Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite, Chiastolite Tumbled Stones, Chiastolite, also known as Cross Stone, is a very rare variety of Andalusite, an aluminum nesosilicate mineral with crossed shaped inclusions of black Graphite and Carbon. The cross can only be seen when this mineral is sliced, though it does run throughout the entire stone. This mineral was first mentioned in a 1648 book titled “De Gemmis et Lapidibus”, but was officially recorded in 1754 by José Torrubia. Chiastolite only has three active localities which include central Massachusetts (USA), Asturias, Spain, and the Bimbowrie Conservation Park in Olary Province, South Australia, Australia

Chiastolite is a variety of Andalusite which contains a naturally occurring cruciform pattern or black cross and is also known as the “Cross Stone”. It occurs in brown, grey, reddish brown and olive green varieties. The name Chiastolite derives from the Greek “chiastos” meaning cruciform or cross marked. In some ancient texts Chiastolite was also called “Lapis crucifer”, which literally means “cross stone”. The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word “chiastos” meaning cruciform or crosswise. This crystal also has the common name of Cross Stone. The stone Andalusite is the same stone, in another form, that does not have a visible cross within it. These brown stones with a black cross in the center are found in a number of countries, including Australia, Spain, Sri Lanka, China, France, Chile, Brazil, Russia, Canada and the USA.

Chiastolite is good for devotion, change, problem-solving, creativity, and practicality. It helps you to be strong in difficult situations. Traditionally a sign of the Cross. It transmutes dissension and conflict into harmony. It dispels negative thoughts and feelings, and releases outworn patterns. It maintains spirituality during illness or trauma, invoking protective forces.

Chiastolite is a highly protective stone. It’s a very good stone because of its psychic resistance. It will protect you from negative energies, and it will help prevent your energies from getting drained.It will act like a protective shield around you, making you feel safe and secure. Everyone around you can be feeling overwhelmed with the demands of the job, but you will feel light and energetic. You will have reserves of strength even on the busiest days, and you will still have plenty of energy left to spend on yourself or with your loved ones. Chiastolite will help you channel your abilities when communicating with the spirit world. It’s also an excellent stone to use during meditation because it will help you focus on the energies surrounding you. It will also allow you to see memories of your past lives. This mineral is also a perfect talisman for protection and warding off negative vibration and deities. Simply holding this stone helps raise one’s awareness to their surrounding energies, as well as etherically shielding one’s aura. Old Native Americans believed heavily in the protection aspects this mineral provided and would readily have it with them during rituals and ceremonies.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Chiastolite helps one open up their root chakra and connect their energies to that of Mother Earth. These energies can provide one with mental clarity and inner peace, as well as accelerating one’s self healing process. One’s aura will constantly be filled with positive energy when working with Chiastolite, thus leading to joy and enlightenment. This mineral also assists in peeling back the layers of who you truly are, helping you deal with all of your life experiences. We recommend this mineral for anyone who is looking to personally grow spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Chiastolite bestows strength, power and perseverance, and is extremely calming. It is considered by many to be a strong protection against negative energy as it deflects it rather than absorbing it, and traditionally was used to ward off curses. It also has a strong connection with the cycle of death and rebirth, and can aid the acceptance of life beyond. All varieties of Andalusite are highly protective, especially the opaque version known as chiastolite. The rarer, transparent gem-grade version has an energy that is warm, gentle and immediate, and not only protects, but is comforting and lifts the spirits as well. When used in connection with the Throat Chakra, it helps us to speak our truth. It aligns and “lights up” all the Chakras, and opens the Crown and Third Eye Chakras, encouraging both psychic and spiritual development and aiding deep meditation. Chiastolite connects with the past, and can be used to work with not only the past, but past-life as well. Physically, it can repair structural damage to both bones and connective tissue, and when placed on the body it sends heat where it is needed.

Chiastolite aids in problem-solving and practicality but is also good for creative thinking. It helps in understanding death and the cycle of life. Clears feelings of guilt and shame. Beneficial for times of change and transformation. It is a very protective and balancing stone that grounds spiritual energy. It is good for rebirth and astral travel. Use this stone when adapting to change or when you’re looking into making a change. It can also be used when clearing out emotions that no longer serve you. Hold Chiastolite or keep it close to you when you need protection.

Chiastolite protects you from trauma, past and present, and is particularly useful for resolving longstanding conflict. It allows you to release any need for control and encourages you to follow your divine path without resistance. Chiastolite has also been known as the “Seeing Stone,” because it calms the mind and allows you to see yourself, others, and situations more clearly. Chiastolite promotes rational thinking, helping you see which path will promote the common good. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Chiastolite has been used since ancient times to ward off evil, ill wishes and curses. They believed the cross pattern in Chiastolite represented the four directions or four elements of astrology enabling the user to access their Akashic record that holds all their past life memories. Chiastolite is a transition stone, helping us cope with change on every level. Dissolving our deepest fears and calming our troubled mind make Chiastolite an excellent stone for times when we are scared to face reality and deal with the situation at hand.  It has the ability to transmute conflict into harmony in every aspect of our lives! Mentally, Chiastolite emboldens our problem solving skills and strengthens our ability to analyze events in our lives. It will help us attune to our soul’s true purpose clearing any feelings of guilt or shame we may be holding onto while stabilizing our emotions and fostering a safe, protective feeling inside.

Chiastolite has long been used for protection from illness and the negative thoughts or ill wishes of others. It was worn or held to ward off the evil eye, among other negative influences. It is thought to protect astral travelers, meaning experiencing “travel” or “awareness” outside of the physical body, from physical harm by grounding their physical bodies. As well as protecting travelers, It is thought to enhance the gateways of astral travel, making the process of out of body experiences easier. This stone is associated with balancing the immune system, healing hormonal imbalances and calming the nerves. Practiced healers use this to lessen the effects of fever and rheumatism as well as increase lactation in nursing mothers. This brown stone has a highly protective vibration.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

This stone has strong metaphysical properties, and in meditation it will aid you in connecting with the Akashic records to discover past life information. Its use as a bridge between worlds, or in times of change as an accelerator to release old limiting beliefs is renowned. Chiastolite can be used to empower and enhance astral travel. It is a gateway into the mysteries, and is helpful for those making the transition beyond death. It facilitates understanding and exploration of immortality and is linked to death and rebirth. It dissolves illusions and calms fears, enabling you to face reality. It aids in the transition between one situation and another, especially at the psychological level, and releases worn-out patterns and conditioning.

This mineral is also a perfect talisman for protection and warding off negative vibration and deities. Simply holding this stone helps raise one’s awareness to their surrounding energies, as well as etherically shielding one’s aura. Old Native Americans believed heavily in the protection aspects this mineral provided and would readily have it with them during rituals and ceremonies.

In ancient times chiastolite was used to ward off the “evil eye” and help protect one from curses and ill wishes. It can help to transmute conflict or discorded energies into a more tranquil and empathic vibe. Because of those factors – it is great for someone that is passing into the next realms and helpful for those that are facing the transition of death or rebirth into another situation. It can be very healing to someone that has a lot of fears about transitions into other things, this can be death or some other major or minor life transition.

Chiastolite Tumbled Stones, In the distant past Chiastolite was used to ward off the evil eye and curses by ancient people. This is a stone of balance and harmony… and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement. This is an excellent stone for you to use alongside the higher vibration stones, as it is a powerful stone to aid you to journey to higher spiritual realms and to learn about the contents of the akashic records, while remaining grounded.



Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Archangel Sandalphon

Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Brown

Chakra: Earth Star

Element: Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Gaia

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Earth

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns


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