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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

metaphysical healing properties of eudialyte

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte, is a strong grounding stone that will keep you balanced and aligned to your goals. It will fine tune the energies in your life and help you manifest your desires. It will remind you of all the skills and talents that you possess and the many things that you can do with them. The energies of this stone will reassure you that you have what it takes to make your dreams happen. Eudialyte will also impart personal power. It will make you more confident about your abilities, and it will inspire you to create a positive change in your personal circumstances.

Eudialyte’s energies help to balance one’s inner emotions with external experiences. Eudialyte provides life force, self love, and protection to those who work with it and has a strong impression on the emotional body. It opens us to the wisdom of the heart, teaching us how we can work on ourselves to heal and balance the emotions; rather than looking outward for the solution. Eudialyte is a powerful guide for diving into the heart as it empowers one to face depression and self-dissatisfaction so that one may find the underlying cause of these feelings. It promotes absent-forgiveness of the self and others as well as self love; releasing one from the negativity caused by fear, guilt, anger, and sorrow. This provides us with the time and focus to work on ourselves and learn from our “mistakes”. Overall, Eudialyte is able bring about incredible changes of the inner being and is especially useful during turning points in one’s life.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

Eudialyte is a stone of vitality. It aligns you with universal energy, which also makes it a powerful manifestation tool. Eudialyte opens your heart to welcome love and joy. This stone frees you from your inhibitions, encouraging you to chase after your dreams. To further support you in your quest, Eudialyte balances your physical and emotional selves. It promotes deep emotional healing from a place of introspection and wisdom.

Eudialyte enhances our vitality and life force, and allows us to identify the gifts which are most aligned with our hearts and our purpose. It help us overcome fear, self-doubt, and confusion, and encourages us to honor ourselves and our aspirations. Eudialyte is an excellent stone for those of us who struggle with a low sense of self-worth, by helping us see our worthiness through the eyes of the Divine, which is infinite.

Eudialyte spiritual properties increase and revitalize one’s personal power in relationships. This is a gemstone that protects your heart. Eudialyte is a grounding stone that ensures we have realistic expectations of others. It helps you to realize if you are being taken advantage of an reinforcing your boundaries. If you feel you need to end a relationship, it supports doing so in a gentle, peaceful, but firm manner.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

Eudialyte aids you to discover what your life path is. It carries positive vibrations, and has an ability to assist heart based loving energy to fill your life. It has a strong ability to cause coincidence or synchronicity to occur in your life. It creates an increase in both beta and alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves help to increase your creativity and may stimulate clairaudience, and also help you to develop telepathy and ESP. This crystal opens the heart chakra, then helps to produce a loving connection to base chakra energy. This helps to unite your emotional feelings with physical expression. It has a very encouraging vibration and is a strong aid to help you to recognize what direction to take your life in.

Eudialyte has a deep connection with soul relationships and is able to show us the purpose in each one. It shows us the soul companions of the past, revealing the reason for meeting them and their purpose in our lives (whether they are still with us in the physical realm or not). When meditating or sleeping with Eudialyte, it grants insight as to why certain soulmates may be rejecting you and whether or not they truly are soulmates. In cases where you feel an extreme attraction to someone, this stone will help you figure out whether you are destined for a sexual relationship with someone or if your soul is pulling you towards spiritual work that needs to be done.

This is a supportive stone, that aids you to find out what your reason is for being here at this time. It helps you to connect through your heart, and to take that energy into your physical life, to determine how to create a purposeful life. Eudialyte embodies both the pink ray of the heart and the deeper red ray of the lower chakras, and connects your spirituality with physical existence. Eudialyte attracts us to our Soul Companions. These may be Soul Mate relationships, or people vital to our personal and spiritual growth and development. If we have made Soul Contracts with others, this stone will facilitate locating them in this life.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

Eudialyte is strongly connected to the physical realm, and will help to stimulate physical energy and pursue goals in the material realm. It is highly grounding, acting as a good stone for protection from negative energies and driving away negative feelings. The vitality present in Eudialyte aligns itself with the root, sacral and heart chakras, where it stimulates a strong earth connection that helps to increase passion, feelings of joy and personal empowerment.

Eudialyte teaches you how to forgive both yourself and others. Negative emotions like anger, grief, fear, and guilt only hold you back. Eudialyte helps you release them so that you can move forward. In particular, Eudialyte is an effective antidote for envy and resentment. If you are struggling to find your life path, this crystal will reveal your unique talents and help you find a career to express them. Eudialyte inspires creativity and unlocks hidden gifts and truths. This crystal shows you your best self and empowers you to achieve it.

It shows us how to rectify the consequences of our poor choices by exposing the reasoning that led us to make them then facilitating our spiritual growth through joy and contentment rather than anger and suffering. Eudialyte encourages us to embrace the fullness that life has to offer including the good, the bad and the ugly. A stone of purification, it aligns us to our true purpose and reminds us of our natural born divinity. It empowers our transformation by encouraging us to release our negative emotions like jealous, envy, guilt and resentment and replace them with forgiveness and self-love. It reminds us that we are not balanced or well if we neglect or stifle our creative gifts. Unexpressed creativity stifles our growth and spiritual development so Eudialyte strives to help us find outlets to express ourselves then reminds us to treasure our gifts.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

Eudialyte is a supportive stone, as it helps us connect with our heart’s deepest desires and then enables us to take the steps to bring those desires into the physical world. In this sense, it is a wonderful stone to use with manifestation work. It is a heart-opening stone, and encourages us to follow our hearts, to lead with love, and to nurture ourselves with healing self-love. In this way, Eudialyte can also aid in healing the entire emotional body.

Psychically, Eudialyte helps with clairaudience, manifestation, and psychic resonance and abilities, and is a psychically protective stone. This gemstone is very useful if you are just starting to delve into intuitive practices and want to ensure you are not overwhelmed or influenced by extrenal forces. As a grounding stone, eudialyte will help you keep a fixed attention to your goals. It will sustain the balance of energies in your life and manifest your intentions. It is said that using eudialyte in your daily life will remind you of the capabilities you already have to achieve your aspirations.

The vibrations of Eudialyte are perfect for dissolving feelings of jealousy, resentment, and strong hostility; allowing one to build the self confidence to overcome these feelings. Eudialyte is also very beneficial for anyone who feels “lost” and doesn’t know what they desire or what path to take in life. It aids in identifying our gifts and talents as well as an appropriate way to express them, so we may create a pathway to a fulfilling life. Physically, this stone supports the optic nerves, brain waves, and cells on a multidimensional level.

Eudialyte creates a bridge that connects Heaven and Earth, physical and spiritual, channeling the energies of the Divine, enhancing intuitive gifts and mental abilities and awakening the sleeping kundalini. It inspires new and creative ideas and communication from a place of love. Eudialyte brings balance, and protects us from negativity both external and internal. It lifts us, inspires, motivates and empowers us with love.



Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Archangel Uriel

Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Red

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Lua, Neriene

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Saturn and Mars

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns


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