Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven, Super Seven is a very spiritual stone from Brazil. Super Seven Crystal represents the universal brotherhood of humanity. Although not always visible, a piece of Super Seven retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrocite combined. This is part of what makes this stone so desirable. It is one of the few stones that retains all the energy and clarity of each mineral and it never needs cleansing or energizing. Because the Super Seven opens up all the senses and helps one to see auras it is considered and important stone for stimulating and developing all types of psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis and others. It is a powerful stone for healing the earth, mind, body and spirit. The very nature of the stone means that it is not associated with any one chakra, instead it is fantastic at healing, balancing and energizing all seven chakras, hence the name Super Seven.

This stone is a mixture of all of these seven crystals; Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Geothite, Lepidochrosite and Cocoxenite. It holds all the properties of all seven crystals and is, I think, one of the most powerful healing/expansive stones there are out there. It retains its own energy and never needs either cleansing or energising.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven, This stone carries the spiritual and protective qualities of Amethyst, the grounding ability of Smoky Quartz, the energy-amplifying properties of Quartz, with Rutile, Goethite, Lepidocrosite and Cacoxenite . Rutile brings strength, love, ease in making transitions, and stabilize relationships of all kinds; Rutile also fine tunes intuition. Goethite facilities clairaudience and metaphysical abilities and communication. Lepidocrosite deepens intuition, promotes grounding, dissolves confusion and overcome negative thoughts and replacing them with unconditional love. Cacoxenite brings spiritual awareness, it also helps to overcome fear and clear stress.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Super Seven helps in accessing the spirit realm and unlocking the knowledge and ancient beings within. The high frequency of this stone helps one attune their energy to that of celestial beings, allowing one to better understand the meaning and purpose of their soul. Super Seven helps provide answers to questions one may have for an entire lifetime, while also ushering in the ability to connect to one’s past life experiences. These past life episodes contain ancient knowledge one has been able to carry with them for multiple lifetimes. This unique blend of minerals helps bring this knowledge to the forefront, so that it may be unlocked and used in one’s current life.

It’s important to note that sometimes not all of the minerals occur in a singular cut or tumbled stone. Many dealers will still try and get away with selling the stone for top value, simply because it’s so hard to identify each crystal within. When purchasing this stone make sure it is from a reliable dealer. Trustworthy salesmen may even go the extra length in helping you identify the crystals within each individual piece.

Super Seven is the most magical crystal to meditate with. It does not need to be cleansed or charged, so there will be no non-intentional draining of misled energy. This crystal will attune you to new cosmic gifts, shift your awareness and promote psychic vision. Each crystal in the Super Seven matrix has it’s own set of properties which is what makes this crystal so extremely powerful and rare.

Super Seven aligns, balances, energizes the chakras and the aura to the highest vibration and raises the vibration of any crystal in its vicinity. When you take the time to meditate with and attune yourself to Super Seven, it can help your connection to the spiritual realm become much stronger. Amplifies intuition, useful to those working to develop seeing auras, and has strong grounding properties. Super Seven helps you to remember why you are here, what your role is in this lifetime, and how you can live your life so you meet this goal. This stone helps you embrace your soul’s highest purpose and discover how to warmly accept your divine purpose.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

Working with Super Seven repeatedly will help expand one’s consciousness while pushing for complete mental clarity. This stone helps bring the strength of one’s mind to the forefront, unlocking it and pushing one to process lingering thoughts and emotions. Once one is able to begin clearing their mind, they can then begin the journey of channeling the higher knowledge down to an earthly plane. Once this energy is grounded, it can then be used to push one in the direction of their most desired dreams.

There have been some Super Seven specimens with an unusual red mineral within, as well as sometimes coating the entire top of Super Seven crystal points. This mineral is Hematite, and has been baffling geologist still to this day. These Hematite inclusions have led to the nickname of “Super Eight”, providing one with enough of Earth’s energy to ground the higher powers within.

Super Seven is an amazing crystal to have if you have stress migraines, inflammation, breathing issues and overall pain, as it detoxifies and fights the causes of the ailments or diseases. It will support the nervous and immune system. Not only will it help curb inflammation and relieve stress, but it will also pinpoint the mental areas where the pain comes from. Many times when we complete a learned cycle from a past life, a new found pain will show up in our physical bodies from the act of healing this cycle – much like a bruise or scrape that is still in pain while it heals. This crystal will soothe the energetic pain, so that the physical body can handle the processing of this cycle, all while providing the wearer with the psychic intuition needed to understand where the pain is emerging from.

This stone will aid personal ascension by enhancing your psychic gifts and your psychic knowing. It will also guide you in taking the right path for your spiritual enlightenment and elevation. Super 7 will attune you to the stone’s metaphysical properties and activate the development of your psychic gifts.

Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Super Seven

The vibration of Super Seven links all of humanity, and guides us to help change the vibratory level of the entire planet. It aids in personal ascension by assisting us in developing our psychic gifts, especially psychic knowing, which helps us take the right path for our own spiritual enlightenment and elevation. It aids in the healing of physical, mental, and spiritual diseases.




Animals: Eagle, Raven, Spider

Archangels: Metatron

Astrological Sign: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Candle Color: Violet

Chakra: Crown

Element: Spirit

Essential Oils: Rosewood, Lavender

Goddess: Juno, Gaea

Gods: Buddha, Ahura, Mazda, Quan Yin, Zeus

Herbs: Gotu kola, Blue Lotus, Bacopa, Lavender

Incense: Frankincense, Myrrh

Planet: Jupiter and Uranus

Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs, Fairies of Trees, Flowers and Wind






Animals: Cow, Bull, Horse, Ant, Bear, Wolf, Dog

Archangels: Archangel Uriel

Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Candle Color: Red

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Essential Oils: Lavender, Cedarwood

Goddess: Lua, Neriene

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Dionysus, Mardyk, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos

Herbs: Ashwagandha Root, Ginger Root, Turmeric Root, Dandelion Root

Incense: Patchouli, Vetiver

Planet: Saturn and Mars

Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs, Trolls, Leprechauns



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