Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Grass Jasper

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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Grass Jasper


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Grass Jasper, Jaspers have been revered by ancient peoples and civilizations throughout the world as sacred and powerful stones of protection, for both the physical and spiritual realm. They were known as the “rain bringers” and nurturers, healers of the spirit and stones of courage and wisdom. The name can be traced back in Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Assyrian, Greek and Latin, and the virtues of Jaspers have been extolled throughout the ages by the most noted physicians, magicians, poets, scientists, lapidaries and scholars. To the ancient and medieval world, the most highly prized was Green Jasper, a rare, single-colored variety ranging from pale spring green to a deep tea or olive green, described by one “Onomakristos” five centuries before the Christian era as “the grass-green Jasper, which rejoiceth the eye of man and is looked on with pleasure by the immortals.” Isidorus in 1612 echoed the sentiment saying, “The Jasper (Jaspis) signifieth green; and such a green as doth illustriously shine forth with a very supreme viridity, or greenness of glory.” The term Jasper is currently restricted to opaque microcrystalline Quartz, though the ancient iaspis was a stone of considerable translucency, often compared to the Emerald and other green objects. The ancient Jaspers may have included stones which today would be classed as Chalcedony, and the emerald-like Jasper referenced in so many texts may have been more like the modern Chrysoprase. Translucent Green Jasper is rare today as a single color and often of high quality, but along with the opaque variety, is more common in multi-colored or Rainbow Jaspers, Orbicular Jaspers, and as major components of specific stones such as Heliotrope or Bloodstone, Arizona Lizard Stone, and Rainforest Jasper. Known as “the rain bringer,” Green Jasper, when properly consecrated, was considered the ultimate and most reliable stone for this purpose. The 4th century author of Lithica claims, “The gods hearken to the prayers of whoe’er the polished grass-green jasper wears; his parched globe they’ll satiate with rain and send showers to soak the thirsty plain.”

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Grass Jasper, If you’re looking for a stone that is all about balance, connection to nature, protection and spiritual healing, then Green Jasper is one you’ll want to have in your collection. Geologically, Green Jasper is actually a type of Cryptocrystalline Quartz that is infused with iron silicate. It’s this iron silicate that gives Green Jasper its lovely, earthy green color. Throughout history, Green Jasper has been cherished for its stunning beauty, its calming meaning, and its ability to bring people closer to the earth and all its abundance. Green Jasper was also thought to have incredible powers of protection from poisons, evil spirits, bad dreams and negative thoughts.

Green Jasper was equally credited throughout the centuries for driving away evil spirits and ghosts, harmful fantasies, and witchcraft. It was particularly protective against venomous creatures, kept one from drowning, and warded off sorrow. It provided good health, made one amiable and brave, healed fever and edema, diseases of the stomach, lungs and chest, and increased fertility, aiding women throughout their pregnancy and childbirth. Green Jasper is still utilized today by metaphysical practitioners for these properties, and for its ability to balance obsessive tendencies and restore harmony to the emotional body. An ultimate sleep stone, Green Jasper is wonderful for young children to help establish proper sleep rhythms. Adults find it is a great addition to the bath or used as an elixir. Use Green Jasper to overcome obsessive compulsive disorder, and as an aid in efforts to diet, quit smoking, or in reducing one’s over-consumption of alcohol. It lends emotional support and strengthens self-control, as well as boosting physical energy levels. Its slow, steady vibration helps avoid extremes and encourages perseverance. Green Jasper is conducive to happy and healthy pregnancies, and has been used in fertility ceremonies in cultures from Eastern Europe to Africa. Wear one in a pouch around the waist for fertility if you wish to conceive. It also provides assistance during childbirth.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Grass Jasper, It is also believed that green jasper protects against snake venom and evil spirits. Some old German authors believe in its ability to attract the poison if it is placed on the bitten part of the body. The color of jasper also plays a role in a variety of uses and effects in our lives. Green jasper is considered as the most balanced and stable type of all jaspers. It can be particularly useful in giving a balance to your daily life. With modernism, we may be forgetting the deep healing and therapeutic benefits of the stone in real life, as we are going away from nature. In this post, we are going to know about many of the “wonder virtues” of green jasper.

There are plenty of reasons why Green Jasper has been cherished since ancient times. This beguiling, green stone is known to have an abundance of healing properties that can bring renewed health to the body, mind and soul. Whether you place Green Jasper into a beautiful jewelry setting, or if you use it as a talisman, elixir, or meditation crystal, this stone is known to possess incredible powers of healing. Green Jasper is a powerful tool for healing strong emotional problems such as a lack of impulse control, paranoid delusions and obsessive behavior and thoughts. It is also used by practitioners to help their patients with sleep issues like insomnia and nightmares. If you have a child who is plagued by recurrent bad dreams, then placing Green Jasper under their pillow or on a nightstand may have the power to drive away those dreams before they even happen.

A lot of spiritual work can be done if you spend time tuning in to the ancient rhythms and wisdom of the earth. When you are open to the lessons that can be learned from earth and nature, then you can take advantage of the deep and lasting healing that comes from it. The meaning of Green Jasper has a very close connection to earth, so using this stone during meditation or other practices may bring you all the benefits of this deep, primordial knowledge.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds


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