Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Crystal Skulls
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Crystal Skulls, Crystal skulls have been used for energy and healing for thousands of years. The crystal skull is the symbol of life and it represents wisdom, communication, mind power, and knowledge. They have powerful healing properties and they release an extreme amount of energy, providing protection and guidance in many ways. Crystal skulls are extremely beneficial for any type of healing that you need. They keep you safe from unwanted energetic exchanges and shield you from negative energies surrounding you. A crystal skull acts as a power hold for healing, allowing fruitful, positive energy to flow into your body and eliminate toxic, negative energy. A crystal skull can be used to pull the energy from the root chakra, being excellent in charging the life-force energy from the ground and pushing it upward. The skull acts like a magnet, absorbing the toxic, negative energies and welcoming good vibes, allowing you to feel protected and safe.
Crystal Skulls support us on our journey of remembering who we are and that we are all one. They are ideal tools to support us in increasing our vibrations. Helping us to remember who we are, and therefore helping us to express who we truly are, instead of expressing who we have been conditioned to be. When we work with a crystal skull we awaken its potential, and therefore increase the power of its characteristics. Crystal skulls hold energy and information. They transmit and share this energy and information with other crystal skulls, like a download. Crystal skulls that have been activated have far more power and energy than those that are not activated or energised. Activation changes your crystal skull from a simple stone carving to a powerful tool for healing, consciousness, and intention. Crystal skull activation is a process of awakening and optimising the energies and consciousness within your crystal skull. Activating your crystal skull is like turning on your computer so you can access the power and information held within it
Crystal skulls are commonly made of Quartz, an indispensable mineral in manufacturing electronic devices and storing data due to its piezoelectric properties or their ability to generate electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress. Some people believe that the same piezoelectric properties enable crystal skulls to store a wealth of ancient knowledge, as well as messages from aliens or lost civilizations. This is why they are referred to as ‘cosmic libraries.’ Many people vouch for the ability of gemstones to manifest intentions and raise vibrations. And shaping these stones into skulls is a way to amplify their existing powers. Skulls made from various precious stones are said to speed up the healing process for distresses affecting the mind and heart. Crystal skulls are also known for enhancing psychic powers. The vibrational energy that skulls release are believed to be similar to the electromagnetic waves of the brain which are responsible for thought processing. As a result, people who meditate with crystal skulls derive insight and knowledge. Some people even report experiencing premonitions and psychic visions in the presence of the skulls.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Crystal Skulls
The healing power of a crystal skull makes it a great piece for a new home, where stagnant or leftover energy may linger. It’s also great to keep on your desk at work. With many energies surrounding you, a crystal skull can keep you safe from unwanted energetic exchanges. Dark-colored crystals skulls (deep purple amethyst, smoky quartz, obsidian, etc.) Are especially good for grounding. Pulling the energy from the root chakra, a crystal skull is excellent for charging life-force energy from the earth, upward. This supports your fight or flight response, allowing you to feel safe, desirable, and renews self-esteem. The unique vibration of a crystal skull spiritual enlightenment and wisdom and activate the crown chakra. If you are intuitive or psychic, the crystal skull is great for channeling downloads and messages from beyond.
One very important thing to note about Crystal Skulls is that they will reflect energy. So they are capable of pulling out truths that you’ve hidden from even yourself. Ideal for shadow work, Crystal Skulls are will help you rebuild and heal yourself from the inside out. Many people don’t know where to start when it comes to how to working with powerful crystals, but one of the major benefits of a crystal skull is that it will energetically guide you. When meditating with it in hand or nearby, there will be an intuitive pull and clarity will be given to illuminate the areas of your life that require your focus and attention. Sometimes it’s healing, sometimes it’s expansions, but every time the skull makes it crystal clear.
Besides its shape and energy, the crystal skull is unique because of its history. Ancient healing, magic, and what we now call manifestation were all purposes the skull shape served for over 2,000 years. Thousands of years later, and you can have your very own Crystal Skull to ignite your own divine power, ground yourself, find spiritual security, and empower all of your spiritual and material pursuits.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Crystal Skulls
Crystal skulls have long been used in certain cultures as a means to access other dimensions of their mind. By doing this, it is believed that you can see the connections between your being and the things around you. The skulls allow the user to awaken to knowledge that they may not have had access to otherwise. The different benefits of the carved skull depend on the type of gemstone it is carved from. Much like different healing crystals around the home can benefit you I different ways using Feng Shui, decorative crystal skulls can impact the energy of the space. Crystal skulls can be used like crystal balls to see visions of the past, present and future. They claim that the skulls emit psychic energy, auras or even sounds.
When working with your skull you may see its messages by looking into its eyes or you may hear what it has to say by placing the skull just behind your ear. Placing your hands on the cranium of the skull is another efficient way of intuitively receiving information. The messages received can relate to past, present or future. Covering your skull with a cloth at the end of your channeling is helpful to cut off ties and further information. Using your crystal skull in a grid can amplify its energy. Try placing your skull as the centre piece of your grid and add other crystals like clear quartz points in sacred geometry shapes along with any other crystal that enhance your intention for the grid. Crystal skulls can be programmed and directed by desired intention for supporting the healing of oneself and others. One can work with specific stones for assistance with specific conditions, or one can work with an all-purpose crystal skull carved of clear quartz crystal.
Some believe that each crystal skull has its own unique consciousness and personality. Many crystal skull guardians (a guardian is anyone who has a crystal skull) say that they receive a specific name for their crystal skull and feel a distinct energy connecting through it to them. They often describe the energy as a spirit, guide, or teacher from higher dimensions and feel that this guide works through the crystal skull energies to assist them on their spiritual path. Others feel that the special energies coming through their crystal skull are actually from their own Higher Self. The crystal skull acts as a conduit or connection which helps them sense their Higher Power more clearly and enables them to access their own special gifts and abilities more completely.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Crystal Skulls
There are many ways to work with and enjoy crystal skulls. You can meditate with a crystal skull to feel calmer and more relaxed. Listening to inspiring music while holding a skull can activate healing energies through your hands and energy field for clearing and rejuvenation. If you are working on a special project or presentation, place crystal skulls around your computer for extra energy and inspiration. You can also grid with crystal skulls and other healing stones to intensify and amplify energies around something that you want to manifest. These ideas and more help you use crystal skull energies to improve and enhance your life. Crystal skull energies can enhance and heal your life in wonderful ways. If you are drawn to start working with them, they have shown up in your life for a reason. Realize that you’ve just received your own personal invitation into the mysterious and mystical world of crystal skulls. Stay open and and allow yourself to enjoy new levels of joy and the unexpected surprises that they will bring.
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