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Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite


Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite, Actinolite possesses the qualities of balance, harmony and equilibrium. Actinolite brings your body’s functions into harmony and balance. It can affect the color vibration of other stones and enhances their overall effectiveness. Actinolite is a phenomenal, metaphysical shielding device and expands the energy bodies especially when used in conjunction with Sheen Obsidian. Actinolite expands the aura, crystallizes and heals the edges of the energy fields. Actinolite connects one to higher awareness bringing body/mind/spirit into balance. This expansion of the energy bodies provides for connection to “All that is” and facilitates the “brotherhood” of all.  Actinolite is an excellent crystal aid for visualization. Actinolite may be a useful stone the removal of blockages and procrastination. Actinolite is useful if you have lost your way and need new direction, as the energies of this crystal instills a sense of right timing and purpose.

Actinolite can increase one’s self-esteem by getting rid of negative feelings, especially those of isolation that can hinder progress. It makes us more in tune with nature and all of our surroundings. Use Actinolite to connect with spirit guides.

It is excellent for helping you overcome indecision, hesitation to begin a task and a fear of moving forward in your life. It will overcome a lack of confidence and belief in your self. Actinolite stabilizes, grounds and offers certainty in your daily life. It will guide you to explore new directions without forgetting your original path. It will aid you in increasing your self worth, gaining inner strength and patience. Actinolite will help you to recognize your own capabilities. It encourages inner balance, patience and a sense of timing.  Actinolite helps to prevent loneliness and alienation by opening your heart to others and so creating correspondingly friendly vibes in social encounters.  Use this stone in your workplace to shield you from any negativity and especially from divisive energies, troublemakers and gossips. 

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite

Actinolite helps strengthen the processes of your physical body, and allows it to accept what has taken place. It encourages your spirit to explore new directions, and gives awareness if you have strayed from your original goals. It promotes a feeling of self-worth and strength and encourages inner balance and patience. Actinolite is an excellent stone for psychic shielding, as it expands your aura and crystalizes its edges, connecting you to higher awareness while bringing body, mind, psyche and spirit into balance.

For individuals who wish to become more spiritual, actinolite serves as a sort of gateway into that realm. Life is all about balance, and sometimes we can all use a little help from the earth. If you want to bring some positive energy into your life, consider using Actinolite. Actinolite maintains and connects the person with the universal energies of the world. It helps the wearer in deep meditation and acquiring profound insight about the supreme. One must use Actinolite crystals in order to connect with the spirited guides as recommended by the experts. This crystal helps the person in being more attuned to the universal energies and powers.

Actinolite will manifest your life’s purpose on this our earthly plane. This stone is helpful when you have lost your way and are looking for a new direction. It will indicate the path for constructive evolution, highlighting the right timing and showing the value in mistakes. Actinolite is supportive when you are going to take a new direction. It helps you set new goals and will help initiate the required action. Actinolite is a stone that brings energy to the body and balances the metabolism. It assists in reducing the negative effects that occur in the body due to over-stress. Moreover, it also brings harmony in the energy of adrenals. Actinolite stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body and also increases the immunity power.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Actinolite

Actinolite is a phenomenal, metaphysical shielding device and expands the energy bodies especially when used in conjunction with Sheen Obsidian. Actinolite expands the aura, crystallizes and heals the edges of the energy fields. Actinolite connects one to higher awareness bringing body/mind/spirit into balance. This expansion of the energy bodies provides for connection to “All that is” and facilitates the “brotherhood” of all.  Actinolite is an excellent crystal aid for visualization. Actinolite may be a useful stone the removal of blockages and procrastination. Actinolite is useful if you have lost your way and need new direction, as the energies of this crystal instills a sense of right timing and purpose.

It is a protective shield which repels your own negative thoughts – this is particularly true of black Actinolite – and assists your body in adjusting to changes or traumas. An effective aid to visualization and imagery. It also helps instigate the balancing process of emotional and physical acceptance, and produces the openness and the well-being that allows you to be available and receptive to Divine energies.

Actinolite offers psychic protection and can strengthen the edge of your energy field, allowing you to expand your aura and remain safe in the process. It offers insight into energies that are interfering with spiritual growth and can help remove those blocks.  If you set an intention to release unwanted aspects of yourself, Actinolite can help smooth the process of letting go. Actinolite aligns mind-body-spirit.  It assists those who are looking to redefine their journey, calmly offering support and love as the new direction is discovered, gently urging you to take the risk of rebirth. It encourages ‘right’ action, alleviates procrastination, and improves self-esteem. This stone relieves stress, and awakens the ability to achieve higher consciousness.



Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds


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