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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot, Peridot is the trade name for the gem quality mineral Olivine. It is a magnesium iron silicate that belongs to the Olivine group of minerals. The colors of this mineral is varying shades of green, from yellow-green through green to a green-yellow. It is translucent to transparent with a vitreous luster. 

Associated with the sun, Peridot has been prized since the earliest civilizations for its protective powers to drive away the forces of darkness. Set in gold and worn around the neck or bound to the left arm, it was used as a charm against sorcery and magic, evil spirits, night terrors, and madness. It cured cowardice, calmed anger, as well as brightening the wit. Peridot is still celebrated for those virtues, protecting the aura, purifying the physical and subtle bodies, and alleviating emotional burdens, guilt and obsessions. It is particularly beneficial for overcoming fear, depression and other psychological disturbances, as well as releasing jealousies, resentment and spite in order to move forward. Peridot promotes responsibility and forgiveness, instilling confidence in one’s own abilities and reestablishing a sense of self-worth. A powerful generator of the frequency of increase, this lovely talisman may be utilized to manifest abundance in all areas of one’s life: wealth, health, happiness and love.

Pure of heart, bringer of light, and never shying away from its playful side, Peridot is always the belle of the ball. This gorgeous gemstone is connected to the heart chakra and is always ready to help crack your love wide open so you can share in the sublime joy of the universe. To open the heart, it’s important to loosen your grip on anxiety, to let go of envious thoughts, and to let clarity lead the way out of old barren fields and into bright and sunny new pastures. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Peridot dissolves oppressive feelings that arise from self blame and a bad conscious. It helps with stored up anger and fury.  Peridot guards against destructive jealousy that is caused by betrayal in past relationships and personal fears that you are unlovable, rather than relating to the present relationship. 

Peridot is highly beneficial for attuning to and regulating the cycles of one’s life, such as physical cycles, mental or emotional phases, as well as intellectual progression. It also helps dissipate negative patterns and old vibrations that play over and over, keeping one from realizing they are deserving of success. By working with Peridot one can remove those blockages and move forward quickly, opening the heart and mind more fully to receive from the Universe with grace and gratitude.

A stone of transformation, Peridot is excellent for use in recovery from tobacco or inhalant dependencies, as well as other addictions. More importantly, it is a wounded healer stone, serving as a vital guide in facilitating healing processes that help others going through what you have already overcome. It is considered very effective in amplifying Reiki energies. Hold immediately after treatments using heat or warmth, such as sweat lodges, hot rocks or a sauna to continue the beneficial effects.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Peridot is helpful for transforming negative emotions like self sabotage, jealousy, agitation, and impatience into lighter emotions such as love, compassion, acceptance and gratitude. It is also beneficial to assist you in digesting life; accepting your world as it is and then transforming it with clear intention to create the reality you wish.

As Peridot is busy washing out all those negative emotions, it can be a great stone to alleviate stress and anxiety. When we are marred by jealousy, resentment, bitterness and holding into baggage and grudges, our whole body and mind can tip over into anxious thinking. This way of affecting sleep, wellness, and emotional balance as a whole. As the twinkling green gemstone invites you to purge your heart and soul, it leaves a lightness that feels like stepping into sheer sunlight.

Peridot helps you to admit your mistakes and to forgive yourself. It makes you aware of things you have neglected to do and stimulates you to make up for the damage caused. Peridot is a stone of transformation that helps you rise above addictions. Even more importantly, peridot serves as your guide as you facilitate healing processes that assist others going through what yo have already overcome. This is the stone of the “wounded healer”. Use it as a tool to increase the benefits of Reiki sessions. Peridot is ideal to gain assistance from Archangels Sabrael and Zadkiel. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Peridot is a crystal of positive power, a talisman for recognizing and honoring the Creator’s frequency of Love, the source of all abundance. Used with right intent, it helps expand one’s ability to receive from the Universe on all levels of life. This crystal is attuned to spiritual truth and the understanding of one’s destiny. It is not meant to take one out of this world, but to bring the physical dimension of reality into alignment with one’s inner truth. Peridot allows one to connect to higher realms of consciousness in order to quiet spiritual fears, such as guilt, regret, or feelings of karmic debt. It empowers one to take responsibility and make amends in order to move forward in one’s evolutionary path. Peridot activates the energies of the Third and Fourth Chakras, reminding one that Love and Will reside together and it is how these are used that creates worthiness.

Being a stone that connects to both the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra gives you a great foundation to find your balance and stability in the storms of the world. The solar plexus chakra is the core of who we are. It’s the ego, the willpower, the pleasure center and where you build a sense of who you are. Unsurprisingly, if this system is out of whack it can have a knock-on effect to your whole sense of health and wellbeing. When this chakra is blocked you may lose all sense of purpose and motivation and slump down into a rut as life passes you by. By using Peridot to awaken and clear out the chakra, you could just get that glorious bright burst of energy and direction you’ve been waiting for.

Peridot assists you in perceiving and honoring the source of all abundance. This source is the Creator’s frequency of Love. By opening yourself to receive more of this Universal Love, peridot can help you receive abundance in all levels life. It also teaches the knowledge of other-Earthly realms, including the fairy realm. It is useful in connecting and communicating with other Earth beings, such as the plant and animal kingdoms. It is a wonderful stone to use in animal communication and healing. ​Peridot helps you understand your destiny and your spiritual purpose.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Peridot emits a beautiful frequency of peace and well-being, and is remarkable for use in prayers and meditations to access higher realms of consciousness and to connect with Divine energies. Meditating with Peridot promotes understanding and insight, teaching one to appreciate one’s own unique perfection and purpose in this world. It is marvelous for opening the mind to unlimited possibilities and transforming traits such as jealousy, self-sabotage and impatience into love, compassion, acceptance, and gratitude.

It teaches you to detach yourself from negative people and outside influences and look instead to your Higher Self for guidance. Once the negative vibrations have been cleared, Peridot assists you in moving forward once you have done the psychological work necessary to ensure that you do not call anything back into your aura. 

Peridot is beneficial when you are going through a rite of passage or ritual. This stone helps you transcend any challenge presented through inner strength, connection to higher realms of consciousness and divine will. Peridot also assists you in thinking outside the box by opening your mind to unlimited possibilities. 

Peridot is also connected to the heart chakra, AKA the place where your love and trust sits. If your heart chakra is blocked, you may struggle to build better relationships, you may be unable to let your love leap higher, instead of pinning it down with destructive ideas of jealousy and fear. But fear not, a dose of Peridot in your life and your heart can shine like a light.

Peridot sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness. Peridot will help you take responsibility for your own life, especially when you believe that it is all “someone else’s fault” rather than your own. It helps you look back at you past and find the life gifts that you have received. Peridot helps you with psychological clarity and well-being. 

Leo and Virgo share the Peridot stone. Being the birthstone of the month of August, it’s no surprise that this gleaming gem is a soft reminder of summer nights. While cool to the touch in the daylight hours, it burns as bright as hot coal come the eve and is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgos are kind and creative and full of passion, but they can also be super judgmental and quick to criticize especially when they lose a little control as they love to lead the room. Peridot helps Virgos to simply let go, to lay down their discriminatory nature and to welcome love and understanding into their heart.

Peridot has a tonic effect on the physical body. It strengthens the metabolism and benefits the skin due to its rejuvenating effects on the body’s tissues. Peridot also aids the thymus, heart, and lungs. It is said to aid the birth process by increasing the force of the contractions around the pelvis while simultaneously reducing the pain. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Peridot is said to alleviate feelings of jealousy, resentment, spite, and anger. It is a good stone for dealing with the effects of stress. It enhances confidence and teaches assertiveness rather than aggression. Peridot shows you how to forgive yourself and facilitates looking back on your past with compassion and understanding. It shows us how to find the gift and lessons in our past experiences and helps with self-forgiveness.

Peridot has a strong detoxifying effect and stimulates the liver. It enhances the function of the liver and gallbladder, stimulates the metabolism and helps with skin problems, even warts. Peridot will increase the effectiveness of medications and treatments. This stone enhances the healing of ulcers, stings and bites that cause an allergic reaction, asthma, digestive disorders, the colon, pancreas, eyesight, gastroenteritis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, breasts, assists in weight gain.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds



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