Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite

Geological Properties Of Alantisite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite, is a combination of Green Serpentine and Stichtite. It promotes a more relaxed attitude to life, balancing mood swings and making us more aware of our own emotions and promoting inner peace. Atlantisite is an outstanding stone for meditation enabling you to both access and retrieve ancient wisdom and information about past lives. Atlantisite is calming, centering and grounding. It clears confusion, and sets you on your true course. It will connect you to the earth and bring that ancient energy all the way up to the soul star Chakra. This stone will show you ways to love and trust the Universe, and teach you how to accept the help that is available through the Universal link.

Its affinity with the Solar Plexus Chakra assists as a protector from negative energies. Encourages empowerment and confidence and therefore promotes thinking with love prior to speaking. Allows more flexibility and openness of opinion and faithfulness in promises. Alantisite can help us to access skills and knowledge from past lives in Atlantis and to bring to completion projects begun at that time. It can also help in raising the kundalini.

The stone to bring joy into the physical existence furthermore it with its wonderful incarnation of energies, it helps to connect the heart chakra with the third eye chakra and allow the wearer to link to his heart and listen to his inner intuition. It too serves to activate the kundalini energy which in turn helps the carrier of the stone to bring greater life force energy, clarity as well as the unification. The deep, rich purple color energies of this gem act as a powerful tool for opening the way to the spirit, it further helps to strengthen the feelings of love, compassion and caring for the anguish of others.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite

Alantisite Tumbled Stones, unites the powers of Heaven and Earth. It teaches us about our place in the web and circle of life, and how to be a good steward of this planet. It also reminds us that that Higher Beings, wise and compassionate, are watching over us and want to help us during times of need. Alantisite activates our intuition and the Kundalini Serpent, helping us connect with both Higher Beings and our own Highest Self. It also is an excellent tool for exploring past lives, both human and animal and even plant.

Atlantisite accesses past lives in Atlantis, reconnecting to your ancient wisdom and encouraging you to complete projects set in motion at that time. It also encourages you to be true to your word, to keep an open mind. ​​Atlantisite lends a hand in releasing emotional prototypes that no longer apply to the soul and spirit. This stone aids you in reacting to life in a balanced and harmonious manner. It encourages you to increase your social skills. Atlantisite helps in resolving personal conflict with others and promotes an understanding of the situation, which can lead to compromise. It drives out irrational fears and boosts up emotional communication as well as understanding. Atlantisite enhances your self-esteem, confidence and ingenuity.

Atlantisite is an excellent crystal for working on the heart chakra enhancing our sense and feeling of security and helping us to establish our “boundaries”. It is a stone that can be helpful in creating a special place in the house as it lends a calming and peaceful air to the area in which it is placed. It also helps us to think before we speak ! It promotes a more relaxed attitude to life, balancing mood swings and making us more aware of our own emotions and promoting inner peace. It can encourage us to solve any conflicts in a much more peaceful way. It is said to help unruly children modify their behavior patterns. It is a comforting stone for those living alone and helps us to be gentle with ourselves and gentle with others. It is also a protector from negative energies.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite

Atlantisite stone may aid in finding your own inner peace. It also helps in stabilizing the moods. This is also a wonderful meditation talisman, which may help you in accessing and retrieving ancient wisdom and information about your life in the past. Further, this stone may also enhance you own sense of security, as well as establish a personal boundaries. Atlantisite may help in promoting a quieter attitude towards life. It may also strengthen the feelings of compassion and love for others. Furthermore, this will also induce a calming vibration in life, and may bring tranquility and peace to the environment. It may increase your stamina and verve –and might help in maintaining or raising the energy levels.

​Atlantisite purges and purifies the Hara and Kundalini energy. It removes debris from old damage and negativity. Dissolves blockages and repairs the energy channels. When using atlantisite to activate kundalini energy within the chakras you will bring a greater life force and clarity into your life. Atlantisite will bring the physical body into alignment with the spinal cord. Due to its association with the Mother Earth atlantisite allows you to access out-of-balance energies and let them flow from the torso.

Serpentine is believed to assist in soothing the emotional body, while releasing fear of change and hardship. As such, it helps us look to the future with a positive mindset and openness. Furthermore, it is thought to contain the history of the Earth, the fairy domains and the Devic realms of the planet. Also, it is felt to help us connect with the heart and mind of Nature. Traditionally, this stone has been used for Kundalini activation and to clear blocked energy centres.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Alantisite

Soothing Stichtite is felt to emanate the vibration of love and forgiveness. As a result, it promotes compassion, unity and cooperation. This crystal is believed to offer protection from negativity by generating a bubble of light energy to shield the wearer.

Atlantisite helps you become calmer and more rational, it also promotes positive thinking. It will help you get rid of negative thinking and make you see the brighter side of things. It will help you achieve a more rational and more inspired way of thinking, as well as diminish any thoughts that will hinder the improvement of your self-esteem and confidence.




Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Wind






Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Raphael

Astrological Sign: Air: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Green

Chakra: Heart

Element: Air

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Rose

Goddess: Aphrodite, The Moon

Gods: Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Thoth

Herbs: Rose, Moringa, Neem, Rosemary

Incense: Sandalwood, Rose

Planet: Venus and the Moon

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Winds



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