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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite, Calcite is one of the most common of all carbonate minerals and occurs predominantly in sedimentary environments as a precipitate through evaporation of solutions,  rich in calcium bicarbonate. Calcite can take many forms including rhomboidal or prismatic crystals, as compact granular masses such as onyx, limestone, or marble, in its fibrous form it is alabaster. Colors include: colorless, grey, yellow, red, pink, orange, green, blue-brown and black. Calcite is also often fluorescent.

The Calcite crystal stone meaning can be traced back to ancient Greece, where it came from the Latin word calc, meaning ‘lime.’ The main ingredient in the shells of sea creatures, crystallized limestone gives the Calcite crystal an incredible array of varieties and colors. The Calcite crystal and its powers of absorption have turned it into a powerful sponge that soaks up toxic emotions and negativity.

Orange Calcite Rough is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. It cleans negative energies from the environment. It brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy, which engenders a spectrum of energy to clear and to activate all of the chakras. Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It helps mind and body to remember soul experiences. Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect. It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences. It calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory. Calcite cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. It dissolves calcification of the bones. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions, stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing.

Calcite cleans the elimination organs such as bladder, bowel, kidneys. It helps in the absorption of calcium but also dissolves calcification that builds up on broken bones and from arthritis. Calcite strengthens the skeleton and joints. It reduces intestinal and skin conditions enabling them to heal. It increases the blood clotting ability and tissue healing. It fortifies the immune system and encourage growth in undersized children. Calcite crystal water can be used on the skin to relieve ulcers wounds and warts.

Orange Calcite is an incredibly energizing and cleansing stone, particularly for the lower chakras, or energy centers, concerned with our feelings of belonging in the world, being connected to others and the planet, and our creativity. It is an excellent stone to choose to balance the emotions and release feelings of fear and anxiety.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite

Calcite has powerful cleansing energies, and merely having some near you will clear the atmosphere of negative or harmful vibrations. This crystal is very active and is known for its properties of speeding up development and growth. Calcite is a rock-forming mineral and is found throughout the world in a wide range of locations. It is found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. It is classified as a carbonate, has a hardness of 3 on the Mohs scale, and its chemical formula is CaC03. It is transparent to translucent.

Orange Calcite is a spiritual stone linked to the realms of Higher Consciousness, and it will facilitate meditation or rituals designed to expand your awareness and aid your spiritual growth. It is often used for channeling and for astral travel or out of body experiences. It can allow the soul to remember experiences when it returns to the physical body after such trance work.

Calcite is a commonly occurring stone found all over the globe, and it occurs in many colors, each with its own unique set of properties. Orange Calcite is best known as the stone of creativity. It is strongly connected to the lower chakras, especially the Sacral chakra, which is the seat of joy, creativity, and pleasure.

The beautiful color of this form of Calcite makes it a popular choice for making jewelry. It is possible to find the crystal carved into talismans, figurines, and other ornaments for use in the home or workplace. Orange Calcite can be used in healing grids, either alone or with other stones, and is especially useful when working on your Sacral or Solar Plexus chakras to clear away negative energies and blockages.

You can also carry a piece of this sunny stone in your pocket or wallet to give your creative faculties a boost during the day. One of the best uses you can put this tone to is to clear and energize your subtle body. It works powerfully and quickly to dispel any negative or blocked energies from your aura, leaving you feeling lighter and more optimistic about everything. It also gives your creativity a boost, enabling you to solve problems more quickly and find joy in your own creative pastimes.

Orange Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. It will enhance all the gifts you possess and eliminate any pollution present in your body and light body. It will increase the flow of positive energies in your body so that the negative energies will be dispelled. It will also do the same with the space you inhabit, the things you use, and the people you spend time with. This stone will help you do away with old patterns, behaviors, and ways of thinking. It will make you realize that as time passes, everything changes. And with every change, certain beliefs and practices will also no longer be relevant. Orange Calcite will help you come to terms with these changes.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite

This stone will show you how you can make space for new ways of living, fresh ideas, and other sources of inspiration. You will discover a deeper meaning for your experiences and for all the events that happen in your life, whether planned or unplanned. Orange Calcite will get your energy moving so that you can come up with something new, different, and innovative.

Orange Calcite is an excellent stone for creating emotional intelligence. It will connect your head and your heart so that you can use your own wisdom and powers of discernment to achieve the best emotional outcomes for all concerned.

This crystal has a powerful effect on the emotions associated with sex. It can help balance your male and female energies so that you approach your sexual encounters in an empowered and confident way. It helps to dissolve unnecessary guilt or shame and bring in new feelings, allowing you to enjoy your body’s natural pleasures. Orange Calcite has a balancing effect on the emotions and helps to dispel fear, anxiety, and depression. It dissolves problems and maximizes potential.

This stone is strongly associated with your physical body. It carries healing energies that can repair, restore, strengthen, and protect. Orange Calcite can build up your physical, emotional, and mental balance so that you can function at 100% capacity.

It can boost your vitality, your sexual energy, and your ability to self-heal. It can also be helpful for conditions affecting the joints.Orange Calcite can improve the function of your urinary tract, spleen, liver, and kidneys.It can also aid in removing viruses and visual disturbances.

It’s an excellent stone to have when it comes to eliminating the toxins from your body. It can also ease the symptoms of fatigue, stomach-related illnesses, and many other ailments. Healers use Orange Calcite paired with Iron Pyrite because it can help treat the reproductive system. It can also aid in your calcium intake and nutrient absorption.

When it comes to wealth and abundance, Orange Calcite is an excellent stone. It will promote responsible leadership, which will endear you to the people you work with and gain the respect of your peers. It will encourage hard work and perseverance needed to achieve your financial goals. The energies of Orange Calcite will fill you with confidence in executing your plans. It will keep you determined and help you to keep going even if there are setbacks.

Orange Calcite will help you overcome your financial challenges, develop and integrate new ideas, and formulating new plans. It will attract money and exciting new opportunities. It will help you discover innovative solutions for your current financial problems. It will also encourage you to look at things from different perspectives, find new ways to make money, or budget your money.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite will inspire you to expand your business. It will improve the flow of your business and increase the flow of money. This is a stone that will effectively fight off laziness or procrastination. It will make you inspired and productive, and it will replace your inactivity or lethargy with enthusiasm and motivation. It will increase your energy so that you can achieve more, and it will give you whatever you will need to achieve your financial goals.

Orange Calcite will work wonders in your life, especially when it comes to love, romance, and relationships. This is because it will help reduce your emotional fears and give you the courage to be happy in love. This stone will give you an emotional release. All the feelings that you have locked away in your heart will come pouring out of you, and this will make you feel so much lighter.

It will heal your emotional pain so that you can be at peace within. The healing energies of this stone will also show you how you can forgive and move forward with your life. Orange Calcite will restore you if you have experienced setbacks in your relationships so that you will have the desire to find happiness once again. It will help you pick up the pieces and find hope and positivity in your circumstances.

Orange Calcite will guide you to transition smoothly into the next chapter of your life. It will not always be an easy road, but this stone’s positive energies will ensure that you have everything you need to navigate the journey to happiness and fulfillment successfully. Orange Calcite is an excellent stone to have when you and your partner cannot see eye to eye because it will give you a new way of looking at a situation. It will remove the resistance in your relationship and allow peace and harmony to reign. You will enjoy a renewed sense of confidence that will inspire intimacy.

One of these is the realization that time heals everything. Nothing in life will be permanent, so there is no point in stressing over the struggles you faced in the past or continue to deal with in the present. The powers of Orange Calcite remind you that with time, everything changes.

This transitioning process may seem daunting and even arduous to many people, but the powers of Orange Calcite help one cope with such changes and adjust to new surroundings. When you meditate with Orange Calcite, you will feel a renewed drive and increased energy levels to conquer the days ahead of you.

The stone provides a sense of confidence and motivation to explore new avenues and derive inspiration from various sources so that you can keep pushing yourself in the direction of success. Orange Calcite is also known to boost a person’s creativity. So if your life has lately been feeling a tad monotonous, meditation with Orange Calcite will help you tap into your creative instincts and discover new ways to bring your ideas to life.

Orange Calcite resonates with the Sacral chakra above all, and also with the Base and Solar Plexus chakras. Suppose your Sacral chakra is out of balance, blocked, or over-active. In that case, you are most likely to experience this physically as pain in the lower back, problems with your reproductive organs, urinary infections, and bladder troubles. Emotionally, a poorly functioning Sacral chakra can lead to feelings of guilt and shame around sexual matters, lack of interest in life, depression, or lethargy.

Using Orange Calcite to bring this chakra into balance and harmony with your energies can lift your mood, inspire you to create new things, including relationships, and allow you to reconnect with the activities that give you pleasure and joy.


Animals: Dragon, Water Snakes, Dolphin, Fish, Frog, Turtle, Swan, Crab

Archangels: Archangel Gabriel

Astrological Sign: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio

Candle Color: Orange

Chakra: Sacral

Element:  Water

Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Bergamot

Goddess: Juno, Aphrodite, Hades

Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseido

Herbs: Shatavari, Hibiscus, Tulsi, Damiana

Incense: Jasmine, Ylang Ylang

Planet: Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto

Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids, Fairies of ponds, lakes or streams

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