Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Morado Opal

metaphysical healing properties of morado opal

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Morado Opal


Marado Opal healing is used today by alchemical and metaphysical healers, within their healing practices, even as it was in the past, for transmutation of negative energies within the body. The purple color in Morado Opal is caused by the inclusion of slithers of Fluorite. The addition of Fluorite to the Opal helps bring about emotional healing. The more purple the color is the more soothing the energy and suitable for use in healing depression and deeply buried resentments and anger. Morado Opal works on the solar plexus chakra and calms nervous energy. It quietens the inner voice and dispels negative thoughts. It reaches out to the heart chakra for love and self worth and if the heart chakra is balanced then it can aid the healing of the solar plexus.

Purple Opal emanates some of the highest vibrations of any Opal we’ve ever worked with. One’s third eye will immediately become unlocked when first tapping into the energy of this stone. Our own psychic abilities come to life, as well as an increase in one’s mental capacity as a whole. This is in part due to the strengthened connection we have with our third eye and crown chakras. This channel is vital for the processing of higher knowledge sent directly from our spirit guides and guardian angels. These messages can come in the form of deep meditation, our own nightly dream cycles, and can even happen with your consciousness still awake.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Morado Opal

Like all Opals, Mexican Morado Opal helps to awaken our psychic and mystical gifts and enhances our powers of intuition and clairsentience. However, Morado Opal has much more to offer. It is very much a stone of spiritual tranquillity and connection to higher sources. It stimulates spiritual awareness, helps further our communication with the angelic realms and better connects us with our own guardians and guides. Working mostly on our third eye and crown chakras it is an excellent crystal for meditation that seemingly melts away any resisting thoughts so that we can experience a more natural meditation. Morado Opal carries the energy of the Violet Flame that both cleanses and purifies our upper chakras and opens us up to higher inter-dimensional energies. It helps to purify and to transform us spiritually making us much more spiritually aware and bringing harmony to our entire being. Morado Opal also helps us in understanding the workings of the universe and enables us to better understand the concept of “I Am”.

If you have difficulty setting up your personal boundaries, this Opal will be helpful. It will make your interactions with others much less emotional for you. Morado Opal can help you gain prosperity. This crystal can connect you to the people of the Pleides. It also connects you to the energy of the Pleides to help you understand how the Universe works. You will find yourself much better able to understand the “I Am”. This crystal can help you grasp the sciences better; understand them better. Morado Opal helps dispel sadness and/or the loss of another.

Marado Opal is a flame of joy as it sweeps through the consciousness of humanity. Flowing with the great flow of the Holy Spirit, it frees every particle of energy that it touches. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays. The violet ray is the seventh of these rays. Violet flame can get rid of your bad karma and change the vibrations that exist around you.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Morado Opal

Morado Opal helps us to recognise and face up to our own negative emotions and by confronting them, release them. It not only helps us to release negative emotions but enables us to foster much more positive emotions too, making our whole emotional outlook on life much less stressed and much more pleasant. Morado Opal helps us to interact with other people and, for those who feel that their personal boundaries are not respected, this is an excellent crystal to work with.

One will also notice an increase in synchronicities once a strong connect between you and Purple Opal have been made. These moments almost feel like “deja vu” experiences, not just coincidences. One must use these moments as a “checkpoint” on their life path. This should assure you that you are on your soul path with all things falling in place right before your eyes. It is vital that you continue moving forward on your own spiritual journey while using the knowledge that’s being channeled through you.

Morado opal is excellent for working with the Third Eye Chakra and connecting to higher knowledge. It is believed to bring the energy of the Pleiadians to you, while deepening your meditation practice. So if you are seeking higher knowledge and answers, this is your tool. Quartz magnifies the energy around it, so the powerful inspirational and creative energies of opal and the spiritual clarity and attunement of fluorite are amplified in these stones.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Morado Opal

Opal has a generally health enhancing effect because it strengthens the will to live. Opal is beneficial for the health or your eyes, kidneys and skin. This stone is helpful if you are challenged by dehydration or water retention. Use it to balance your body’s water content. This is a good stone for those who work in or around water, such as a physical therapist who employs hydrotherapy.
​Opal strengthens the will to live. It treats Parkinson’s disease, infections and fevers. Opal strengthens your memory, purifies the blood and kidneys. It regulates insulin, eases childbirth and alleviates PMS (use the dark colours for this). Opal is beneficial to the eyes, especially as crystal water.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Wind



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