbone) can help balance the Heart Chakra.


Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Archangel Raphael

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element:  Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, Selene

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds

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