Day: May 19, 2022

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Epidote In Quartz, Epidote Quartz known as “The Enhancers”. They Enhance all energy, be that personal energy for oneself, or enhancing the energy of other crystals, plants – anything at all. It is a crystal that promotes communication with the angelic, spiritual and …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Peridot, Peridot is the trade name for the gem quality mineral Olivine. It is a magnesium iron silicate that belongs to the Olivine group of minerals. The colors of this mineral is varying shades of green, from yellow-green through green to a green-yellow. It is …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chrome Diopside

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chrome Diopside

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chrome Diopside   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chrome Diopside, Chrome diopside has long been used to boost creative vision and awareness. This green gemstone is also thought to be able to improve intellect and encourages the desire of one to learn. According to metaphysical beliefs, chrome diopside is used to help …

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