Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz, Red Quartz, sometimes referred to as Hematoid Quartz, is a variety of Quartz with a Hematite coating. It can be seen crystallized in masses, nodules, clusters, druzy, as well as inclusions within existing Quartz. The color of crystallized Hematite is predominantly red, but can also be seen as dark as maroon, burgundy and brown.
When combined (included) in quartz, it will form in several ways. One way involves hematite in its gray form, either attached to the quartz, or covered entirely by the quartz. When in this form, the hematite quartz piece appears heavier in hand. You might call this form “The General” as it is definitely one to take action. This type is often preferred over the second type we will discuss. Hematite, in many quartz pieces, shows up as a red powder in the included quartz. In this way, your quartz piece will have an all over red appearance, or it may be flecked with the red powder. This type of hematite included quartz is much more gentle when you are using it. Here it acts as the supportive friend, with the question “How may I help you to balance your need.”
Red Quartz offers an energy that at first, may feel rugged, extreme and “in your face”. A raw form of Earth’s essence, this coated Quartz embodies pure life, fortitude and protection. Life force energy is the essential ingredient in one finding their way in this ever confusing world. It is the gas to one’s fire and works towards shaping the existence of who we truly are. When one’s flame begins to smolder and die out, the inner spirit you house does so as well. This only leads to negative vibrations, which we all know are easier to attract than positive light and love.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz
This crystal is not a standard crystal for protection like many other stones you see. It doesn’t just provide a wave of good luck and call it a day. Instead, Red Quartz actively imbues you with feelings of confidence and fortitude. For this reason, the meaning and properties of Red Quartz can be overwhelming at first. The energy it produces is potent and requires an adjustment period for some practitioners. But once you adjust to the vibrational energy, Red Quartz is a powerful companion to have by your side.
Although Red Quartz is not a protection stone, it does offer up very powerful protective energies of our emotional bodies and auric fields. Just as our spirit and overall energy begins to strengthen as we grow with Red Quartz, so does the etheric shield this mineral provides. One can freely walk into environments full of negative vibrations without the fear of absorbing them. Evil deities that wish us harm and serve us no good do not stand a chance. So much so, we suggest this talisman for any deep meditation sessions with the goal of “slipping” out of your body. As one projects their very existence into the abyss, they must be protecting the vessel that houses them. Your physical being can be compromised in these states, and can pick up multi-dimensional activity. One must always be caring for and providing the essentials needed for both your consciousness, as well as your human existence. Pure Red Quartz, a true definition of Mother Nature’s power, provides the needed tools for this spiritual journey, and much more beyond that!
Just as our spirit and overall energy begins to strengthen as we grow with Red Quartz, so does the etheric shield this mineral provides. One can freely walk into environments full of negative vibrations without the fear of absorbing them. Evil deities that wish us harm and serve us no good do not stand a chance. So much so, we suggest this talisman for any deep meditation sessions with the goal of “slipping” out of your body. As one projects their very existence into the abyss, they must be protecting the vessel that houses them. Your physical being can be compromised in these states, and can pick up multi-dimensional activity. One must always be caring for and providing the essentials needed for both your consciousness, as well as your human existence. Pure Red Quartz, a true definition of Mother Nature’s power, provides the needed tools for this spiritual journey, and much more beyond that!
There will be times when you will need either one of these quartz pieces. The General, who takes action immediately, or The Supporter who tends to negotiate the situation to a very successful conclusion. The quartz in this, as well as in any other included mineral, acts as an enhancer of the overall energy presented by the piece. I would suggest that when you are checking out any stone that you also connect with the Elemental of the stones or quartz pieces. As I am sitting here with the types of hematite in quartz, I am feeling happy, balanced, and confident.
Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Red Quartz
We know that quartz conducts heat or electric impulse. That it is programmable, that is we can put an intent into it. Quartz also acts to enhance the energies of other stones or that which is included in it .When we find Hematite Included Quartz we naturally assume that it will increase the energy intent of the Hematite. Knowing that both the Quartz and Hematite are both protective we can be assured that energy is a higher vibration and will assist in repelling the negative or discordant energies that come at us. Because of Hematite’s nature, we can become even more grounded and focused because of this combination.
Practitioners say that it expands the knowledge you have of yourself, which helps you manage emotions and think clearly even in the face of adversity. Understanding what you’re thinking (and why) can help you process dark thoughts and come out the other side a much stronger person.
Its properties can provide you with a newfound sense of willpower and resolve. Many people fall prey to the debilitating effects of emotional pain. Instead of attempting to get better or push through those difficult times, folks just end up caving in and wallowing in self-pity.
Red Quartz doesn’t let that happen. It gives you the gas to restart your engines. What starts as a tiny spark of hope turns into a blazing glory or confidence! No matter what you’re going through, Red Quartz’s core meaning and energy make you approach every situation with vigor.
This red crystal is used to facilitate deep understanding between the lover that opens each heart to the other, strengthening the connection between them, dissipating any misunderstanding or block of communication errors.These dark red quartz crystals have a ray of scarlet influence that combines the energy of the pure red ray and the exuberance and joy of orange in a precious gift of nature. Scarlet is the color of strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual.
Have you ever had one of those low points when you find yourself at the bottom with what looks like no way out? This stone will lift you up and out of that state, supporting in a positive way. This piece can be found with the Hematite stone itself embedded or included within. It can also be found as Quartz with a red tint or the powdered inclusion. If you’re lucky enough to get your hands on Red Quartz, you have a lot to gain. Not only is this stone a sight to behold, but it also has a powerful meaning and healing properties that few other crystals can replicate.
Known as the stone of eternity, it brings comfort to the idea of growing old with ever growing inner beauty, wisdom, and gratitude for all that is and will be. It helps to release old emotions, and brings a positive outlook on life. It brings a calming, and tranquil vibrations to the heart. Agate promotes strength, willpower, and creativity. This is the stone worn by the garlands, holy men, and sages of India; worn for their divinity.
Like most healing crystals, Red Quartz is most sought-after due to its effects on the mind and soul. However, many practitioners believe that the properties of this fiery gemstone can also be used to help your physical body.
The most significant is your immune system. With regular meditation and exposure to healing energy, some say that you can experience a noticeable boost in immune protection. The theory is that this crystal helps your body become more attuned to your needs and more capable of fighting off diseases naturally.
Those suffering from autoimmune disorders are said to have the most to gain. While it might not heal those conditions outright, Red Quartz may reduce instances of severe illness.
Another purported health benefit revolves around your reproductive system. Red Quartz is thought to address infertility in both men and women. Healers say that it improves your chances of conception while also granting ongoing protection to developing babies in the womb.
This stone is often used by practitioners with the intention of addressing blood disorders as well. Those with anemia may finally experience relief and better health.
Finally, many say that Red Quartz can encourage detoxification. Many believe that the crystal supports liver and kidney function. It’s said to make crucial filtering organs more efficient, which might help you avoid disease and the harmful effects of environmental toxins.
Red Quartz has a significant impact on your metaphysical plane. Its metaphysical properties don’t just trigger one energy point. According to most healers and meditators, it influences three of them!
The first is the root chakra. The root chakra is the first of your primary chakras and is responsible for your feelings of stability.
It’s the access point for life force energy to enter your body, so it’s one of the most crucial to keep open. When blocked, the root chakra will turn your life upside down. Many say that they start to feel lost, confused, and complacent. It makes you think that you lack purpose in this world, which results in shaky footing.
As you can probably guess by its meaning, Red Quartz works as a root chakra stone to ensure that this chakra stays open. Its metaphysical properties and power to generate strength from within can help you remain optimistic and driven no matter what life throws at you.
Red Quartz is the ultimate strength-bringer. That makes it a great crystal for manifesting and reaching the resolution you’re after. Whether your end goals are akin to a mountain or a molehill, the properties of this crystal will help you get there. It keeps you motivated, enhances your brain, and gives you the zeal you need to accomplish anything. Red Quartz can also influence how you think by shifting your perspective from an “I can’t” mindset to an “I will” attitude.
Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog
Archangels: Archangel Uriel
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Candle Color: Red
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood
Goddess: Lua, Neriene
Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos
Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root
Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver
Planet: Saturn and Mars
Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns
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