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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine, Ametrine blends masculine and feminine energy, the masculine energy of citrine, and the feminine energy of amethyst.

Ametrine gem is a complete balance of the properties of citrine and amethyst. As a stone of both connection and balance, the ametrine gemstones are believed to help relieve tension, stimulate creativity and bring serenity. Not only that, but it also has the ability to stimulate your self-confidence while stabilizing your mentality.

With the combination of mind-enhancing amethyst and physical-stimulating citrine, ametrine gem brings together the psychic and physical worlds than no other stone can. It also links with a physical, earthy and fiery energy that brings intellect and spirituality to its user.

Ametrine gem can enhance compatibility, balance and acceptance of other people. It will show where everyone is linked while overcoming prejudice. It allows you to effectively evaluate highly emotional situations while keeping you optimistic to work through issues and problems with other people.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Because of this, it is a very beneficial stone for sexuality, where a balance of masculine and feminine energies is important, remember though masculine and feminine,  is not the same as male and female.
Even in same-sex relationships, an overload of one type of energy is a recipe for trouble. If you feel like the energy of your relationship with your partner is unbalanced, place an ametrine stone next to your bed. Its energy will help keep the energy levels equalized, and prevent one form of energy from taking over completely.

Ametrine is also a great stone for anyone diving into spirituality, as it helps unite your feminine and masculine energies (great for inner balance), and it enhances mental and spiritual awareness and clarity. The stone is believed to embody the energy of both amethyst and citrine, which brings forth harmony and a strong vibration of both healing stones. 

As an extremely energetic stone, this stone can stimulate positivity and support you to take control of your own life. It helps in overcoming contradictions. Not only that, but this stone can also release blockages, including negative emotional expectations and programming. It facilitates transformation and brings insight into underlying causes of emotional tension and distress.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Then, this stone will promote positivity and optimism that will not be disrupted by stressful external influences. It can also help in overcoming procrastination and self-sabotage. Also, it is an excellent stone for those who are easily swayed by other people. It can help them develop a stronger sense of their own potential and power.

The balance of amethyst and citrine present in the stone work together to promote harmony and restore imbalances that may leave you feeling drained in body, mind, and spirit. Many believe this stone is particularly beneficial to individuals feeling stressed or emotional. It provides support where needed and helps you on your journey to a more successful life.

This idea can also be applied to other situations, lots of human interactions and relationships rely on an effective balance of masculine and feminine energies. If you feel that any of your other relationships, personal or professional, have unbalanced energy, ametrine can help you.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Ametrine is thought to assist one to overcome the fear of action or progress. Its believed to beneficial with clearing mental fogginess and aid in keeping the mind focused and alert. It is a ‘stone of the muses’ and may help one to connect with and manifest inspired ideas. Ametrine has been known to develop a strong sense of one’s own power and potential. Also, it is thought to enhance learning and information retention. Similarly, it is believed to assist with digestive issues and stimulation of the metabolism.

Ametrine can help you get rid of unnecessary things in your life. Many believe that simply holding the stone, saying the name of the thing you no longer want in your life, washing the stone, and then holding it in the sun and saying what you do want will help you lead a more fulfilling life.

Ametrine calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head.  Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression.  Ametrine overcomes prejudice by enhancing compatibility and acceptance of others.  It stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life.  Strengthens concentration, bringing clarity, and harmonizing perception and action.  Ametrine instigates change and eases transition.

The stone can also help to bring courage and strength in times of adversity. Ametrine is also known as a stone of manifestation and can help you to manifest your desires. The stone can also help to promote abundance and prosperity in your life.

Ametrine unites our polarities and fosters Yin Yang balance.  It instills compatibility and connectedness to others reminding us that we are all one.  Clarity is enhanced while using Ametrine as our perceptions are harmonized with action and we begin to think more clearly.  Ametrine is a powerful cleansing stone that disperses negativity from our Aura, along with any negative emotional programming and thought processes that do not serve us.  Ametrine reminds us to live in the moment and not place expectations on ourselves, others or situations having faith and confidence that the Universe has a plan for us if we are mindful and awake.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Ametrine

Ametrine is known to be helpful in treating migraines, headaches, and stress-related disorders. The stone can also help to improve mental clarity and focus. Ametrine is also said to be helpful in treating addiction and depression.

Ametrine’s positive spiritual energy can dispel negative energy from your aura, leaving you open to all the positivity that the world has to offer you. It will also make you just a touch bolder and more willing to accept those opportunities when they come. Ametrine strengthens the immune system and aids the autonomic nervous system.  It heals physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.  Alleviates allergies and digestive disorders.

This stone is an exceptional blood cleanser and energizer, it regenerates the physical body and strengthens the immune system, aids the autonomic nervous system and physical maturation, stabilizes DNA/RNA, and oxygenates the body.

Ametrine heals chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), burning sensations, depression, gastric disturbances and ulcers, fatigue and lethargy, tension headaches, and stress related disease. It releases blockages in the physical, emotional, and mental subtle bodies. It assists with digestive issues and helps to stimulate metabolism. For this reason, Ametrine can be a valuable aid in weight regulation and in making proper food choices.




Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Win





Animals: Dragon, Cat, Snake, Mantis, Scorpion, Phoenix, Coyote, Fox

Archangels: Michael

Astrological Sign: Aires, Leo, Sagittarius

Candle Color: Yellow

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Element:  Fire

Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Bergamot

Goddess: Helios, Neriene

Gods: Agni, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan

Herbs: Lemongrass, Fennel, Chamomile and Goldenrod

Incense: Bergamot, Cinnamon

Planet: The Sun and Mars

Spirits: Salamanders, Firedrakes




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