Top 11 Black Stones

Top 11 Black Stones

Top 11 Black Stones

Top 11 Black Stones, 1) Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness.

Potent, inky black, and with strong grounding forces, this jet colored stone is known for being a swallower of negative energies. It effectively helps the wearer be absolved of dark feelings, turning these anxious vibrations into a positive spin that nurtures the soul. Black Tourmaline is deeply connected to the base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. When your root chakras are beautifully balanced and in check, this grants you that deep-seated self-confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and set upon your own path to spiritual healing. And Black Tourmaline can pave the way.

Perhaps the most famed benefit of the Black Tourmaline stone has to be its mighty protective properties. This is a stone so well versed at keeping you in the clear from toxic energies, that you can step out without a worry. Whether dealing with a dose of negativity from another person, or blocking EMF’s and worrying environmental factors, wearing Black Tourmaline is akin to always carrying a shield which cannot help but add a swagger of positive energy every time you step out.

Black tourmaline assists the body to remain balanced between the left and right sides of the brain which can aid in the understanding of oneself and others, as well as improving hand/eye co-ordination. By balancing the energy in the body and helping to eliminate toxins, black tourmaline healing properties include the power to banish stress, calm anxiety and promote emotional stability.

Top 11 Black Stones

Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It can be used for scrying and was traditionally used to point out a cause of trouble or an offender and to indicate a good direction in which to move. To use Black Tourmaline in purification and protection rituals, create a ring of eight small natural tumble stones for a protection circle or place upon an altar. Black Tourmaline is an excellent grounding crystal for meditation and healing. A small number of Black Tourmalines are double-terminated, ideal for body layouts. The linear flow of energies is enhanced equally in both directions along with the crystalline form.

2) Black Agate

Since ancient time, Black Agate is used for its grounding, balancing and centering effects. It is closely connected to the Root chakra. Wearing jewelry made from this gemstone will bring you peace, balance your positive and negative energy, relieve anxiety and provide protection during hard times. In the past, this gemstone was used for alleviating and healing joint and bone problems, neck and shoulder pain relief, helps with digestion and eases nausea. Black agate is a stone of new beginnings, change, and transition soothing deep emotions like grief, anxiety, and anger. Banded Agate is considered as a great stone for healing mind, the body, and the spirit. It is used for protection, security and used for moral stability. It is used as well as a helping stone for organizing person life, soothing, and as a grounding stone. It is said that it can help with cutting cords with persons that have a negative influence on a person wearing, being a boss, partner, friend, or any other negative person that want to manipulate with you.

Black Agate is strength giving. It provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances an during times of enormous mental or physical stress. It centers your energy and aligns it with a higher power. Onyx helps you access higher guidance and its connection with the whole. It can take you forward to view the future and with its capacity to impart personal strength, helps you to be the master of your destiny. This stone promotes vigor steadfastness and stamina. Banded Black Agate helps you to learn lessons by imparting self confidence and helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.

Black Agate has long been associated with new beginnings and regeneration in many cultures. It should come as no surprise that it was used in health and skincare by the ancients. Few historical civilizations have utilized the gem to treat blood illnesses, bones, and teeth, while others used it to treat skin diseases like rashes, inflammations, and infected wounds.

Top 11 Black Stones

Black Agate amplifies your financial strength and ability to stay focused and to achieve financial goals. This is the perfect stone for entrepreneurs and helps the self employed gain confidence and endurance to stay in business. It promotes longevity in business. Black Agate can help lessen symptoms of headache and is used to help strengthen the eyes and optic nerves.

3) Hematite

Hematite is beneficial to those who are nervous or restless for no apparent cause. It aids in the removal of deep-seated anxieties and the maintenance of a person’s calm and cool. Hematite bestows tenacity, resolve, and the bravery to stand up for one’s rights and views to those who wear it. It also assists in the removal of bad ideas and promotes focus and logical thinking. It is also thought to improve relationships by bringing calmness, dissolves negativity and keeps you from absorbing other people’s negativity. Hematite is a powerful stone that may help with shyness, self-esteem, and survival, as well as increasing willpower and dependability and instilling confidence. It aids in the treatment of overeating, smoking, and other kinds of overindulgence, as well as compulsions and addictions.

Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Those in relationships can benefit from the cooperation vibe coming from Hematite. Hematite can help one to find their own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control. Hematite aids in the Ascension process, by facilitating the integration of higher spiritual energies into our physical 3-D existence. This allows those who are doing spiritual work to still be able to function in the physical world and relate to others.

Hematite grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A “stone for the mind”, Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Utilizes the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

The Hematite crystal meaning is linked to its connection to the root chakra, the center of security and survival. By creating a strong sense of energetic stability, this crystal works to align, clear and balance your root chakra so you feel centered and secure. Not only do the Hematite crystal healing properties lend a sense of grounded-ness and stability, but they can also help you to feel energetically protected by guiding you to release any energies that may be destabilizing you.

4) Smoky Quartz

moky Quartz, is a type of Quartz that gets it’s black and/or smoky color from natural radiation (in reference to the proximity of other radioactive minerals) or natural irradiation. This particular Quartz variety forms in masses and crystal structures of all sizes. It can be found all over the world where the best specimens have come from Africa, Australia, and the New England region of the United States.

Top 11 Black Stones

The Smoky Quartz crystal is a grounding stone known for its ability to help you move on from difficult or painful experiences. It guides you to a higher state of being, a place where you can let go of the past so that it makes you better, not bitter. Leave the past in the past and move on toward a brighter future with the help of the Smoky Quartz crystal properties. Quartz crystals are a gift from the earth. They have the ability to amplify or strengthen the things in you that are positive, and can help you put away things that cause you fear or anger. They can strengthen your ability to be a loving person, and can enhance your abilities to enjoy life and accomplish the things you want in life. They can amplify intention, reduce stress, help with centering, balancing or calming, strengthen healing abilities, and surround you with protection by amplifying white light. Any healthy quartz crystal point can strengthen these things and help produce personal growth by amplifying the subtle energies that flow inside you.

Smoky Quartz has always been known as one of the strongest and most effective tools for dissolving and transmuting negative energies. Not only will it protect one’s aura and body from negative vibrations, but also change those existing negative energies into something more positive. For example, Smoky Quartz can help one break bad habits and patterns by showing your true inner strength. This self-revelation can show you how much self-control you actually possess. There will be times in our lives where we will have to face adversity and not cower in the face of distress. Smoky Quartz can help you manifest that specific power needed to tackle those challenges.

Smoky Quartz links with the Earth stimulating concern for the environment and inspiring ecological solutions. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics. It is invaluable in layouts for environmental healing, and assists elimination and detoxification on all levels, ushering in positive energy in its place. An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Keep one in a purse, a bag in the glove box or near valuables, especially if left unattended for long periods of time. As a driving crystal, Smoky Quartz protects against road rage and other harm while driving on motorways, on long journeys or in heavy traffic by reducing stress and increasing concentration. It also shields against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.

5) Black Kyanite

Black Kyanite aids in the manifestation of vision and clairvoyance. Full of healing energy, Black Kyanite is a favorite among energy healers and is especially helpful in body layouts. Black Kyanite can be placed on any Chakra to send healing energy to any tears or holes in the Chakras and the aura. Its fan shape can help to sweep away any unwanted energies.

Black Kyanite activates our entire chakra column while also helping one realign their entire body and spirit. This can be felt through deep meditation, especially when placing your crystal directly over the affected chakra. We like to take slow and deep breaths as we first begin our session, allowing our emotional and physical body to become comfortable with Black Kyanite’s energies. Once done, remove any thoughts from your head and focus your eyes (while shut) to the center of your forehead. Doing so for 20-30 minutes a few days a week can alter the course of your decision-making process. It will also lead to the absolving of any negativity one may have been holding onto both physically and emotionally.

Top 11 Black Stones

Black Kyanite connects to our base chakra. This is one of the most important chakras as its where we root into our own personal sense of safety. As one of the strongest grounding kinds of Kyanite, you are clearing out those imbalances that can trip you off-kilter and helping to replenish your meridian system.

Black Kyanite is an excellent meditation tool. Meditating with Black Kyanite can help us to come up with important insights resulting from the exploration of the subconscious mind. Often used to explore past-lives, Black Kyanite can also help us anticipate how current actions affect our future.

6) Spectrolite

Spectrolite, is a soft energy gemstone. It shows high labradorescence. Began as the trade name of the stone found in Finland, nowadays there are more and more mines of Spectrolite found all around the world. Spectrolite is a unique stone, much different Labradorite in its rough and polished forms. The yellow stone with labradorescence is often cut into cabochons for lapidary uses. It is a stone of good will and clarity. Spectrolite meaning is light; it heals and cleanses your spirit. More on this wonderful stone below. Meaning of Spectrolite teaches the wisdom of light. It helps us decode the lightness of your being through meditation and concentration.

Spectrolite is an inter-dimensional stone that softens the barrier between the waking world and the other dimensions. For the spiritual adventurer, this is the gemstone of self-discovery. Perceive with your inner eye, work to heal patterns that no longer serve you, and uncover your Highest Awareness. With spectrolite in hand, upon an altar space, or in a medicine bag, truth is revealed; you will tap into your deepest sense of wisdom and seeing. It is a stone that strengthens intuition, raises consciousness, and attunes its bearer with the Divine. Though it guides you on your spiritual journeys across realms and times, it also imparts strength and perseverance. It keeps you on the path of inner healing and new change. Let it become your companion as you move between the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual realm of so much more.

Top 11 Black Stones

Spiritually, this highly mystical stone raises consciousness and facilitates multi- and inter-dimensional Journeying’. Holding profound esoteric wisdom, Spectrolite takes you into other lives, removing psychic debris from previous disappointments or ill-wishing’ and strengthening your trust in the universe. A stone of transformation, it prepares body and soul for ascension’. Wearing it prevents energy leakage or vampirization of the biomagnetic sheath’ or spleen chakra, especially by a discarnate spirit. Enhancing psychic vision, this stone filters the third eye and deflects unwanted energies or information from impinging on you. Spectrolite removes other people’s projections, including thought forms’ hooked into the biomagnetic sheath.

Top 11 Black Stones

A crystal of original ideas, Spectrolite helps you communicate with your subconscious. It is a stone for opening your Throat chakra powers. Spectrolite empowers you to speak the truth and chase your destiny. It is a unique crystal vibrating to number 7, the number of purity and enlightenment. Another chakra awakened by Spectrolite is the Third Eye chakra. It makes you intuitive and awakened. Third eye is the chakra that opens your spiritual vision. It helps you see your reality clearly.

7) Nuummite

The oldest mineral on Earth, Nuummite was formed over three billion years ago from volcanic origins. It is a unique combination of Anthophyllite and Gedrite metamorphosed into closely inter-grown crystals of charcoal gray to black with iridescent flashes of gold, though its labradorescent display may include red, orange, yellow, green, silver, blue and violet. It is named for the remote, rugged mountain area north of Nuuk, Greenland, where it was discovered in 1982 and is still painstakingly mined today. Similar rock has been discovered in Canada and the United States, however only the rare Greenland variety has color developed well enough to be suitable for gemstones.

Nuummite works towards bridging the spiritual and physical realms together, providing a channel for higher knowledge and transformative energy to grow and prosper. This stone helps unlock one’s third eye and activate your own unique psychic abilities. Inner vision of one’s past lives, as well as messages from your guardian angels and spirit guides coming through to you during dreams or intense meditation sessions are fairly common when initially working with Nuummite. Try placing this stone over your third eye and allow the stones energy to directly be absorbed into your pineal gland. Pulsating vibrations will soon begin to imbue your entire body and elevate one’s entire consciousness. This mineral holds the key to many of Earth’s secrets, as well as the life that once existed on this planet. Working with this stone repeatedly and becoming more comfortable with the energy it holds is a huge part in understanding the mystery behind Nuummite. 

Top 11 Black Stones

Nuummite can be used in general healing and in tissue regeneration. It has been used to relieve pain and discomfort associated with headaches and degenerative disease. It can be used to disperse infections, to purify the blood and kidneys, and to regulate insulin production. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the throat, the vision, and the eyes; it has been used to clarify and to strengthen the eyesight and the speech. It is an excellent stone for the stimulation of the triple-burner meridians as defined by acupressure/acupuncture specialists. It can also be used to stimulate circulation, to assist in the recovery from Parkinson’s disease, to treat disorders of the central nervous system, to treat disorders of the brain, to stimulate mental acuity, and to reduce anxiety and stress. It can also help to protect against the negative vibrations of pollutants, at the physical level, via the creation of an energy field which it builds within the aura.

Nuummite offers clear vision of your true nature. It assists in perceiving your gifts,  lessons and power. It teaches self-responsibility and helps to eschew false humility. Denying the gifts that you have been given does no one any good. Nuummite gently reminds you of this and helps to identify and utilise the gifts you have been given.

8) Obsidian

Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that helps to form a shield against negative forces and provides a cord from ones base chakra to the center of the earth. This kind of anchoring can be overwhelming for some since it works so fast but it can be extremely helpful for those working in the healing professions as it gets to the root of an issue quickly. Obsidian is a talisman of those who dare to see…the past, the future, or one’s own inner demons and darkest truths. It is no ordinary stone, but nature’s glass formed from volcanic lava and hardened so quickly it formed no crystalline structure. It has no boundaries or limitations, and works rapidly with great power. Its edge can be razor sharp, and its dark, glossy surface polished into cold, hard glass, a “mirror stone” for those prepared to look deep into the inner being, the subconscious, to reveal one’s shadow self…flaws, weaknesses, fears, all. Nothing is hidden from Obsidian. This stone awakens the inner warrior and provides courage to enter our subconscious mind and rediscover our hidden abilities. Obsidian, in general, protects our mind from all sorts of negative energies. Because of its reflective, mirror-like surface, Obsidian works like a mirror in which we can clearly see our own mistakes and weaknesses.

Top 11 Black Stones

The Obsidian crystal meaning is linked with the concept of darkness, and just like our ever-spinning planet and its phases of night and day, the human soul also contains elements of light and dark. A powerful protection stone, the Obsidian crystal stone meaning helps you identify your dark shadow side so that its healing properties can clear it away from your psyche. Instead of hiding from darker energies, Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love. Obsidian is a grounding and centering stone, it is quite effective when carried or utilized in protection ritual. By grounding spiritual energy in the physical plane, obsidian connects the mind and emotions. Absorbing and destroying negative energies, cleaning the subconscious blockages one may have, and then releasing stress.

Obsidian can be a valuable tool to keep peace in a family with rebellious teens and children. For a job interview, keep some in your pocket, as it will help you communicate effectively and present as more authoritative and classy. As well it is a grounding stone; and one of it’s lesser touted properties, is that it speeds things up. In physical healing it detoxifies and supports healthy blood flow; also it alleviates pain and inflammation, thus helps with arthritic conditions

9) Shungite

Shungite, is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It’s mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs. Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. The origin of shungite is a mystery. Typically, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests. But the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.

Users of shungite say the stone has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. Many people refer to an old 2003 study, where shungite reportedly protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. Yet, the study is outdated and only involves animals. This phenomenon has some support theoretically, but more research is needed to see if there’s any benefit for humans.

Top 11 Black Stones

Due to the ancient age of these gemstones, shungite is believed to have very strong grounding properties and earth energies. It provides a powerful defense against harmful energies created by the electromagnetic frequencies of manmade electronic devices. It helps energize and ground your root chakra, allowing your body to become more receptive to energies in the higher chakras and deflecting away bad luck and other bad energies. It is also said that water purified by shungite carries some of the same strong earth energies. This may further bring your body into alignment and balance, boost healing, relieve stress.

Top 11 Black Stones

Shungite stimulates your body’s self-healing mechanisms on a subtle level. It transmits natural wisdom, resulting in calm and greater awareness. Deeply connected to the Earth, Shungite will recenter you when you feel confused or anxious. This stone’s grounding properties stabilize your inner systems and promote recovery from illness, disease, alcohol poisoning, or bad diet choices. Shungite is also a very powerful protection stone; it shrouds you in darkness so that bad luck cannot find you.

10) Spiderweb Obsidian

The frequency of Spider Web Obsidian connects to the third eye chakra, stimulating this chakra aiding one’s insight and inner vision. It helps one to “see the bigger picture” and gently holds and supports one energetically so that one may have clarity and a knowing as to that which is in one’s highest good. The protective and supportive energy of Spider Web Obsidian helps one to “see” and understand the rights and wrongs concerning issues within one’s life, supporting one to “go within” to receive guidance from one’s soul. It allows one to face deeply held emotions and to gently release those that are not serving one. This unusual form of Obsidian supports one energetically so that one is able to have confidence in oneself and to understand what one needs to do in one’s life, and helps to ground this energy in the third dimension so that one is able to move forward.

Spider-web Obsidian supports an open mind to the many belief systems, faiths and followings that follow a universal role of having a positive Divine intervention. This Divine intervention can be in many forms, but always comes in that of Love and in that of Light. This is a stone that helps its keeper on such seeking and searching journeys. It brings encouragement towards that which is of peace and of harmony, as well as offering guidance each step of the way, helping to bring forth a sense of security. Spider-web Obsidian seals and protects the souls who join with its energies. It is a stone that in time brings connection with all that has been, and shall be.

Top 11 Black Stones

Also, this is a stone that helps the being keep their feet on the ground. Alongside this, the offering of grounding comes with a sense of knowing what step next is the most suitable to make. “Fear of stepping out into the world for fear of going wrong, creates a world unknown, A world unknown is a world untouched” Spider-web Obsidian helps to protect the being from incoming negativity. It also removes negative smog from within the beings own energy, and creates clear paths through negative and corrupt atmospheres. 

A stone that encourages the being to be rightful with belongings and materials that are not the beings own. It is a stone that opens the mind and heart to break a habit or break the impulse of taking or damaging such belongings and materials.  Spider-web Obsidian is beneficial in helping the being to release the “need” of self negativity, self hate and self harm. It is a stone that encourages steady confidence and thought that is rich in positive energies for future investment within ones own knowledge, ones own belief, and ones own knowing.

11) Black Spinel

The meaning of the black spinel is to present intuitive outcomes. It also means to beat all your challenges and get back to the original condition. Black Spinel is valuable to bring out boundless chances. If you thrive to achieve your goals, wearing Black Spinel can benefit you. It will adapt your feelings and help you solve the problem.

Black Spinel is an excellent tool for emotional and spiritual healing. However, some crystal enthusiasts swear by its ability to foster change in your physical body as well. Compared to other crystals, the potential physical benefits of Black Spinel are subtle. It doesn’t have broad healing powers like some other crystals do. Nonetheless, the potential benefits are ripe for the taking. According to many experienced healers, Black Spinel is helpful for those who want to induce a positive change in their gastrointestinal system. It’s often used with the intention of improving digestion and reducing the frequency of stomach upsets.

It may even strengthen your muscles. Those who regularly work sometimes turn to this stone if they’re trying to overcome plateaus. Meanwhile, people struggling to obtain the physique they want may start to see some progress as they work towards their goals. Black Spinel is even used to help improve the skin as well. Some have said that letting its energy wash over your body reduces breakouts and promotes a clearer complexion. Black Spinel is considered to be a master energizer. Practitioners believe that it makes you feel more dynamic and present, leading to increased stamina and better overall health.

Top 11 Black Stones

Black spinel stone has some very interesting properties and by observing closely, we can spot it easily among other stones. The stone is more likely to be a backer in situations where change is involved. Changes of a professional or private nature, changes that go back on their own initiative, changes that were imposed more likely. The spinel is associated with issues such as confidence, energy, and stamina through its channeling and structuring energy. People who feel deficits in these aspects or suspect development potential, find in him a reliable companion

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