Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

Blue Lace Agate With Druzy Tower 2

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

1) Amethyst

Amethyst is an incredibly soothing stone that changes negative energy into a more positive vibe. When used in cluster form, it is especially good at clearing the energy of a room. This crystal is a natural tranquilizer.

Amethyst is a stone of spirituality. It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into higher frequencies of both spiritual and ethereal levels. It is representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis. It balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the earth plane and the other worlds. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within ones body. amethyst also bestows stability, strength, invigoration, and peace; the peace being the perfect peace which was present prior to birth. You can immediately feel peace of mind by simply looking at this brilliant crystal. In fact, its radiant purple and white colors have represented the sobriety of emotions and spirit throughout history. By placing Amethyst on your forehead, navel or heart, you can immediately sense the angers, frustrations, and furies leaving your body. Psychics, mediums, and other divination practitioners also still hold Amethyst’s worth in high regard. They often decorate sacred altars and spaces with its incomparably beautiful violet designs.

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

2) Rose Quartz

It’s the stone of unconditional love, so, if grudges are being held by your nearest and dearest then rose quartz will help them forgive and let go. You never know, maybe your uncle and dad will finally stop arguing over whether Maradona or Pele was the best footballer. You could also place it next to anyone searching for romance to encourage matchmaking under the mistletoe.

Rose Quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded. Emotionally rose quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness and tolerance as well as balancing one’s emotions; thus bringing inner peace and harmony. It raises one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth. It helps balance emotions and heal emotional wounds and traumas, even grief, bringing peace and calm.

Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self if one has lost their own mother. It promotes bonding and is a good stone to place on the stomach during pregnancy, and to take to the hospital to be near the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days to follow. Placing baby milk or food within a circle of Rose Quartz for a few minutes helps ease colic or feeding difficulties.

Rose quartz is powerful for dealing with affairs of the heart. It opens up the heart for both giving and receiving love. It soothes negative influences. This stone is good for dealing with issues on an emotional level. It is a stone from the heart and for the heart. It helps people to be able to love themselves and is a good stone for dealing with a broken heart. The rose quartz is also good for helping one to release childhood traumas, neglect, lack of love, and poor self-esteem. It is the best stone for opening the heart chakra. Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

3) Apache Tears

Christmas without loved ones can be tough. These are good stones to have around if anyone in your group is grieving for a loved one who is no longer with them. Apache tears are a form of black obsidian but they have much gentler energy.

Apache Tears are a volcanic form of Obsidian created when hot lava spewing out of a volcano solidifies before it hits the ground. It is literally fire energy from deep within the Earth! It instantly grounds us back to Earth’s energy. Apache Tears are created from the deep core of the Earth whose energy will help us heal our deep seeded emotional wounds. A very supportive stone during times of sorrow, they work to help us release our grief, removing blockages that prevent that removal and accept that what happened, has happened, while uplifting us to move on. Apache Tears’ extremely powerful grounding energy can be harnessed to transport our spiritual energy back down to earth during times when we are living with only our higher Chakras in mind. It does this by helping us connect our spiritual experiences with our physical body ensuring balance is inevitably realized. Apache Tears are a valuable tool to enhance our logic and critical thinking skills. This opens the door to new opportunities and skills, resulting in a feeling of hope and new beginnings. Releasing negative energies of all forms, Apache Tears also inspires positive change and emboldens us to put a plan of action together to achieve our goal.

Carry an Apache Tear in your pocket as protection from all types of negative energies, including psychic attacks. These will help to remove and transmute these energies, clearing the way for more positive vibrations. They help to ground spiritual experiences into the physical, helping one to integrate these experiences into the everyday life. It can protect one when travelling, especially at night.

Apache Tears will link easily with the emotional body and are said to release negative emotions, heal old wounds as well as assisting with forgiveness which in turn helps with removing blockages within the body. Apache Tears assist with processing and releasing emotional patterns, especially those held in one’s subconscious. In spiritual counseling it can release the floodgates of grief, allowing cleansing and releasing of long held wounds.

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

4) Carnelian

Carnelian is a stone of energy. If you know you’re likely to hit a post-Christmas dinner slump and you need to create an air pocket for cheese and biscuits then keep carnelian on hand to perk you up. It’s good for digestion and helps to boost your metabolism too.

It is said to assist in stimulating creativity. It seems to have a clearing effect, dispelling negative energies as it replaces them with positive ones. This can make it easier to find direction, and its grounding effects can make it easier for you to feel in control of your life. This makes carnelian a good stone for people who feel like they are going nowhere. Carnelian applied physically, can promote balanced digestion. For lower abdominal pain, especially in woman and in pregnancy, this stone placed on the pubic bone each day for twenty minutes will reduce the pain.

It is said that this stone will help cleanse and purify the blood, thus giving more physical energy. It balances creative and organization abilities, opens doors and creates a need to follow through on plans. Wear this stone to prevent other people from reading your thoughts or from dark forces attempting to influence your mind. There are quite many ancient beliefs associated with Carnelian, which centered around protection during travels after death and against evil.

Carnelian crystal properties go far beyond artistic expression. In fact, this stone empowers your self-confidence in all aspects of your life – from relationships and professional pursuits to personal projects. When you are searching for a stone to help you tap into your passion and inner creativity, look no further than the Carnelian crystal healing properties.

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

5) Citrine

Such a happy, happy stone which practically screams “sunshine’! Just what we need in the northern hemisphere while the nights are long and Vitamin D is in short supply. Citrine is also a stone of abundance that helps attract wealth, success and prosperity.

The energy of this mineral is especially applicable to the areas of the solar plexus and the chakras located at the hands and feet. It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It softens negative energy and allows the positive frequencies to enter the realm of affection. It works to dissolve the resultant formations, effects, disorders and disease which a problem has created. Citrine is one of the minerals on the planet which does not hold and accumulate negative energy, but dissipates and transmutes it, working-out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. It, hence never needs clearing or cleansing. The word “citrine” comes from the Greek word meaning citron, as many of the earliest crystals found had a color similar to the citrus fruit of that name. As noted, citrine is formed by heat-treating amethyst, specifically purple amethyst. Heat treating, in relation to minerals, gems, and crystals, refers to the process of enhancing a gemstone to give it a more desirable color or remove its flaws by subjecting it to very high temperatures. Citrine is one of of several Zodiac birthstones associated with Leo, as the sign has a strong affinity with the sun, its planetary ruler. Although, it is also associated with the sign Cancer, as it is a summer stone and as such, it has a strong connection with those born in the summer months. It is also one of the two traditional birthstones of November, the other one being Yellow Topaz.

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

6) Blue Lace Agate

This crystal will help calm everyone down and communicate with each other better. If you place blue lace agate on the table you won’t need to worry about your mum accidentally calling your new boyfriend by your old one’s name.

Blue Lace Agate is one the prettiest stones you will ever see. With its delicate bands and patterns that look like waves and arrangements that look like lace, this stone can truly captivate. Blue Lace Agate is also known as Blue Chalcedony Lace, Blue Lace, or the Gem of Ecology. Its name relates to the beautiful lacy bands of grey, white, and blue lines that run through the light blue stone. This shade of blue is often described as “celestial” because it is reminiscent of the beautiful blue sky of a perfect summer’s day.

The Blue Lace Agate crystal meaning is associated with stress relief, a common benefit of all gemstones. But in the world of crystal healing, Blue Lace Agate is a rock star for soothing an overactive mind and calming nerves. Similar to the effects of gazing at a pale blue sky that stretches out to the horizon, It is the best tool for relaxing and maintaining a calm demeanor. Call on this gemstone for a much-needed daily does of positive vibes, the best antidote to the stress of our busy, hectic lives. A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. It is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralizing anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Blue Lace Agate helps to strengthen and accelerate the repair of bones, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections. It soothes red, sore eyes and any skin problems associated with redness and irritation.

Top 7 Stones For Christmas (Yuletide)

7) Black Tourmaline

Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, Black Tourmaline crystal stone is an excellent crystal for everyone because it’s the bodyguard stone that provides protection and elimination of negative energy. Wear it as jewelry, keep it in your car, place it all over the house, near computers. Seriously, just put it everywhere because this all-around energy cleanser is a must-have for every gemstone collection.

Black Tourmaline is a pyroelectric stone, meaning that it produces electricity when it becomes heated. It’s also piezoelectric, which means that it’s also capable of storing electrical charge. The Black Tourmaline crystal properties work like a sponge, soaking up all the negative energy that surrounds it. Through absorbing negativity, the stone can prevent unwanted energy from entering your home, mind, body, or spirit which gives this stone its protective quality. Because of its powerful ability to clear negativity, Black Tourmaline crystal is also a key component in everyday cleansing rituals and can help to release any unwanted energy already stored in your energy field.

Black Tourmaline healing properties are also highly grounding and stabilizing because of the stone’s association to the lower chakras. By grounding your energy and providing a deeper sense of energetic security, this crystal helps you to feel safe as you move throughout the world.

It is known to be one of the most effective and powerful stones that can heal and protect you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a stone that you should never be without because it can protect you against accidents, misfortune, sickness, and everything that brings negativity or unhappiness. It can also help ground you when the world becomes overwhelming. Black Tourmaline should always be close to you so that you will always have good health, happiness, good luck, and optimism.

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