Day: June 12, 2021

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Chiastolite, Chiastolite Tumbled Stones, Chiastolite, also known as Cross Stone, is a very rare variety of Andalusite, an aluminum nesosilicate mineral with crossed shaped inclusions of black Graphite and Carbon. The cross can only be seen when this mineral is sliced, though it does run throughout …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Aventurine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Aventurine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Aventurine   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Green Aventurine, Aventurine is a stone of good luck… most often used in games of chance and gambling. Aventurine is a prosperity stone and makes a good amulet or talisman. Keep aventurine with you when you gamble, go on a job interview or seek …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Aventurine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Aventurine

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Aventurine   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Orange Aventurine, Orange Aventurine is a member of the Aventurine family and a variety of Quartz. The orange colors are from tiny inclusions of Hematite and Goethite. Occasionally you will see some forms of Mica (the tiny specs that sparkle on the surface). Depending on the amount and …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Spider Web Obsidian

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Spider Web Obsidian   Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Spider Web Obsidian, Obsidian is a strongly protective stone that helps to form a shield against negative forces and provides a cord from ones base chakra to the center of the earth. This kind of anchoring can be overwhelming for some since it …

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Apatite, Is a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body, the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating to visionary states and is a good stone to keep in ones pillowcase for lucid dreaming and astral travel. …

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