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How To Make Incense

How To Make Incense, a how to guide on how to make incense.

Making Incense

Incense Magick

When incense is burned prior to magical workings, fragrant smoke also purifies the altar and the surrounding area of negative, disturbing vibrations. Though such a purification isn’t usually necessary, it, once again, helps create the appropriate mental state necessary for the successful practice of Magick. When the incense is smoldered in a ritual setting it undergoes a transformation. The vibrations, no longer trapped in their physical form, are released into the environment. Their energies, mixing with those who use them, speed out to effect the changes necessary to the manifestation of the Magickal goal.

You needn’t limit incense use to ritual, but avoid burning healing incense just for the smell, or to freshen up your stale house. Burning magickally constructed and empowered incenses when they’re not needed is a waste of energy. If you wish to burn a pleasant-smelling incense, compound a household mixture for this purpose.

The Materials

Incenses are composed of a variety of leaves, flowers, roots, barks, woods, resins, gums and oils. Semiprecious stones may also be added to incenses to lend their energies to the mixture. Out of the literally hundreds of potential incense ingredients, perhaps 14 are most frequently used. Keep a stock of these herbs on hand if you plan to make several incense. These might include:

Frankincense, Myrrh, Benzoin, Copal, Rose petals, Bay, Cinnamon Pine needles or resin(pitch), Juniper, Sandalwood, Cedar, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary.

Be aware that many plants (if not all) smell quite different when being smoldered. Sweet scents turn sour fast.

Tools Needed For Incense Recipes

First, you will want to have all your tools and ingredients together, before you start.

You will need:

• Your incense ingredients

• Mortar and pestle (a grinder) if your herbs/resins/flowers are not already in a finely powdered form.

• A measuring device-spoons, cup, or scale, depending on the quantity you are making.

• A hammer and metal mortar-if you have to crush a stone ingredient.

• Some small bowls, plates or containers for the powdered ingredients.

• A large wooden or ceramic mixing bowl-to blend your ingredients.

• A container for storing (airtight is preferred).

How To Make Incense.


No matter what recipes you are using, your incense ingredients will most likely need to be powdered, one by one. Grinding by hand is a wonderful way of adding your own being into your work. It is also somewhat relaxing and hypnotic. If your intention is a magical incense, set your goal in your mind, before you begin (prosperity, love, health, etc). It is especially helpful to visualize the intended outcome, as you grind. Even if you are not making a strictly “magical”, you can still add your intention to your finished product in this way.

Some ingredients will be easier to grind, than others. Some, will take a little practice to find just the right method. Experiment and find out what works best for you. Sometimes, you may even find that it is easier, if you don’t fight so hard, when grinding. Be flexible. If you have to grind a stone, you might try smashing the stone with a hammer, first. Then, grind the smashed stone to a fine powder in a metal mortar. If hand grinding your ingredients is plainly distasteful, you have arthritis, or you just don’t have time, you can always use an electric coffee grinder (do not use the grinder for stones).

If you are creating your own recipes or blends, be sure to write down every ingredient, what quantity, and what you visualized, as you go along, so you can recreate this in the future.

Incense has been smoldering somewhere in the world for thousands of years. It has been used for religious, and magical purposes, even as an air deodorizer, much as it is today. It is a wonderful way to change or set a particular mood.

All organic matter has it’s own inherent energy or vibration, as well as planetary and elemental correspondences. In making ones own magical incense, the magician chooses ingredients that will have the energies needed to manifest the goal. For a love incense recipe, you would choose ingredients that are known for promoting or attracting love. These energies may be used alone, or blended to add power to the magic work. A cleansing incense recipe might be used to clear a space of all negativity prior to the magical work, as well. In ritual, the energies are released through smoldering, and become accessible to the magician to use towards manifesting the desired magical goal.

Blending Your Incense Ingredients

Now, that you have all your herbs, resins, crystals, barks, flowers, etc. finely powdered and filled with intent, you are ready to mix and blend them into a finished product. Take all your ingredients, one by one, and add them to the large bowl. As you add each ingredient, mix them together with your fingers, visualizing the intended outcome as you do. Add your own power of intention, coming off your hands and blending with the energies of the fragrance in the bowl. Know that your will is infusing the incense with the energy to help manifest the magical goal. Now you are ready to add any oils or liquids to your blend. You won’t need very much, just a few drops is usually sufficient. If you are making a large amount of incense, and you are short a powdered ingredient, but have that oil on hand, it is usually fine to substitute a couple of drops of oil for the herb. Blend the oils and/or liquids into your incense, visualizing as you go.Some will call for a particular stone, as an ingredient. Usually, you only need a very small pinch, to give the effect. Add this in last, visualizing as you do. If you only want to boost your incense, you can normally add a pinch of amber, as it is an all around power booster. Dragon’s Blood resin is also used in this way.

Noncombustible Incense

Be sure you have all necessary ingredients. If you lack any, decide on substitutions. Each ingredient must be finely ground, preferably to a powder, using either a mortar and pestle or an electric grinder. Some resins won’t powder easily, but with practice you’ll find the right touch. When all is ready, fix your mind on the incense’s goal. In a large wooden or ceramic bowl, mix the resins and gums together with your hands. While mingling these fragrant substances, also mix their energies. Visualize your personal power–vibrating with your Magickal goal–exiting your hands and entering the incense.

Next, mix in all the powdered leaves, barks, flowers and roots. As you mix, continue to visualize or concentrate on the incense’s goal. Now add any oils or liquids that are included in the recipe. Just a few drops are usually sufficient. Once all has been thoroughly mixed, add any powdered stones or other power boosters. The incense is now fully compounded. Empower the incense and it is done. Store in a tightly capped jar. Label carefully, including the name of the incense and date of composition. It is ready for use when needed.

Combustible Incense

Combustible incense (in the form of cones, blocks, and sticks) is fairly complex in its composition, but many feel the results are worth the extra work. Gum tragacanth glue or mucilage is the basic ingredient of all molded incenses. Gum tragacanth is available at some herb stores. It is rather expensive, but a little will last for months. To make tragacanth glue, place a teaspoon of the ground herb in a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly until all particles are dispersed. To facilitate this, place in a bowl and whisk or beat with an egg beater. This will cause foam to rise, but it can be easily skimmed off or allowed to disperse. The gum tragacanth has enormous absorption qualities; an ounce will absorb up to one gallon of water in a week.

Let the tragacanth absorb the water until it becomes a thick, bitter-smelling paste. The consistency of the mixture depends on the form of incense desired. For sticks (the most difficult kind to make), the mixture should be relatively thin. For blocks and cones a thicker mucilage should be made. This where practice comes in handy; after a session or two you will automatically know when the mucilage is at the correct consistency.

If you can’t find tragacanth, try using gum arabic in its place. This, too, absorbs water. When you have made the trag glue, cover with a wet cloth and set aside. It will continue to thicken as it sits, so if it becomes too thick add a bit of water and stir thoroughly. Next, make up the incense base:

Cone Incense Base 6 parts ground Charcoal (not self-igniting), 1 part ground Benzoin, 2 parts ground Sandalwood, 1 part ground Orris root (this “fixes” the scent), 6 drops essential oil (use the oil form of one of the ingredients in the incense), 2 to 4 parts mixed, empowered incense.

Mix the first four ingredients until all are well blended. Add the drops of essential oil and mix again with you hands. The goal is to create a powdered mixture with a fine texture. If you wish, run the mixture through a grinder or mortar again until it is satisfactory. Add 2 to 4 parts of the completed and empowered incense mixture. Combine this well with your hands.

Then using a small kitchen scale, weigh the completed incense and add ten percent potassium nitrate. If you’ve made ten ounces of incense, add one ounce potassium nitrate. Mix this until the white powder is thoroughly blended. Next, add the trag glue. Do this a teaspoon at a time, mixing with your hands in a large bowl until all ingredients are wetted. For cone incense you’ll need a very stiff, dough-like texture. If it is too thick it won’t properly form into cones and will take forever to dry. The mixture should mold easily and hold its shape.

On a piece of waxed paper, shape the mixture into basic cone shapes, exactly like the ones you’ve probably bought. If this form isn’t used, the incense might not burn properly. When you’ve made up your cone incense, let it dry for two to seven days in a warm place. Your incense is finished.

Stick Incense

Add more trag glue to the mixed incense and base until the mixture is wet but still rather thick. The trick here is in determining the proper thickness of the incense/trag mixture and in finding appropriate materials to use. Try homemade wooden or bamboo splints, broom straws, very thin twigs, or those long wooden cocktail skewers. Dip the sticks into the mixture, let them sit upright and then dip again. Several dippings are usually necessary; this is a most difficult process.

When the sticks have accumulated a sufficient amount of the incense, poke them into a slab of clay or some other substance so that they stand upright. Allow them to dry. One variation on stick incense making uses a stiffer incense dough. Pat down the dough on waxed paper until it is very thin. Place the stick on the dough. Roll a thin coating of dough around the stick. The incense shouldn’t be more than twice the thickness of the stick. Squeeze or press it onto the stick so that it will stay put, and let dry.

Incense Papers

Incense papers are a delightful variation of combustible incense. Here, rather than using charcoal and gum tragacanth, tinctures and paper are the basic ingredients. To make incense papers, take a piece of white blotter paper and cut it into six-inch strips about an inch wide. Next, add 1 1/2 teaspoons potassium nitrate to 1/2 cup very warm water. Stir until potassium nitrate is completely dissolved. Soak the paper strips in the nitrate solution until thoroughly saturated. Hang them to dry.

You now have the paper versions of the charcoal blocks used to burn incense. The obstacle in scenting them is to overcome the normal smell of burning of burning paper. For this reason, heavy fragrances should be used, such as tinctures. Tinctures compounded from gums and resins seem to produce the best results. Empower the tincture(s) with you Magickal need, then pour a few drops of the tincture onto one strip of paper. Smear this over the paper and add more drops until it is completely coated on one side. Hang the strip up to dry and store in labeled, airtight container until needed.

To speed drying, turn o the oven to a low temperature, leave the door open, and place the soaked incense papers on the rack. Remove them when dry. Generally speaking, incense papers should be made with one tincture rather than mixtures. To use incense papers, simply remove one paper and hold it above your censer. Light one tip with a match, and after it is completely involved in flame, quickly blow it out. Place the glowing paper in your censer and let it smolder, visualizing or working your Magickal ritual. Incense papers should burn slowly and emit a pleasant scent.

Plain unscented papers can be used in place of charcoal blocks. For this purpose soak the papers in the potassium nitrate solution and let dry, then set one alight in the censer. Sprinkle a thin layer of the incense over the paper. As it burns the paper will also smolder your incense. You may have difficulty in keeping incense paper lit. The secret here is to allow air to circulate below the papers. You can ensure this by either placing the paper on some heat-proof object in the censer, or by filling the censer with salt or sand and thrusting one end of the paper into this, much as you might with incense sticks. The paper should burn all the way to its end.

Now That You Have Finished Creating Your Incense

You now have a complete incense. You can choose to take it one step farther and do a full empowerment ritual now, another day, or not at all (if you are not making a magical fragrance). Place the finished product in an airtight container, and mark it plainly with name and date. Keep it in a cool dark place. When you are ready to use your incense, just light a charcoal tablet, fan for a minute, then add a teaspoon or so of incense to the top of the tablet. If your recipes are being used for a spell or ritual, a tablet will burn for at least 30 minutes so you can light it at any time, and add the incense later.

Cautions and Disclaimers:

Never leave burning product unattended. Charcoal tablets, used improperly can cause severe burns or house fires. If you have never used charcoal tablets, be sure to read about them first! If you have never used any kind of herbs before, please read about them first! We make no claims, where magical incense is concerned as to it’s effectiveness or magical powers. This information is provided as a teaching guide, for how it is and has been used in the past, and you have to make your own decisions as to the suitability for any particular purpose.

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