Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite, First discovered in 1867, Garnierite has been around for quite some time. However, it’s a relatively new stone to metaphysical healers and meditators. Thanks to this mineral’s variations, it wasn’t defined by early cultures. While it may have been used for religious or spiritual purposes like other stones, there are no definite records to support those theories.

Instead, the only historical records we have of Garnierite come after its discovery in 1867. Found in New Caledonia, the earliest records of this stone come from Jules Garnier. Garnier was a French geologist who published his findings as a discovery of nickel in the area. Not even a decade later, the stone would adopt his name!

A relatively new find, Garnierite reminds us of our inner Divinity, and as divine beings, our ability to create and manifest. Garnierite is used to attract prosperity, luck, especially in games of chance, and bring us closer to our desires. There is a reason this nickel-based green stone, like other Heart Chakra stones, helps bring abundance. Our heart center radiates with a magnetic field that is 5,000 times that of the brain. We are meant to manifest through our heart and our emotions. Garnierite is a term used to describe the green pockets of stone found within weathered, serpentine rocks. These green areas are an important ore of Nickel, which gives Garnierite is green color. Garnierite does not have an agreed-upon chemical formula, it is closely related to Serpentine and associated with Olivine and Peridotite.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Sometimes referred to as Green Moonstone, Feldspar (Moonstone) that contains Garnierite has a lovely, soft green hue, sweeping lines, and a wispy, weathered look. It embodies both the properties of Moonstone and the added benefits of Garnierite.

Green moonstone is a rare form of moonstone that ranges in color from mint green, grey-green to brown. Garnierite is a stone from the Feldspar family of minerals, it gets its green color from the presence of nickel ore. It has all the properties of moonstone with an emphasis on emotional healing, emotional balance & emotional freedom. Known as the stone of the Goddess Gaia, green moonstone is a very calming stone, helping to ease stress, anxiety, worry & overwhelming feelings. Resonating with the Heart Chakra, green moonstone is especially healing in helping one to connect with the grounding medicine of the Earth and the uplifting medicine of the Moon. Its soft mysterious nature invokes us to, like the water, go with the flow and allow the tides of our life to guide us. Moonstone has a history of association with all Goddesses and the Divine Feminine, but Green Moonstone is the perfect choice when you want to attune yourself to the grounding & healing energies of Mother Earth.

When we wish to manifest something material in life that is for our highest good, then working with Garnierite can help us see what must be done to achieve it. Whether what we wish to acquire is spiritual, emotional, or physical, writing the intention down and placing it underneath Garnierite in a sacred space can be a lovely manifestation ceremony. When we have been working towards something for some time, Garnierite can support us with a second, third, or fourth wind to keep us moving towards that goal.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Garnierite is such a unique stone that contains the true essence of life. Such innocent and joyful vibrations begin to emulate upon touch, leaving the user in a blissful trance. The energies of this crystal synchronize with your auric field and begin to fill your etheric body with love, light, and compassion. Your heart chakra becomes fully aligned and relaxed, providing you a chance to look deeply within. What you may find can be traumatic and scary to say the least, but these experiences are a part of us and must be relinquished. Garnierite is extremely potent when used as a spiritual amulet and is capable of providing all the protection one may need during these inward encounters. One must put all their trust into this stone to maximize its benefits. Allow your body to harmonize with this stone and imbue yourself fully with this crystal through deep meditation. Use the energy channeled from this stone to heal the wounds you may carry. Don’t forget to allow space to open up for love and new opportunities.

As a Heart Chakra stone, it promotes self-love and friendship, and helps us recognize the powerful radiance of ourselves and those around us. It is a perfect meditation tool to help us remember we are infinite, all-powerful beings.

Physically, Garnierite reminds us we should treat our divine selves as temples, and encourages us to eat more natural foods to connect us back to mother earth.

Try using this stone in conjunction with Malachite during meditation practice. Both of these stones’ energies work together to assist one in easier accessibility to our emotional body. The green rays from both these crystals conjure loving vibrations that heal deep, traumatic wounds. If still not enough, try using enhancing crystals such as Selenite and Quartz during your healing sessions.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

To understand the properties of Garnierite, we need to examine its essential component: Nickel. Nickel is considered an element of strength and provides a strong framework. It is something that fortifies and builds resilience. Throughout our lives, we face many challenges and these storms have the most profound effect on our being. Garnierite reminds us that strength is not a requirement to endure, it is enduring that builds strength. Houseplants will ultimately be weakened by the absence of wind.  Without resistance to push back against, we cannot grow stronger. Garnierite can be the perfect symbol of endurance and reformation, reminding us that strength is built over time and not without our own endurance.

Nickel is the ‘brother’ of Iron and we find Nickel-Iron alloy primarily in two places. At the very core of the Earth and in the meteorites that fall to Earth. Garnierite taps into the Universe’s most essential energies. It is powerfully connected to the ancient Earth and the cosmos. It embodies a fascinating balance of energies that seems to grow and evolve as the stone is held. It offers a sense of safety and peace while igniting the creative mind and a sense of wonder.

As a healing stone, Garnierite is most commonly associated with the Heart Chakra, emotional stress relief and spiritual growth. Garnierite works on the relationship between the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras, encouraging us to find the courage to pursue our hearts true desires. It can help us speak up for ourselves and even remove our own mental blocks that restrict our growth.

Garnierite has a strong easily felt energy that can bring positive change into your life. Like many green crystals they have a lovely heart based energy which is easily felt at both the heart and higher heart chakra.

They are excellent crystals for you to use if you feel the need to increase the level of love and compassion you experience. They are an excellent crystal to aid emotional healing as well as having healing properties that help a number of physical problems.

They are known to boost abundance and prosperity as they also resonate at the solar plexus chakra. They have some helpful and unique attributes that may assist winning at games of chance. They are known to help both both single parents and those simply living alone, and may aid the growth of new friendships and attract new love.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Garnierite is a stone for prosperity, attraction and accumulation. If you wish to manifest something in your life then working with Garnierite can help you to see what must be done to achieve this. It is also a stone that promotes friendship and love and helps us to not only see these qualities in others, but to be a better friend ourselves. Garnierite also helps us to achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves. Sometimes, they may be hard to achieve and this is when we need Garnierite as it gives us that “push” towards success. Garnierite is also said to bring us luck in games of chance and to increase our chances of winning – something I make no claims for and would suggest you don’t try !!

Garnierite is a great meditation aid when working on the heart chakra and issues of self love. It helps us to find the divine within ourselves and to encompass love for others, love for ourselves, love for our surroundings and indeed love for the planet.

Garnierite’s positive energy and grounding properties relieve stress, depression, and anxiety. It is particularly helpful for soothing panic attacks. This stone promotes heart health, and it also treats the muscular system. If you experience sound sensitivity, Garnierite can aid in alleviating your symptoms. Garnierite encourages healthy eating, drawing you away from processed foods to more natural and nutritional choices.

Garnierite is a powerful manifestation stone. It helps you achieve your desires by aligning you with the flow of attractive energy. This stone also promotes self-love and self-confidence, which not only helps you feel better but also gives you the extra vitality to chase your dreams. Garnierite reconnects you with divine love and reveals the universal energy in everyone. It opens you up to new possibilities, which results in increased creativity and ingenuity. When you achieve this mindset, you are fully prepared to receive prosperity when you encounter it, so Garnierite is also considered a lucky stone. Garnierite’s grounding properties support you and increase your resilience so that you can weather life’s ups and downs.

Garnierite is a special stone that connects the Earth with the spiritual realm. It nurtures your Heart Chakra, encouraging self-love and fostering enriching relationships. This stone lets you tune in to divine love and is an excellent meditation tool. With this energy, you are able to manifest your dreams and approach problems creatively. Garnierite also works with your Solar Plexus Chakra to increase feelings of self-confidence and vitality. Not only does this stone reveal your positive, divine energy, but it also helps you recognize the same energies in others. Garnierite’s strong connection to the Earth grounds you and produces a calming effect. It is considered sacred to the goddess Gaia. Garnierite is associated with the Gemini, Leo and Virgo astrological signs and the number 7.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

When it comes to spiritual meaning and benefits of Garnierite, it can have a profound effect on every facet of your everyday life. The balance of ancient energies can reinvigorate the soul, allowing you to grow and evolve with the rotation of our planet. It eases emotional stress and ignites a newfound sense of passion that can help you overcome any type of rut.

Whether you’re feeling lost or creatively blocked, Garnierite can help you overcome whatever ails the soul.

The properties of this stone fill your spirit with a sense of safety. As a result, the fears of moving forward or trying something new subside. Those “inner voices” telling you that your dreams and ambitions are out of reach will soften. 

Garnierite has the most impact on your mental and spiritual being. However, some healers suggest that the stone also creates positive change on a physical level. This is because Garnierite has strong mental and physical integration. The emotional cleansing and strength-building benefits will usually lead to better overall clarity.

When this happens your brain should become less foggy, which can help you think more clearly. This doesn’t just apply to spiritual thinking of emotions. Many say that mental clarity can benefit you in your everyday life.

Without constant emotional stress and jumbled thoughts, you’ll probably have an easier time completing complex tasks. Garnierite is said to encourage streamlined thinking during creative projects and academic work. Many say it helps them bring order to their jumbled thoughts, allowing them to get work done more efficiently.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Garnierite

Another unique purported benefit of Garnierite comes down to diet. Garnierite’s connection to the Earth and cosmic realms often reminds individuals of their divinity. Healers suggest that having the stone in your presence encourages you to make wiser choices about what you’re putting into your body. In other words, it inspires you to treat your body as a temple!

Healers often find that this newfound respect for your body promotes healthier eating, which can obviously have a profound impact on your overall health over time.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds



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