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Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite

Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite

Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite


Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite, Lodolite is a type of included quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types. It’s often used in meditation practices. Another metaphysical use of lodolite is to bring energies to effect manifestation of one’s desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten one’s spiritual energies.

 As mineral inclusions, a combination of Chlorite, Iron, Feldspar and Calcite takes a different configuration in each stone, thus regarded distinct from each other. The fantastic healing vibrations of this stone too gains the strength from its inclusions. One of the most frequent and most prominent attribute of the stone is manifesting the desires of the inner soul by bringing them up to the surface for understanding as well as fulfilling. Lodolite can boost up the sleeping energy of the soul. The credentials and the energies of the stone too aid in the emotional healing, as the potent vibes of this charismatic gemstone releases the past life trauma along with the distressing memories of the childhood. It roots out the feelings from the emotional and intellectual torso that cause uneasiness in the mind and gives inner soul, the stress.

The inclusions that make this variety of Quartz so attractive to look at each add their unique properties to the crystal specimen. They represent a land or seascape through which you can imagine yourself journeying to find tranquility, peace, serenity, communication with higher beings, and spiritual insights. This crystal is a gentle, loving stone that resonates with harmonious vibrations, bringing reconciliations where there is discord and compassion where there is judgment. 

Lodolite is a lucky stone that will help you manifest your desires, especially when it comes to wealth and abundance. This stone will keep you grounded, stable, connected, and aware. It will dispel any negative energy that’s in your environment so that you can fully focus on your money goals.  It has a wonderful effect on inactive or blocked chakras, and the results will make you feel like a completely new person.

Lodolite is an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is helpful when used in meditation practices and is a great assistant that helps one with getting into the meditative state. Lodolite brings energies to effect manifestation of ones desires. Lodolite is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and heighten ones spiritual energies. It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. It heightens ones awareness of your emotions, letting you know what feels good and you keep doing it or it feels bad and you are able stop and change what your thinking to a better feeling through. 

The number one benefit that the stone potentially has to bring about is that of offering support to emotional healing. It does manage to give off some potent vibrations that release your past life trauma and any other distressful memories you may have or experience at any given time. This stone has been noted to inspire a sense of braveness and courage in those who attempt it. Many who have already used it have noted that it gives them the energy to push beyond the limits or the boundaries they have been capable of achieving without external support.

Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite

Lodolite is a wonderful stone to use for manifesting as it responds very well to programming. Simply send your positive intentions for a better life telepathically into this crystal, and it will accompany you on your quest to achieve the best outcomes possible in every situation.  When you are in possession of this stone, you cannot help but be infused with its calm but powerful strength to help you conquer your challenges. Its spiritual healing energy will be very beneficial to both your subtle and etheric bodies as well. Lodolite will help you achieve any goal you desire and any dream you want to manifest in your life.

Lodolite has a high level of life force energies that can be an effective cleanser to the organs. This stone can stimulate the immune system and the energy system by putting the overall body into balance. This stone is also known to be beneficial for the thymus glands, including the thyroid and the pineal glands. It can oxygenate the blood and treat issues that affect the pancreas, spleen, and liver. Lodolite can also be soothing to the eyes and help in the treatment of all eye-related conditions. This stone is also considered a natural antiviral. It can boost the immune system to fortify the body and make it anti-inflammatory. The soothing vibrations and colors of this stone also protect the skin. It can protect the respiratory tract and the membranes as well. It can eliminate the symptoms of flu and colds. It can also heal sinusitis, pneumonia, strep infections, emphysema, and ulcers. It’s known to help in the treatment of nerve-related pains, as well as bronchitis, staph, and dry cough.

Lodolite Included Quartz has a fantastic healing vibration, the wonderful qualities of Clear Quartz plus the additional vibrations of its inclusions. The Clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions. Included Quartz aides in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress. Meditating with Inclusion Quartz brings soothing guidance from spirit guides.

Metaphysical Healing properties Of Lodolite

It is used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives. Lodolite is said to bring loving energies and energies of gentle strength. Mystically and in crystal healing, lodolite is purported to be an excellent healing stone bringing strong healing energies and energetic shifting so that healing will occur. Lodolite is associated primarily with the crown chakra.


Soul Star


Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Mariel

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: White, Magenta

Chakra: Soul Star

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang, Jasmine

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Neroli, Salvia, Roman Chamomile, White Angelica, Witch Hazel, White Sage, Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense, Hyssop

Incense: Frankincense, Bergamot

Planet: Jupiter And Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds






Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Archangel Uriel

Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Red

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Lua, Neriene

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Saturn and Mars

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns


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