Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Phenacite
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Phenacite, Phenacite strengthens community, helping to bring individuals together and building unity for a common purpose, goal. Phenacite is an extremely powerful and intense stone. Phenacite is highly sought after by metaphysicians due to its high energy frequency, vibration. Phenacite also activates the higher chakras and assists in alignment with the higher self. This crystal is purifying and integrating, bringing the spiritual vibrations down to Earth. It resonates with the etheric body, activates the light body, and aids the ascension process. It activates healing from the etheric body to the physical and has the power to amplify the energy of other healing crystals.
Phenacite is excellent to use for nerve damage, brain imbalances, brain damage and genetic disorders that limit brain function. It can help stimulate stimulate and enhance various aspects of brain function. Phenakite eases the pain and nausea that is due to migraine and headaches. Phenacite helps illnesses where conventional medicine is not working or where the body has been weakened by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, genetic disorders, autoimmune diseases, HIV and AIDS. Phenacite accesses the Akashic Record, helping to identify and release disease. When used in combination, Phenakite helps to amplify the healing energy of other stones.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Phenacite
Longer meditation with one of these stones at the third eye can initiate visions of colors and sacred geometric forms that can be doorways for interdimensional travel. Those who work with them will find themselves lifted and opened in ways that expand their inner horizons. It stimulates the Light Body by radiating pure and clear light. It’s a very important stone that can bring you to a higher consciousness and open the interdimensional doorways for inner travel and understanding. Phenacite can open your chakras and help you with psychic work.
Phenacite is an extremely powerful and intense stone. Phenakite is highly sought after by metaphysicians due to its high energy frequency/vibration. Phenakite is a powerful Third Eye activator and Crown Chakra stone, opening the user to visionary intuition and higher awareness of the spiritual realms (including the Angelic realms and Ascended Masters), as well as facilitating the downloading of spiritual knowledge. Phenacite also activates the higher chakras (above the crown) and assists in alignment with the higher self. Phenacite acts as a guide through the process of spiritual initiation. Often during these initiations, you must make choices that will affect your physical life on Earth. Phenacite can help you make the choices and take the actions that are most aligned with your spiritual purpose and path. As a Storm element stone, Phenakite strongly activates the intuitive and psychic abilities and acts as a spiritual lightning rod, drawing powerful Light energy to the body.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Phenacite
Phenacite are potent high vibration crystals, a crystal of the Light that will generate pure, clear white light. They also have the ability to clear energy pathways in the body, and may boost your intuition and enhance your telepathic ability. They stimulate and activate your inner vision, as well as the crown chakra, third eye chakra and pineal gland. If they are used consistently, these highly spiritual stones will lead you in a new direction. This may bring you to new levels of spiritual advancement, that will lead to rapid personal growth. They are potent healing crystals for you to add to your collection, as depending on where and how they are used, have the ability to clear and heal any chakra.
Phenacite, is the highest Angel Crystal. Phenakite means “the deceiver” in ancient Greek, because it looks so much like a diamond when it is cut into a faceted gemstone. Phenacite allows you to bring universal love into your life. It clears, cleanses, and activates all of the in-body Chakras. This stone is most connected to the Chakra out of your body, above the Crown Chakra. It is an excellent Healing Crystal, altering the ethereal energies to heal the physical body. It works well with other stones, including Angel Crystals, facilitating their energies and using all those energies to do its work. You only have to see this wonderful gemstone in either “gemmy” rough or in a gem to know how special it is.
Phenacite is considered to be one of the most powerful minerals that are used in crystal healing. It can be used to assist personal and spiritual growth. The stone appears to open one’s mind and speed the progress. Those who use it may experience synchronicity phenomena occurring unexpectedly in their lives. Phenacite has a remarkable healing potential. It is able to clear, cleanse, activate, and align all the chakras in the body. It increases the vibrational energy and helps the body cells to regenerate. It can be used to heal neural disorders, nerve damage and cerebral imbalance. It activates the third eye chakra and helps to clear the mind and gain the insight. It has the capacity to bring love and positive energy into one’s life. Phenacite promotes meditation and permits access to the regions of the mind that go beyond intuition. The healing takes place on a quantum level and there is nothing magical about it.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Phenacite
Phenakite is a high vibration crystal that is used to achieve higher states of consciousness. You may also receive passive impressions from spirit while carrying the stone throughout the day. A majority of widely available Phenakite comes in small fingernail-sized specimens. A large specimen would generally be smaller than the average palm size. Both small and large specimens are highly energetic and would be a valuable addition to any healer’s stone kit. Phenakite is popularly used in channeling sessions and seances to open the ears to hear spirit also known as clairaudience. It is one of the premier crystals for honing psychic abilities and lucid dreaming if the user is open to the experience.
Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider
Archangels: Mariel
Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Candle Color: White, Magenta
Chakra: Soul Star
Element: Spirit
Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang, Jasmine
Goddess: Juno, Gaea
Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus
Herbs: Neroli, Salvia, Roman Chamomile, White Angelica, Witch Hazel, White Sage, Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense, Hyssop
Incense: Frankincense, Bergamot
Planet: Jupiter And Uranus
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds
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