Top 11 Stones For Protection

Top 11 Stones For Protection

Top 11 Stones For Protection

1) Black Tourmaline
black tourmaline properties are excellent for absorbing and transmuting any negative energy in your body or environment. Black tourmaline is also a wonderful addition to your home healing sanctuary because it neutralizes toxicity in the environment, such as high levels of radiation and electromagnetic energy. Keep your space free of harmful electromagnetic waves by placing the crystal near a computer or TV, an excellent way to benefit from its neutralizing and grounding effects. The second most important feature of this stone is the grounding effect. It is a very good stone for what we call mindfulness and stillness. If we know how to meditate well with the stone, though there is no right or wrong ways for meditating. I am just saying if we attain this high level of meditating with this stone and connect well with it, this stone will ground us and makes us still feeling safe and protected.

2) Jet
Jet is a common stone used for the purpose of protection. It also has many wonderful healing properties, which include pain relief and healing of traumatic injuries. The crystal Jet is believed to clear the aura of many impure energies and is recommended stone to keep in the medicine bag. This crystal can also be used to cleanse all other crystals by simply placing them in a bowl. Jet Stone will give you physical, emotional, and spiritual guidance to help keep you protected. Jet is a wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification and protection properties. Jet is known for clearing the aura of impure energies and is an important stone for the medicine bag.

3) Labradorite
It is said to dispel negativity and to bring clear understanding by enhancing clarity of thought and improving one’s ability to cooperate with others in harmony, therefor helping keep one protected. It helps in creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness and in facilitating visionary experiences from the past or the future. Labradorite is one of the most protective stones in the mineral kingdom. It can surround our aura with protective light and help to shield us from negativity, misfortune, and emotional drain. Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality; the traits and actions that rob our energy and may produce depression or shame.

Top 11 Stones For Protection

4) Fluorite
Cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. It can act as a ‘psychic vacuum cleaner.’ It is extremely clearing to mental fog or heaviness and the resulting negativity, and it organizes mental clutter and any astral ‘hangers on’ making mischief in the environment. Fluorite is a force of order and structure. It helps scattered and discordant energies become cohesive and harmonic.

5) Blue Kyanite
The stone’s meaning is a natural combatant to fear, anger, and frustration. It pushes those emotions away and ensures that nothing sticks. Even when you’re having a hard time dealing with perceived slights or heartbreak, Blue Kyanite does all that it can to make sure that those negative feelings don’t overstay their welcome. This new way of thinking can have a profound effect on your relationships with others. Instead of jumping to worst-case scenarios and assumptions, you can strengthen your relationships and learn to trust again. The healing properties of Blue Kyanite give you the power to tap into distinct energy frequencies. These frequencies go beyond the usual wells of information you experience in your day-to-day life. Instead, they provide insight into the energy fields of ethereal realms beyond your own. In turn, you can gain wisdom and communicate with your unseen protector.

Top 11 Stones For Protection

6) Black Obsidian
Black obsidian has an ability to heal past hurts and negative emotions. When you still carry pain from the past, you are unable to move on and truly learn from the experience to become the person you were meant to be. You become stagnant and get stuck, with no room for self-growth. Black Obsidian absorbs negativity, helping you to get rid of selfish thoughts and intentions, and giving you the gift of foresight. With negativity at bay, you are able to make better decisions that will help you move on and grow. A Black Obsidian is a powerful crystal for psychic protection, helping to clear the negative psychic energy within your aura by acting as a psychic vacuum cleaner. In addition to protection and releasing negativity, you can use the black obsidian gems for root chakra healing and grounding.

7) Apache Tear
Apache Tears are a volcanic form of Obsidian created when hot lava spewing out of a volcano solidifies before it hits the ground. It is literally fire energy from deep within the Earth! It instantly grounds us back to Earth’s energy. Apache Tears are created from the deep core of the Earth whose energy will help us heal our deep seeded emotional wounds. A very supportive stone during times of sorrow, they work to help us release our grief, removing blockages that prevent that removal and accept that what happened, has happened, while uplifting us to move on. Apache Tears’ extremely powerful grounding energy can be harnessed to transport our spiritual energy back down to earth during times when we are living with only our higher Chakras in mind. It does this by helping us connect our spiritual experiences with our physical body ensuring balance is inevitably realized. Apache Tears are a valuable tool to enhance our logic and critical thinking skills. This opens the door to new opportunities and skills, resulting in a feeling of hope and new beginnings. Releasing negative energies of all forms, Apache Tears also inspires positive change and emboldens us to put a plan of action together to achieve our goal.

Top 11 Stones For Protection

8) Spirit Quartz
A protective stone, both energetically and physically, Spirit Quartz shields the aura, transmutes negative energy, and protects from physical harm. The sense of calm and peace Spirit Quartz brings helps decrease fears, and makes it an excellent stone to use when dealing with the loss of a loved one, easing the grief of transition. Spirit Quartz can aid to increase physical and intellectual fertility. This offers a protective and grounding energy, while stimulating higher awareness. As well as offering protection, spirit quartz dispels negativity. As a grounding crystal, smokey spirit quartz resonates with the Root Chakra. It also aligns the Root Chakra with the Third Eye. This offers a protective and grounding energy, while stimulating higher awareness.

9) Shungite
Shungite works to cleanse and align all the particles in the body so that they are open and in alignment with the light. It carries strong purifying, cleansing and detoxifying properties. It can be used to clear your body of any dysfunctional patterns, which in turn can manifest as negativity, emotional difficulties or even certain diseases. Place a couple Shungite stones on an affected area and you will see an accelerated resolution of the problem. If you are looking for a more full body healing, instead of concentrating on a particular area, simply hold or meditate with the stones. Shungite crystals are also very beneficial for relieving stress and anxiety, soothing insomnia and boosting your overall energy level.

Top 11 Stones For Protection

10) Serpentine
Romans used this stone as protection against sorcery and the dark arts. Vessels were made of serpentine, as they were said to shatter is they came into contact with poison. Therefore many ancients began using serpentine to craft drinking vessels. In ancient Assyria, it is told that this stone was carried to request of the gods and goddess to provide blessings. In China and India it is quite often incorporated into altars, carvings temple decorations, as it is seen as a protective stone that will bring peace. Serpentine is a good cleansing stone, it detoxifies the blood and the body. It is said to aid longevity.

11) Rainbow Moonstone
Moonstone works as a type of prism that diffuses energy throughout its aura. To get psychic protection, you can put on rainbow moonstone and clear your senses. This gemstone also promotes calm sleep and lucid dreaming. As you wear rainbow moonstone, it connects you with the spirits and energies of nature. Moonstone is the ultimate protection stone. Practitioners believe that it keeps you safe from both visible and invisible threats. This stone keeps your auric field safe from harm. It’s said to act as a shield and beacon all at once! Not only does it make dark energy bounce off you, but it illuminates the darkness that already exists within.

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