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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones, This color reflects highly spiritual people who are very connected with their spirit guides. It also symbolizes our connection to the universe. This color has actually been used as a scientific method of healing as it stimulates our pineal gland, which is responsible for producing melatonin and serotonin. In turn, these chemicals help improve the quality of sleep, elevate moods and promote feelings of happiness.

Purple Crystals can be very useful in transcending chemical dependence. These crystals can also work to provide mental strength and inner fortitude when it comes to battling dependency. Purple Crystals target the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. They can give relief to depression, concussions, anxiety, headache, and even mental illness. They can help the body heal on a cellular level. These crystals can also reduce stress and treat certain blood disorders.

Purple was considered an imperial or regal color, so purple healing crystals were a symbol of spiritual strength. High priests and spiritual leaders would use purple crystals as part of their adornments. As such, purple stones became a symbol of wisdom and power. They also became symbols of the ability to wield magic in one’s favor.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

Forever connected to the light of the crown chakra, purple crystals are considered to be amulets of magic and mysticism, stones of sublime spiritual healing, and wondrous in their ability to reconnect you with your own innate wisdom. Purple stones connect to the third eye and the crown chakra.

The third eye chakra is our link to our well of inner wisdom and that deep soul felt intuition. When our third eye is open we no longer sit frozen in doubt or swing our feet on the fence of indecision. Because we know we have the answers stashed inside, we are better equipped to follow the threads of our heart and not live in a place of fear or uncertainty.

The crown chakra is our highest energy point and shimmers with the possibility of higher living. Opening the crown chakra is for those who want to connect on a deeper level. It’s how we communicate with higher beings, how to explore what sits beyond the borders of our minds, and how we call on those all-important messages from the universe. The crown chakra is all about manifestation, connection, and finding your true purpose in life.

These beautiful spiritual crystals are now a mark of the spiritually aware and conscious mind. Purple stones symbolize spiritual growth and development. They talk about connecting to the higher dimensions and making progress on your spiritual ascension process.

It can stimulate imagination and creativity. Since this color helps improve the quality of sleep, it helps those who are very dream-oriented and brings up emotional issues to be resolved. There is a lot of power in this color as it stimulates our pineal gland and is very effective with manifestation. It allows us to connect with extraterrestrials and bring about changes that will benefit Mother Earth. It stimulates the mind to bring about change in our outer world.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

A light purple gemstone encourages spiritual enlightenment and sharpens psychic abilities. A darker purple crystal helps relieve mental stress and brings a positive radiance into your life. Spiritual healers often use purple crystals in their spiritual practice because they repel negative energies and restore a brilliant aura.

This is where the true power of the purple crystal sits – in sharpening your mental focus, keeping your mind fog-free, and keeping your whole being connected to your conscious mind. In order to do this, purple stones know they need to muck in and help clear out the junk too. Often purple crystals come soaked in soothing energy, ever ready to eliminate stress and anxiety. Thanks to their high vibrations and connection with the cosmos and the crown chakra, the light-catching lavender and shimmering plum-coloured crystals hum with positive energy, helping to rid you of heavy toxic thoughts and lifting languid feelings of melancholy too. There is so much to celebrate in the soothing spiritually laced energy of purple gems.

The energies of Purple Crystals have the ability to lift your spirits and your moods. They can turn your mood around with just one touch of your Purple Crystal. They will calm your nerves and ease your mind when you’re going through uncertain times. And they will stop you from overthinking or from thinking negative thoughts.

The vibrational energies of the purple crystals have the ability to lift your moods and spirits turning a negative thought and mood with just a look or touch of these powerful crystals. This is because purple crystals can help calm your nerves and your mind whenever you are going through uncertain and challenging times. They stop you from thinking negative thoughts and overthinking. Furthermore, these crystals can help prevent distraction and help you concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

But perhaps the strongest thing about purple crystals is that they offer you a sense of spirituality. You don’t have to be religious people. The strong energies of these crystals should make you feel and aware of the more powerful and mightier force at work in your life.  In addition, purple crystals also represent creativity and transformation. They help encourage imagination. This will allow you to unleash your own creative self. Most importantly, be continuously inspired to come up with innovative and wonderful ideas.

Purple stones are all about soothing energy, deep dreams, and transcending. Purple stones help prep us for these leaps by ensuring that our heads aren’t plagued with pains and migraines and that our sleep is soft, long, and as restful as can be. They are excellent tools for those who suffer from headaches or insomnia. Purple gems also work on the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. These gems can help ease the intensity of depression, can soften the sharp edges of anxiety, and can help the body to heal on a cellular level too.

Purple Crystals will relax your mind and soothe your nerves so that you can focus on the tasks at hand. These crystals will not allow anything to distract you or to make you start thinking about the worst things that can happen. Purple Crystals will encourage imagination and creativity. They will help you unleash them so that you will continue to come up with wonderful new ideas.

Purple crystals are psychic power busters. These super spiritual and highly attuned gems truly come into their own when it comes to blasting those crown chakra blockages and making sure that your inner light is shining out as loud and proud as can be. When our crown chakra is open, all that energy that flows through our body can be sent out into the world with purpose. This helps us to connect and sync up with the universe and can help us to harness those powers of manifestation along with embracing our clairvoyant visions and using all our wonderful witchy powers for good.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

These crystals are beneficial for those who deal with a lot of stress. These people include workaholics or those who have an excessive work ethic. Purple Crystals will help them slow down and take a break. They will remind them to take care of their well-being and enjoy even a brief but quality break.

These gems are full of joy and keep you from embittered toxic thoughts or negative behavior patterns. When we are clear about our desires, when we don’t feel bogged down by limited self-belief, and when we have high hopes born from love rather than expectation, we are beautifully poised to embrace the relationships of our dreams. Healthy, harmonious, and with heightened excitement and spiritual feeling – these are the connections we should be curating for ourselves.

These crystals will help those who are suffering from insomnia or those who are prone to depression. Purple Crystals will help remove the melancholy feeling and the sense of isolation. These crystals are also very cleansing. They will get rid of negative energies and unhealthy emotions and help you regain your balance.

Purple Crystals will bring peace and harmony into your life, and they will raise your spirits so that you will feel strong and confident again. They will brighten your outlook on life and encourage you to share your gift of humor. With their calming energies, purple crystals are also recommended for those dealing with a lot of stress, especially the workaholics. These crystals can help slow them down and take it easy reminding these people that they also need to care about their well-being and deserve a quality break.

These gems are always working behind the scenes to connect you with your sense of sublime ambition and help you reach the top of your truest dreams. Wealth shows itself in many ways, sometimes through financial gain but more often through deep relationships, rich experiences, and a whole and complete sense of self. Purple stones support all of this. They rid you of the kind of anxious thinking that can keep you small. They keep your mind sharp and your vision clear. They keep you free from the confines of mental stress and heavy dread. When we move through life as light as a feather and with our arms open wide, we are ripe for receiving all the amazing things that are coming our way.

One of the best things about purple crystals is that they can also be used for those suffering from depression, anxiety, or insomnia. They shall help in removing the melancholy feeling as well as the sense of abandonment and isolation. Since they are good cleansers, purple crystals can help get rid of negative energies. And even unhealthy emotions, allowing you to regain your balance and bringing harmony and peace into your life. This way you can feel confident and strong once again,  brightening your outlook in life.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Purple Stones

Purple Crystals will sharpen your conscious mind and enhance your mental capabilities. They will also help you improve your memory and keep your thoughts aligned with your life goals. These crystals will also sharpen the conscious mind and enhance mental powers. They will improve your memory and keep your thoughts in line with your life goals.

Since they target the pituitary and pineal glands, purple crystals are also known to regulate hormone secretion. In addition, they even help in reducing stress and treating some blood disorders. You can also use them in cleansing the blood and normalizing your blood pressure.

Purple crystals are also great for the heart, calming the nerves, soothing bruising and swelling. They can even help with some hearing disorders. Moving down, purple crystals are also helpful in your digestive system while also used in deep cleansing your skin and pores and even stimulate hair growth.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Win


Purple Stones For Sale:


Amethyst Stalactite

Lavender Aura Quartz

Spirit Quartz


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