Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz, Angel Aura Quartz is an extremely high vibrational stone that’s energies can be felt to the touch, no matter the sensitivity of a person. This magic mineral can provide enough energy to fill environments with endless rays of joy, happiness, and uplifting energy. Angel Aura Quartz is the perfect stone to help when one may feel emotionally unstable or distressed. The energies that radiate from this stone provide a protective shield around ones aura that helps provide inner peace, mental clarity, heightened intellect, and pure serenity.
Angel Aura Quartz Crystal works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. It is a true union of clear quartz crystal and platinum. According to Metaphysical experts, its brilliant rainbow iridescence is said to help us gain access to the Angelic Realm, while at the same time strengthening and sealing your aura (the auric field). This is achieved pairing high vibrational clear quartz crystal with Platinum, the highest vibrational metal, through the special CVD process.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz
Angel Aura Quartz Crystals are not valuable only for their shiny outer appearance, but also have powerful healing benefits. The high vibrational energy of the crystal creates a protective shield around the aura. It is known that many health problems are related to stress. Studies have shown that stress can worsen or increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, asthma, and depression. Angel Aura Quartz is an excellent crystal for stress relief and can also bring our body into balance by releasing harmful negative energies. The crystal is known mostly for its metaphysical properties, but also has various benefits for the physical body.
Connects you with the divine and cosmic consciousness. So getting so many of the things we aspire to have or achieve in life depend on our awareness to the potential achieve them that the universe presents us. Being a crystal that connects you to the higher realms of awareness is why we recommend wearing high quality Angel Aura Quartz as a pendant, necklace or bracelet on your dominant wrist.
Angel Aura Quartz is great to work with when we feel overwhelmed by intense negative emotions. We can also enjoy the crystal’s powerful healing energy when we experience depression, anxiety, and panic attacks and want to restore inner peace and balance. Angel Aura Quartz is a must-have crystal for those who want to improve their mental abilities. It helps us to maintain our mental health and increases our mental strength. Angel Aura Quartz is one of the best crystals that can assist and help us in our spiritual transformation. Its pure high vibrational energy makes possible the connection with high spiritual realms, including the angelic realm.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz
Angel Aura Quartz Crystal is a master healer bringing the light body into balance. Angel Aura Quartz Crystal uplifts one’s mood and puts one into a state of serenity and peace allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of the higher planes. It is beneficial for psychic trauma and hurt, emotional toxicity, multi dimensional healing. Angel Aura enhances the body and the energy fields and has been used for aura and chakra clearing, removing cords, limited beliefs system, mental attitudes, unspoken psychic contracts and astral parasites. It aligns and purifies all chakras allowing the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration.
Angel aura encourages natural intuition and insight. It is said to assist in the alignment between the spiritual self and the astral planes. It is also said to provide a connection to the stars, opening communications between the Earth plane and the “star people” and other spiritual guides. It helps to raise the vibration making connection with higher planes easier. You will be able to experience rest and purification. You will also go beyond the physical body and receive assistance from your own angel guides because of your elevated state of consciousness. Angel Aura Quartz is a very tranquil and peaceful crystal. it has very high levels of spiritual energies that will be very beneficial to your aura. It will work with you in maintaining your aura’s energy by protecting and keeping it balanced. It will remove all the toxicity in your life.
Nirvana Quartz are very high vibration crystals with strong metaphysical properties. They help you to move towards that state that is known as enlightenment. Using them may help your spiritual awakening, as they have a powerful crystal energy that is easily felt within the higher chakras. This is a variety of quartz that was only discovered in 2006 when the Himalayan glaciers began to recede due to global warming. This type of crystal is also known as ice quartz, as many of the pieces have strange shaped forms and resemble pieces of ice.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz
Nirvana Quartz reveals to us the importance of inner radiance, and the necessity of overcoming difficulty and hardship as part of the path of spiritual ascension. It assists us in discovering and embracing the wisdom gained through all of life’s experiences, and relieves feelings of stuckness by preparing us for transformation and forward movement. Nirvana Quartz helps us to overcome feelings of victimization and unworthiness. It is an excellent tool for meditation, allowing you to access inner knowledge and align the heart and mind.
The stone may also instill serenity in the soul and mind of the possessor by way of getting rid of the unimportant and toxic thoughts. The entire purpose of meditating with this stone is frequently to attain a state of inner silence by way of clearing the mind of whatever thoughts, as well as in the process of thinking. Nirvana quartz benefits is bringing enlightenment. The kind of enlightenment that this stone brings may open you up through the divine truth, as well as is meant in bringing your spirit in harmony with the higher, unworldly self. Your own lid is meant to be fully lived and with this stone, you’ll be able to find a sense of purpose in the path that you’ve been walking. The nirvana quartz can make you strong enough in making such important changes in life so you may start your own journey through enlightenment in an instant. The vibration that it has, which emanate from the crystal may also serve as a great boost in the confidence for you, as well as make you more self-reliant while keeping the knowledge of truth intact.
Ice quartz assists us to grow in spirit, in awareness, and in person. As we grow in spirit, subsequently, our psychic awareness and intuitive skills blossom. When we are working to accept and adapt, to personally transcend the difficulty of a trying circumstance and take it for what it is, this stone can help us find inner peace. It will especially help those who are at the mercy of others or of circumstance, who are having difficulty accepting change, to adapt. When someone has moved forth from the trauma of a difficult relationship, job, or other hardship, it will help them recenter and reset and to leave the past behind; it will gently urge them to find required resources. Ice quartz will also assist in preparing for change before the fact.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz
The energy of nirvana quartz is somewhat “magnetic,” so if someone is working in a field where they need the support of others, this stone will help them draw it, so long as their intent is true. If someone is working on astral travel and has been blocked, it’s a good idea for them to work with ice quartz; it will raise their vibrational frequency, which is likely necessary. Nirvana Quartz can take you to the higher planes and help remove spiritual barriers you have placed upon yourself. It helps you understand that steps are needed to achieve your spiritual goals, and by removing the energy blocks it aids us in seeing that all things are possible for us to achieve.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Mariel
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: White, Magenta
Chakra: Soul Star
Element: Spirit
Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang, Jasmine
Goddess: Juno, Gaea
Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus
Herbs: Neroli, Salvia, Roman Chamomile, White Angelica, Witch Hazel, White Sage, Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense, Hyssop
Incense: Frankincense, Bergamot
Planet: Jupiter And Uranus
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
Angel Aura Nirvana Quartz For Sale
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