Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite, Iolite is a vision stone.  It clears thought forms, opening intuition.  Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction.  Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others.  Iolite releases discord within relationships.  It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership.

The benefits of iolite are best enjoyed when the stone is kept close to the body. It’s advised that iolite bearers wear the stone in a ring, pair of earrings or a bracelet. However, the most powerful placement for the stone is close to the mid-section of the body, so it could work well as a pendant on a necklace too.

Iolite crystals make for a truly fantastic addition to any collection. They have incredible healing powers. Plus, they make for an excellent, more affordable stone in jewelry pieces as they’re beautiful and have plenty of benefits attached.

Iolite opens, heightens and expands your psychic abilities in a gentle way. It will teach you the parameters of your psychic abilities and possibilities. Iolite is a good stone for those of strong potential who are new on the spiritual path. It encourages and protects psychic exploration. This stone enhances curiosity and achievement. Iolite guides you through spiritual beginnings and growth. It is useful for people who are new to spiritual opening.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Iolite crystals are used to help recover a lost sense of balance. They are often recommended to those suffering from a feeling of disorientation or a lack of motivation. The stone strengthens our resolve to take on new responsibilities and carry them out properly. Plus, it provides us with a sense of self-assurance and endurance. Iolite is also recommended to those who are lacking perspective and wish to bring order to a chaotic life or busy schedule through small, practical methods.

Iolite was also called the Viking’s Compass. It was a stone that would help the ancient explorers steer their wooden ships across wild seas as they sought new land far from the sweeping icy fjords. It’s no coincidence that Iolite served as a compass, it is a stone of vision across all plains. Not only is Iolite known for guiding the way but this water sapphire is also about the deep dive one can do into their own soul when seeking pathways to new ways of thinking.

Use Iolite to strengthen family dilemmas. Place in the living area if sibling rivalry or the presence of a new step-parent is causing a child to feel excluded. Use Iolite if family members have over-high expectations of you, or if your career path was chosen for you because of family connections. As an amulet, Iolite brings travelers safely home. Give a piece of Iolite jewelry or a tumble stone as a farewell gift to students leaving home or emigrating family members.

Iolite may be called the water sapphire thanks to its purple and blue hues, but the crystal is rich with the natural phenomenon oof Pleochroism, where the gemstone seems to change in shades of different color according to light and movement. Iolite can seem to shimmer from blue to violet and even gray and yellow. Like all the moods of the ocean under sunlight or storm clouds, it’s a gemstone that is full of life. Iolite is a variety of cordierite, it’s a mineral made up of magnesium iron aluminum cyclosilicate and is named after the French geologist Cordier. Iolite is mined around the world and can be found across a myriad of continents and countries including India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Madagascar, Myanmar, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Burma, Tanzania, and parts of the USA. If you want to know more about the compass stone then keep on reading.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Iolite examines the inner path of the deep self. It assists in letting go of the belief that one needs to control inner experiences, and dissolves fear of the unknown or suppressed parts of the psyche. It increases the capacity to move forward, and allows for the understanding that the examination of one’s wounds is the most direct path to healing. It is a stone of inner treasure, helping to uncover the lost parts of oneself, and in receiving the peace one’s spiritual journey brings.

Take a deep breath and get ready to plunge into the far-flung corners of yourself as Iolite invites you on a journey of discovery. The vision stone is all about getting to know yourself better so that you can stand strong and true and independent in your power and have all the knowledge and tools you need to throw out your fears. If you feel as though certain events in life have taken you apart and scattered the pieces, Iolite is here to help you recover those missing pieces. It wants you to live a full and vibrant life and it will work its magic to grant you the tools to do that.

Wearing Iolite helps awakens and sustains one’s psychic gifts, making it the perfect stone for astrologers, tarot readers, mediums and other intuitives. It is highly beneficial for those attempting to access information from past lives, especially those associated with the Cathars, the Knights Templar and the Arthurian legends.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Iolite is helpful in improving your eyesight. It will also help if you are directionally challenged. Use it when you are trying to find your way. Iolite deflects the electromagnetic waves from cell phone, tvs and computers. If you work with these items everyday keep iolite on your person constantly. It stimulates the memory and assists with sleep imbalances.

For those who have a tendency towards codependency, Iolite will also swoop in to change that mindset. It serves as a gentle reminder that we are the masters of our own choices and can steer our own destiny. It teaches us to self-soothe by reminding us that we don’t need to look outside our own hearts for love, compassion, and assurance. When we let go of codependent ideas we are better equipped to find balance and heal uneven relationships. In the midst of chaos, Iolite helps us to take that big deep cleansing breath and to approach the problem from a place of calm, poise, and positivity.

Iolite helps in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction and helps you express your true self while being freed from the expectations of those around you. This stone releases discord within relationships. Iolite encourages you to take responsibility for yourself and not depend on others for validation of who you are and where you are going in life.

​Through the use of your intellect in combination with this stone, you have an opportunity to find hidden patterns and repetitive events that cause emotional disturbances. Iolite will find the source of what disables you from connecting with others in healthy relationships. It will also relieve aggressive tendencies. Iolite is the perfect stone to help you stay focused on your emotional goals

Astral travel and deep shamanic journeys seem to be the MO of Iolite. This stone beautifully supports psychic abilities and sharpens your inner vision. Iolite has a close-knit connection to the third eye chakra. This is the chakra that sits in the midst of the brow and is the epicenter of our intuition, our inner sight, and relates to how we understand ourselves and the world around us. When the third eye is clear and open we are better attuned to the signs of the universe and we are better equipped to be reflective. The energy of Iolite also seeps up towards the crown chakra, stimulating that cosmic connection with the spirit realm and strengthening clairvoyance skills and the ability to leap to higher plains. While Iolite meaning is mostly attuned to those higher chakras, it also works well with the throat chakra, enticing clear communication that comes from the very true depths of the self. Iolite has also been known to help people unravel their memory banks and past lives. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

Iolite helps calm the too-active mind, and it aids in reaching a state of focused meditation. It allows you to see circumstances from a higher vantage point and to separate the mind from the emotions. This allows you to respond from your higher guidance and not the heat of the moment. It is a stone of enlightened discernment and action based on wisdom.

Its a stone that takes users on an inner path to their deep inner self. Iolite carries beautiful violet-blue energy that activates and clears the third eye allowing vision, communication, and awareness from higher vibrational dimensions. Many shamans use Iolite in their rituals and meditation sessions for not only the inner journey it brings, but also because of it’s healing properties. Iolite strengthens the connection between the third eye and the heart, helping to heal old wounds that are weighing on one’s chest. Iolite is a stone that challenges users by bringing you to areas that you’ve once feared, and pushing you forward attempting to dispel that said fear. Iolite will help to awaken the psychic abilities we all possess, showing us our true past life experiences.

Iolite is a vision stone. It activates the third eye and facilitates visualization and intuitive insight. When all the chakras are in alignment it will stimulate a connection to the inner knowing. It is a shaman stone that is used in ceremonies and used to safely have out of body experiences.

Use and wear this stone if you find the same patterns repeating itself in your life. If you are trying to find your way mentally, spiritual physically spiritually.  Do you want to embrace your inner genius, use iolite to help your mind find the correct direction in life

When you’re going through challenging times, the energies of this stone can empower you to find the best solutions. You will not waste time feeling afraid or uncertain because you know that you have what it takes to overcome your challenges. Iolite can help you to become more discerning, to act on your intuition, and to recognize your insights knowingly. It will make you trust your inner self more and listen to what your heart and mind are telling you!

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Iolite

The energies of this stone can lead you to your inner knowledge, constantly stimulate your mind, and guide you to a higher level of awareness. Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits.  It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver.  Treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria.  Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system.  Alleviates migraines.

The healing properties of iolite are quite varied and expand to include the strengthening of nerves and a higher pain threshold. It stimulates memory and helps those suffering from insomnia enjoy better sleep, as well as prevent nightmares and any disturbances in sleeping patterns. Iolite stones have been used to treat malaria and other ailments that induce fevers, as well as enhance the growth of your hair and nails. All in all, Iolite meanings are quite vast and encompassing.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Indigo

Chakra: Third Eye

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Patchouli, Hyacinth

Goddess: Lua, Salacia

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Cinnamon, Shankhpushpi, Cardamom, Passionflower

Incense: Cinnamon, Shankhpushpi, Cardamom, Passionflower

Planet: Saturn and Neptune

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds



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