Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones, Connected to matters of communication and the throat chakra, blue crystals are here to heal all issues with the mouth, throat, thyroid, neck, and shoulder. We forget how much of an impact our throat and larynx has on our upper body and how that whole system is connected. Blue stones work wonders helping to heal sore throats, reduce tension and migraines, unravel tightly wound muscles in the neck and shoulders, ease an earache, and reduce your risks of catching pesky colds and fevers.
Blue crystals can help deal with balance issues and/or blockages of the Throat Chakra, the fifth of the seven Chakras. The Throat Chakra is located at the front of your throat. Many of the other Chakra energies flow through this one. So, it is worth noting that you may experience out-of-balance symptoms of other Chakras along with the Throat Chakra. This is caused by the Throat Chakra blocking the energy flow from the other centers. When the Throat Chakra is out of balance the symptoms may include sore throats, tight jaws, stiff neck, and headaches. You might find yourself habitually lying, feeling fear and doubt about the intentions of others, or find yourself stammering or at a loss for words. You will likely have feelings of being isolated and misunderstood.
Blue Crystals will enhance your communication and strengthen your self-expression. They will also stimulate your ability to express or communicate your deepest personal truths! These crystals are associated with creative identity as well. They are aligned with the planets Neptune and Mercury, and they resonate with the water sound.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones
A balance of blue colors will bring trust and faith in yourself and in others. It will also restore or increase the peace, joy, and tranquility in your life. It will enhance your intuitive abilities, spark your inspiration, and show you how you can become more honest and sincere.
Blue crystals are the crystals of trust. When we seek to become more sincere, act more responsibly, or become more trustworthy or faithful, these crystals give us the focus we require. Trust is a complex need. We seek to trust others and we seek to be trustworthy.
Most of our interactions with others depend on mutual trust. Blue crystals are excellent aids in ensuring that we are acting out our lives as worthy of the trust of our friends, acquaintances, and community.
Blue is the color of water, the ocean, the sky and healing. In many ancient civilizations, like the ancient Egyptians, blue crystals were used in their rituals as they were believed to represent heaven. Cleopatra was aid to crush blue gemstones, like Lapis Lazuli, to use for vibrant cosmetics. Blue gemstones promote spiritual awakening, serenity and tranquility. Using blue stones, especially when you are under stress, is said to surround you with calming, soothing energies to relieve stress and calm the mind. They can be used to reopen the energetic flow in areas that are blocked, encouraging you to relax, open up communication and find inner peace.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones
Our throat chakra is the fifth chakra and sits in the center of our neck. It’s connected to the color blue and is the place from which we speak our truth and communicate with the world. When our throat chakra is blocked this can be hugely frustrating. It may affect our ability to communicate our needs, forge boundaries, feel understood and heard, and feel empowered. An open throat chakra means we can be clear in our expression both externally and internally too. It provides confidence, clarity, and better balance in our lives.
Light blue crystals like Blue Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, and Aquamarine are associated with your creativity and communication with other people. Dark Blue Crystals like Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli signify your ability to communicate with yourself. Blue Crystals will also give you stability, security, and safety when you’re embarking on a long journey or moving to a different location.
When you connect with the energy of blue gemstones, it encourages a healthy change in perspective by giving you a wider view of any problem or challenge. If you feel stuck in a rut, it could be your own stubbornness that keeps you from changing and evolving. It might be a needlepoint cliché, but blue gemstones help you ‘go with the flow’ instead of forcing things to happen or not doing anything at all, which can sometimes be worse.
As communication and the throat chakra plays a huge role in relationships, it’s no surprise that blue crystals can be incredibly important for helping lift love up to a whole new level. As these stones ensure that you feel able to commit to truth and honesty this can deepen your relationship and help you to build nurturing experiences with those you love. Blue stones also bring serenity and peace to relationships. These gems are quick to cool hot-headed anger which can rear up in emotional disagreements. They can help you to become more in tune with your partner and to welcome more intuition into your connections.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones
Blue Crystals are known as a natural antiseptic, which is why they are often used by healers. When your throat chakra becomes blocked, you will experience difficulty in expressing your feelings or communicating your thoughts. This can result in tension headaches, stiffness in your neck and shoulder muscles, thyroid problems, hearing problems, or colds.
Blue Crystals will have a beneficial effect on the mouth, throat, thyroid, and parathyroid glands. They can relieve migraines and earaches, especially Blue Lace Agate. They can also reduce fevers and ease the discomforts associated with high blood pressure. They can help in the treatment of eye strain, laryngitis, and sore throat as well.
Blue gemstones are also useful in meditation because the shade of blue is soft, expansive, and instantly soothing. If you’re feeling stressed, a light blue gemstone is one of the best remedies for a frazzled mind/body/spirit, which is why blue waters of an island paradise are always the focal point of vacation brochures; it promises freedom, relaxation—an escape from the hectic pace of modern life.
Blue is the color ray of patience, forgiveness, compassion, sincerity, and trust. While blue crystals can help make us more mellow, calm, and thoughtful, they can also help us face reality, deal with guilt and betrayal, and help us overcome insecurity. They can be helpful with recovery from substance abuse and assist us in maintaining our faith and beliefs. Keep reading to learn more about blue crystals meanings, uses, and popular varieties.
Blue is the color of ice reflecting the slowly lightening winter sky as the deep violets depart and the sun climbs higher every day. As the winter slowly gives way to the budding spring, and life quickens, ready to burst forth, blue marks the beginning of life and emotion.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Blue Stones
Blue Crystals will increase the number of career opportunities that are presented to you. They will also strengthen your financial or business know how. They will boost your leadership qualities in a way that will be inspirational and motivational to others. Blue Crystals will bring order to all things. They will release your fears and bring courage to your life. They will also bring mental clarity and reduce your problems related to a scattered mind.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Raphael
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Indigo
Chakra: Throat
Element:Â Air
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Chamomile
Goddess: Maia
Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Herbs: Black pepper, Pushkarmool, Peppermint, Slippery Elm
Incense: Frankincense, Peppermint
Planet: Mercury
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
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