Top 9 Stones For A Broken Heart

Top 9 Stones For A Broken Heart

Top 9 Stones For A Broken Heart


1) Pink Lemurian

Lemurian Seed Crystal displays deep healing energies and transmits to its wearer unconditional support and assistance. This crystal holds potent spiritual codes that awaken your spirit and aids you to achieve a more heartfelt emotional healing, higher intuition, and a sincere sense of unlimited love. Lemurian crystals transport a deep sensation of support and assistance. It surrounds you with a high vibration shield that makes you feel fully supported to carry on with your life journey with confidence and higher strength. It works on clearing your energy field and brings to your life a sense of inner clarity, inner ease, and a profound feeling of comfort.

2) Pink Mangano Calcite

Pink Mangano Calcite is a stone that will bring you peace and serenity. It will infuse you with energies of tranquility and well-being.This stone will enhance the energy flow from the crown chakra all the way down to the heart chakra. This stone will be very soothing and calming when you hold it in your hands during energy work or meditation. It will boost your self-esteem and your self-confidence. It will also enhance your sense of compassion towards others. This stone is beneficial for those who are suffering from any type of emotional trauma, including the loss of a loved one, a nasty breakup, or physical and emotional abuse.

Top 9 Stones For A Broken Heart

3) Rhodocrosite

Rhodochrosite gives us new energy, making us more cheerful and less prone to depression. When “all is well” in our own life, Rhodochrosite inspires self-confidence, generosity, spontaneity, and creativity. But when we have suffered trauma and are in emotional pain, Rhodochrosite’s energy shifts to all-encompassing focus on love and comfort. It evokes the wise, fierce, and loving Mother Goddess to hold us and make us whole again. Rhodochrosite is especially good for anyone who has been abused, is suffering from a broken heart, has survivor guilt, or otherwise struggles with feelings of unworthiness. Rhodochrosite gently takes away the pain and helps us to work through our complex emotions; reminding us over and over again, that we are loved, we are seen, and we will be alright.

4) Chrysoprase

It can mend a broken heart, heal relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones and release the negative energy. Chrysoprase helps one to overcome compulsive or impulsive angry thoughts and behavior, and turns your attention to positive events. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing codependence whilst supporting independence and encouraging commitment. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes and stimulates acceptance of oneself and others.

5) Ruby

This exquisite crystal emanates the pure Red ray with a vibrancy unsurpassed in the mineral kingdom. It actively stimulates the Base Chakra, increasing vitality and chi, the life-force energy, throughout the physical body and into the spirit. It promotes a clear mind, increased concentration and motivation, and brings a sense of power to the wearer, a self-confidence and determination that overcomes timidity and propels one toward prosperity and achievement. Ruby initiates the sensual pleasures of life. It stirs the blood and stimulates the heart, encouraging one to enjoy being in the physical world. It increases desire and sexual energy, and may be used to activate the kundalini. Â Ruby has always been associated with love, especially faithful passionate commitment and closeness. In antiquity Rubies were considered to be perfect wedding stones.

Top 9 Stones For A Broken Heart

6) Black Obsidian

The Black Obsidian stone is primarily a grounding stone, making it a wonderful accompaniment of the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, at your pelvic floor. It attaches you to grounding energy from the earth. A thoroughly balanced Root Chakra helps create a solid foundation for your life and provides stability to all other Chakras above it.

If your Root Chakra is unbalanced, you will experience instability in all areas of your life, and all remaining Chakras will be unbalanced. Chakra imbalance causes physical illness as well as unbalanced energy flow. Black Obsidian has a deep vibration that closely matches your Root Chakra, which can help to balance it and keep it stable. Black Obsidian also aids in balancing the Third Eye Chakra, as it aids in the asking of questions and receiving of answers, which can help you see situations correctly.

A Black Obsidian’s sharp edges are ideal for cutting through emotional resentments, negative feelings, and unhealthy emotions that hold us back from being fulfilled and reaching our full potential.

Even if you don’t have a Black Obsidian with sharp edges, the Black Obsidian stone can help break ties to negativity you are holding. Simply by focusing on the resentment or negative, non-serving emotion while holding a Black Obsidian can help bring it into your aura, allowing the Black Obsidian to absorb it.

7) Green Aventurine

Some indicators of a blocked heart chakra include underactive empathy, excessive emotional detachment, an inability to forgive, or a refusal to love or to allow others to love you. Working with green aventurine can help to heal these heart wounds. In addition, those with an overactive heart chakra (i.e. those who find themselves being too empathetic) could benefit from working with green aventurine, as well.

8) Pink Opal

Pink Opal works to heal our emotions, allowing our hearts to open to love.  Pink Opal is often referred to as “The Stone of Resolution” as it works to heal our emotional wounds and deep hidden fears enabling us to resolve and let them go.  A compassionate and nurturing stone, Pink Opal’s gentle vibration and soothing pink colors will encourage peace and tranquility.  This vibration assists us in dissipating stress, worry and anxiety, while encouraging us to remain calm and centered as we go through the good and the bad times.  Hold onto Pink Opal when you feel nervous or anxious to calm your nerves.

It is a lovely stone to keep with you as it helps to bring the joy back into your life. Use Pink Opal when you need to get rid of old patterns that are no longer working for you, as well as giving you insight into ways that will help to enhance your emotional, spiritual and intellectual self. You can use this “stone of renewal” to aide in your journey of self-acceptance and love. Pink Opal can keep you calm and centered.

9) Pink Amethyst

Because it is a symbol of love, pink amethyst is an ideal gift to give to a loved one. It will help them realize how much they are loved and will strengthen your bond with them. Pink amethyst is also a wonderful gift to give someone who has suffered the loss of a loved one. It will help them realize that they are not alone and that love is still present in their life. Pink amethyst will help you communicate your feelings to others in a way that they can understand. It is also an excellent stone for empaths because it will allow them to feel the emotions of others without being overwhelmed. Pink amethyst is a stone that will help you to heal your heart, mind and body. It will also help you to understand yourself better and find the happiness within yourself.


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