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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz, Epidote Quartz known as “The Enhancers”. They Enhance all energy, be that personal energy for oneself, or enhancing the energy of other crystals, plants – anything at all. It is a crystal that promotes communication with the angelic, spiritual and devic realms. Epidote included Quartz is an effective crystal for using with the cardiovascular system. It strengthens the heart, and brings harmony along with correct functioning of all the major bodily organs. Epidote assists with Asthma related problems, helps the thyroid, and helps with effective digestion.

Quartz with Epidote may be used in remote viewing providing one with psychic understanding that may be helpful in detailing what has been seen with accuracy. Known as an Oracle Stone, Quartz with Epidote may stimulate abilities to see the auric field, opens and energizes the third eye chakra, initiates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities, and may be used as a crystal tool in the field of phrenology.  

Quartz with Epidote may be used to transfer healing energy helping to overcome destructive influences or trauma.  Quartz with Epidote may also be used as a manifestation crystal when Epidote is totally enclosed within the quartz crystal. Quartz with Epidote promotes a unique energetic bond between participants providing a source of connection during travel and holiday seasons. Quartz with Epidote is a stone of focus and perseverance helping one to maintain energy and the clarity of direction to accomplish goals and get things done. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

On the emotional level, Epidote Quartz has a strong emphasis on transforming depression to joy, happiness and appreciation of life. This is an excellent crystal for getting one out of a negative induced rut. It helps lift ones spirits and give the positive energy to make real and lasting changes. Epidote Quartz is fantastic for clearing blockages, be they physical, emotional or spiritual.

Quartz with Epidote is an excellent crystal healing stone. The energetic combination of Quartz with Epidote creates a diagnostic energy that resonates with healing energy vibrations. Quartz with Epidote may be used in the treatment of disorders involving imperfect form and function. 

Epidote is useful in overcoming habitual negativity, hopelessness, fatalism and other destructive emotional patterns. It generates hope for the future and a willingness to pursue one’s dreams. It assists those who feel stuck in their current reality find ways to take action or create movement. Epidote raises the vibration in areas that are congested, filled with debris or overly dense, it encourages a more positive emotional state to support general healing.

Epidote is an attraction stone, bringing you more of what you emanate so be sure to remember you reap what you sow. Traditionally crystal healers have worked with Epidote to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies and because it helps to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Epidote is a stone that you must have if you want to experience many good things in your life. It will show you different ways how to do it. Its energies will fill you with dreams and inspiration so that you will never feel satisfied with an uninspired life. It will make you realize that life is too short to be spent living a mediocre one!

If it’s spiritual growth that you seek, Epidote has very beneficial energies that will help you attune to your spirit. It will show you many sides of you that will make you know yourself on a deeper and higher level. Epidote will help you become more aware of the different aspects of yourself, and it will help you to get rid of attitudes that are no longer healthy for you.

Epidote has a very strong and positive effect on your health. The metaphysical properties that this stone has can be very healing and protective. It will help boost your immune and nervous system. It will also help your adrenal glands, your thyroid, your gallbladder, and your liver to function properly. If you’re trying to manage your weight, Epidote will be beneficial. It will aid in digestion and ensure proper metabolism.

Epidote is very much like a magnet in the sense that it attracts. On top of attracting the energies around you and your environment,  it will also help attract your desires that you programmed into the Epidote. It mainly attracts abundance, prosperity, and creativity, but can also be programmed to assist in finding love and relationships. Epidote does not provide a “free ride”, it very much is a karma-based stone that attracts what you output.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Epidote will enhance the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Epidote increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, and brings spiritual growth. Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one’s emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration. Crystal healers like to work with Epidote for its ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies. Epidote will help to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body. Epidote is also used to help dissipate tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area.

Clear Quartz (also known as rock crystal) is often called the master healer crystal, and for good reason, as it’s one of the most (if not THE most) powerful crystals to work with for healing, manifestation and amplification. It’s the one crystal that every crystal enthusiast and spiritually-inclined person should have. Clear quartz also happens to be the most abundant mineral found on the Earth’s surface.

Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential. The meaning associated with this crystal is a very powerful one, particularly for those who are setting new goals. This quartz is a supportive one and helps us to carve out a vision that is unique to us. In addition to this, the crystal has the power to drown out any noise from the outside world to create a pathway to your goals and to turn them into a reality in the mind’s eye.

Throughout history, Clear Quartz held valuable meaning to several cultures. Its ability to reflect and refract light led many to view it as a source of mystical powers that go beyond our understanding of Earth. It was seen as a gift from Mother Earth that connected us to ethereal realms. The name “Quartz” comes from the Greek word for “ice.” Take one look at a cluster of Clear Quartz, and you’ll see where the inspiration comes from. Greek philosophers believed that the stone was a permanent form of ice that was so cold it would never thaw.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Every crystal has its own unique energetic properties, and Clear Quartz is especially great for energy amplification. This makes it the perfect addition to meditation, spiritual communication, prayer, or ritual intended to expand on your consciousness, as it will take your positive intentions and reverberate them further through the universe. The crystal is also believed to help its owner attract love, friendship, abundance, peace and vitality, so many choose to wear it on their person each day on jewelry.

In addition to mental clarity, clear quartz is also very powerful for the purposes of manifestation. Once you are fully aware of what it is that you want from life, you can start putting plans into action to turn these ideas into realities. When you are ready to manifest the life that you’ve been dreaming of, you may consider calling on the energy that the stone brings. It can help you to take this manifestation to the next level and to turn it into reality. This crystal has the power to raise its bearer’s vibration and to enhance the clarity of what they wish to create. While the entire quartz family may be known for their abilities to manifest, the clear stone is especially useful in this regard because it is able to supercharge your intentions and amplify the power that you have within yourself to make something happen.

Energetically, Quartz can be used to clear and stimulate all chakra systems and energy points in the body. It is especially useful in working with the heart and the third eye. When placing a Quartz crystal on the Third Eye during meditation, one will notice an increased sense of clarity and focus. This clarity and focus will allow one to achieve the “empty” state of mind necessary for effective meditative states. When the mind has been silenced to this degree, one can begin to remember and connect with one’s own innate psychic abilities.

When it comes to Quartz’s metaphysical properties, many shamans and spiritual healers consider it to be a precious gift from Mother Earth that facilitates transformational healing and protection. Every cut of Quartz is different, in its shape, its clarity, its quality, its luster – they are all unique, and many people believe that it will attract the owner that needs its guidance most.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Clear Quartz Crystal is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It augments energy by absorbing, amplifying, and balancing, storing, retrieving, focusing, transmitting and channeling universal energy and is excellent for unblocking it. A powerfully protective stone, it also purifies on all levels; spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Because it directs and amplifies energy it is exceptionally beneficial for manifesting, meditation, and channeling. Clear Quartz is possibly the most versatile, multipurpose and powerful healing stone available, due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer that can be used for any and all conditions. It stimulates the immune system, reinstates bodily balance and restores and amplifies energy systems. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser connecting the physical and spiritual dimensions.

Quartz can be used to imprint with any energy or information and helps to focus the mind, aides in concentration and enhances mental ability. This crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, which makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Hold/gaze into the crystal, and put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into it. The Quartz Cluster receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought), then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the Quartz Cluster is still working on your behalf, putting out your thought forms.

Crystal Quartz is probably the most versatile, multipurpose, powerful healing stone on the planet due to is unique helical spiral crystalline form. It is a master healer and can be used for any and all conditions. It’s stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. It takes the energy to the most perfect state that is possible; going back to before the disease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. One of the most dominant crystals on the planet earth. Clear quartz crystals are ubiquitous and can develop in different common conditions and environments and as such, they can be seen in all the world continents. Hence, they have become integrated into the culture of early civilizations. The name Quartz actually comes from the word “Ice” which formed the basis for some ideologies and meanings.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds



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