Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lithium Quartz
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lithium Quartz, Lithium Quartz is a form of Quartz that contains inclusions of the mineral Lithium. This inclusion is responsible for producing the pale pink/mauve color. Lithium has been used in pharmaceuticals to treat depression. Therefore, Lithium Quartz is a great stone for those suffering from depression. Lithium Quartz has a very powerful healing energy that resonates with all 7 Chakras and can be used to activate and cleanse each one. It is a stone of balance for our brain and our emotions. With its comforting and soothing energy, Lithium Quartz uplifts our spirit and calms our emotional body. It helps to release repressed emotions and pent up anger and grief, encouraging us to heal our heart and liberate ourselves from the grip these sentiments have had on our wellbeing. Use Lithium Quartz if you are feeling anxious, depressed or suffering from panic attacks to calm your mind and inspire your soul.
Lithium Quartz brings emotional peace, stress release, and relaxation. A powerful, yet gentle healer, Lithium Quartz balances the brain and the emotions. Calming and soothing, Lithium Quartz uplifts the mental and emotional bodies, and gently moves repressed anger and grief to the surface so it can be healed. Lithium Quartz Crystal can also heal emotional issues from past lives.
Lithium Quartz opens and heals the Heart Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra to create powerful meditations. Lithium Quartz activates and cleanses all of the Chakras. It is a good stone to use when working with pets or plants. Lithium Quartz can be used to assist in addiction withdrawal, as well as issues of insomnia, anxiety, and panic disorders. Lithium Quartz can purify water.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lithium Quartz
The Lithium contained in this Quartz is the same mineral used in antidepressant medication, but in its pure form as it comes out of the Earth. When combined with Clear Quartz, the natural antidepressant properties of Lithium are amplified. Lithium Quartz is a combination of pure Clear Quartz with inclusions of Lithium rich minerals. The Lithium is often seen as a pale pink to mauve phantom within the Quartz. It is the presence of the Lithium that makes this Quartz Crystal so special.
As a crystal tool, Lithium Quartz may help to dissolve present life emotional disease as it uncovers the past source of the issue on a cellular memory level. Lithium Quartz helps one release negative attachments as it reinforces the flow of positive energy. Lithium Quartz fosters a deeper meditation for healing, emotional peace, and connection to the higher self. Lithium Quartz supports emotional openness and the release of attachments. Lithium quartz is calming to frayed nerves and helps to alleviate stress encouraging one to be present. Lithium Quartz is a heart healing crystal and provides harmony in relationships.
Lithium Quartz is a gentle but very powerful crystal, just like Jet. It will make you relax without robbing you of the strength you need to function properly. It can give you the right kind of balance when you’re feeling sick or stressed out but still need to perform at your best. This crystal can help eliminate your anxieties, worries, and stress. It will dispel your fears, and it will lift you out of your depression. Any thought or feeling that’s not making you stronger or braver than you are will be eliminated by this crystal.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lithium Quartz
Lithium Quartz is the ultimate Zen stone. Bringing deep peace, happiness, balance & energetic fluidity, it is excellent for mind clarity & maintaining mental stability. Highly supportive this stone is a fantastic ally for those suffering from over thinking, worry, stress, anxiety, depression or other mental disorders. It diffuses these low frequency vibrations, elevating them & creating space for the higher joyous frequencies to prevail. This crystal balances the energy flow of the endocrine/hormone system which is responsible for releasing chemicals into the body & reduces the intensity of emotional ups & downs.
Lithium Quartz teaches the ancient art of knowing thy self. It shows us how to understand our internal biological machinery & how to conquer our inner workings. Harnessing ones inner workings bring self control & great strength to manipulate change & manifest your world both within & without. This crystal imparts the wisdom of how to control your own mind & shows how this self control allows one to manifest their highest happiness.
Lithium Quartz boosts self esteem, self love & self confidence removing the concept of a negative body or self image. It helps to install a deep love, compassion & understanding for the self. It shows the true radiant beauty within the self & helps it shine outward for the rest of the world to see. Lithium Quartz is superb to meditate with it has a naturally sedative energy that is extremely calming. This neutralizes obsessive & unhealthy thought patterns enabling deep meditative states of peaceful bliss. It assists one in finding their center a place of tranquility & inner peace where energetic realignment occurs.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Lithium Quartz
Cultivating a peaceful space for relaxation, Lithium Quartz invites stillness for reaching a deeper state of meditation. Placing one near your bed, it soothes an overactive mind and eases you into a restful dream state. Its revitalizing energy heightens intuition, bringing awareness to how past attachments are negatively affecting your present circumstances.
When stress levels are rising and feelings of anger emerge, Lithium Quartz calms anxious nerves to regain your composure. Awakening the experience to witness what unfolds in the moment, it invites you to surrender control of a desired outcome. Free from the negative influences that once consumed you, it opens your heart to welcome happiness and love into your life.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Raphael
Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: Green
Chakra: Heart
Element: Air
Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose
Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon
Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth
Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary
Incense: Sandalwood, Rose
Planet: Venus and the Moon
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
Lithium Quartz Crystals For Sale
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