Top 11 Stones For Weight Lose
1) Blue Apatite
Acts as a hunger suppressant, and it reduces your cravings for food that are bad for you. This crystal’s vibration radiates a sense of clarity on what you desire and bolsters your determination to achieve that desire. It also raises your metabolic rate that contributes to your getting rid of your excess pounds. Apatite is known to be very helpful in improving your coordination and strengthening your muscles. It also encourages healthier eating habits. Apatite is a stone of the Throat Chakra and is credited with suppressing hunger and raising your metabolic rate. Therefore, it’s the perfect stone to use in conjunction with your diet and workout for greater results.
2) Peridot
It brings you a renewed sensation to your body. It encourages you to be drawn toward healthy foods and only eat when you’re hungry. Peridot gemstones are potent healing crystals for you to have in your life. Their preeminent benefit is their strong energy, that comes like a beam of sunshine into your life. These crystals are known to help the body to heal from health issues such as problems in the heart, lungs, spleen and intestines and they are known to help stomach and duodenal ulcers. Their healing properties relate to how they may stimulate your body, and boost strength and staying power. One of the foremost characteristics of this lovely green stone, is its ability to elevate your overall level of happiness.
Top 11 Stones For Weight Lose
3) Sodalite
The first reason why we should use sodalite for weight loss is that it soothes our cravings for restricted things, such as eating greasy and salty food or candies. The crystal helps us be in control of our body and desires that usually we have little willpower to suppress. Our consciousness comes to dominate our unconsciousness. This can help make us the master of our own body, and make it easy to control our inner cravings. If you intend to use Sodalite for weight loss, you should know that it helps not only our mind but also our body to adjust better to the process of shedding weight. The stone has a role in balancing the metabolism. This speeds up the exchange of substances that is an important factor in preventing fat tissues from building up.
4) Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz crystal is considered to be one of the best healing crystals and may be used for treating many conditions. Wearing this crystal will stimulate your immune system, boost the energy flow and bring your whole body into balance. Since ancient times people used it to treat headaches, dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, to improve metabolism, and for weight loss. Clear Quartz is also useful for eliminating toxins from the body, healing digestive problems, and infections. Many of the positive effects are likely to be a byproduct of better emotional and physical health. For example, the stone is believed to address stress-related ailments like migraines, digestive issues, and more. By addressing the emotional toxins that plague your physical body, you can sometimes find relief from a wide range of problems.
5) Carnelian
suppresses hunger and removes your cravings for certain foods. It also detoxifies your body and improves your overall health. It will keep you motivated, and you will never run out of stamina. It’s a perfect stone for women who have demanding careers and need to churn out creative output on a regular basis. Carnelian stones will bring more positivity to your life. You will feel more energetic and optimistic, and you will be able to overcome past traumas. Carnelian is there to unlock the potential that already resides within you. It’s essentially a shortcut to your inner fire and it gives you everything you need to succeed. Much of this will be the subtle yet appealing ways in which this stone can help to change your perspective on things for the better.
Top 11 Stones For Weight Lose
6) Amethyst
It overcomes addiction and blockages of all kinds. Amethyst strengthens the cleansing and eliminating organs and circulatory system. Amethyst helps you break free from addictions, including those to food, sex, prescription and non prescription drugs. Amethyst boosts production of hormones, and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system. The healing power of amethyst are connected with all sorts addiction problems. Amethyst has a soothing quality, and therefore it is often associated with peace and tranquility. Its soothing and protective essence works in favor of improving our intellect, strengthening our attention, and cleansing our mind. Amethyst relieves the strain in our mind, especially when dealing with increased stress and/or when our mental activity is accelerated.
7) Iolite
Iolite is known as one of the crystals for weight loss due to its action to assist you to release accumulated fatty deposits. They are also said to energize and balance the metabolism. They may help to improve problems in the liver, and their vibration may aid the release of toxins that have been stored in the body fat.
8) Rain Forest Jasper
Rain forest Jasper has a strong cleansing and detoxifying action, and it can help in cleansing the kidneys and getting rid of the body’s toxins. This stone can also support your weight loss efforts. Rainforest Jasper is an excellent stone to have when you need to achieve targets and goals. It will remove the procrastination in your system, and it will make you motivated to do the things that you have been avoiding. You will experience a stronger sense of self-confidence, and you will be able to let go of old habits that do more harm than good. Rain forest Jasper can make your dreams and wishes come true. It will help manifest your desires, and it will guide you on the path of success.
Top 11 Stones For Weight Lose
9) Epidote
It can help you let go of emotional and physical weight. It could also help you pay attention to what you eat and why you eat it. Epidote has the ability to increase your energy levels and is useful for strengthening the physical body. This stone facilitates a more complete assimilation of nutrients. It stimulates the immune system and aids in the healing process. Epidote is useful in convalescence, it supports the body’s healing process and ensures that you look after yourself in the best way possible. It may well bring to the surface the underlying core causes of obesity and so facilitate weight loss.
10) Sunstone
Sunstone has a very positive effect on one’s psyche, it promotes good humor, cheerfulness and an even temper. It may provide the necessary stamina and energy to undertake projects and tasks that one may find daunting. A Sunstone crystal has an uplifting quality that can bring passion, excitement, and creativity back into your life when you’ve lost touch with those feelings. Whether you feel like you’re living on auto-pilot or you feel overcome with darkness, Sunstone shines a light on all the opportunities for happiness and joy that surround you.
11) Gold Sheen Obsidian
This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth. This crystal works to release us from our own inner limitations that restrict development of our life path. hen finally being able to push past such restriction, one will soon learn that anything is possible if your willing to take the chance. Obsidian is a perfect meditation tool for anyone working to release negative energies and stimulate growth on all levels. This stone works on cleansing ones aura and providing protection from future incoming vibrations that may cause one distress or discomfort. Obsidian’s gift to you is the insight into the causes of disease. It helps with digestion. It detoxifies, dissolving blockages and tension.
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